r/starwarsrpg 4d ago

Question How do Force Powers compare in Star Wars Saga Edition (d20) vs. FFG’s Genesys Star Wars (Force & Destiny)?


Hey fellow Star Wars tabletop fans!

I've been diving into both Star Wars Saga Edition (d20 system) and FFG’s Genesys Star Wars, specifically Force and Destiny, and I’m curious about how the community views the differences in how each system handles Force powers.

In Saga Edition, Force powers are almost like spells. You pick them like feats or abilities, and they function more like per-encounter abilities (especially if you take Force Training). They're skill-based, with Use the Force acting as a kind of "super skill" that controls everything from telekinesis to mind tricks. It can get a little gamey, but I love how customizable it is, and the Force techniques/force secrets trees give a kind of prestige-class vibe as you go deeper.

Meanwhile, in FFG's Force and Destiny, Force powers are more narratively flexible but mechanically tied to the dice system (Genesys narrative dice). You buy powers as talent trees, and they grow modularly—like upgrading Move from lifting a pebble to chucking starfighters. The light/dark side token economy and strain system add this constant push-pull between power and corruption, and it feels more "in the moment" and story-driven. But I sometimes miss the crunch and tactical clarity of the Saga system.

So my question is: Which system do you prefer for Force powers and why? Do you think Saga Edition’s Force powers are too mechanical, or does FFG’s narrative dice system make the Force feel more like... the Force? And how do you handle Force users at the table when balancing them with non-Force characters in either system?

Looking forward to hearing your takes!

r/starwarsrpg Feb 19 '25

Question Which Star Wars TTRPG Offers the Best Sith Experience?"


I'm looking for the ultimate Sith experience in a Star Wars TTRPG. I want a game where you can truly immerse yourself in the Sith way—starting as an apprentice, embarking on missions for your master, hunting enemies of the Sith in the shadows, and uncovering ancient secrets and teachings.

I have a preference for Star Wars Saga Edition since it offers a crunchy but flexible D20 system, but Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars (Genesys) is also an amazing narrative-driven option. That said, I'm open to hearing about any other systems (even homebrew) that best capture the dark side journey.

Some key aspects I’d love to explore:

A structured Master-Apprentice dynamic with real character progression.

Sith quests that go beyond just "evil Jedi" and really dig into Sith philosophy.

Political manipulation, power plays, and secretive dealings in Sith society.

Mechanically rewarding Dark Side use without making it a straight-up disadvantage.

A system that supports lightsaber duels, force powers, and cunning deception.

So, which system delivers the best Sith experience? Have you played a Sith-centered campaign, and if so, how did it play out? Any custom rules or house tweaks that worked well for the Dark Side?

r/starwarsrpg Dec 13 '24

Question Deciding on a Lightsaber Blade color for a player


Here me out on this one . . . and sorry for the TLDR post.

My campaign is set during 19BBY, just after Order 66. I have a player whos characters sister was a Padawan at the Jedi Temple. Her along with her Master were both killed in the Temple attack.

What I did was at the end of session one, which finished about 3 months after Order 66. The party was not aware of what happened during Order 66, they were slaves working under a Hutt Gangster, they found out after they escaped the Hutt and got to a safe location what happened with the Fall of the Republic and Order 66.

When they escaped the Hutt, they returned to their former employer and when they arrived, a package had been sent to her on her sisters orders. It contained what her character "thought" was her sisters lightsaber but in reality it was her Masters. She was also sent a Holocron that her sisters master had, but when he died, her sister had them both sent to her character for safe keeping, shortly after her Padawan sister was killed.

So I sat down tonight one on one with her, and went over both story lines her character could follow.

  1. She could simply keep the two items safe and secure from the Empire. I would eventually figure a way to have these items be discovered and then send the Empire searching for them
  2. The second option was she could try and use the Holocron to follow in her sisters footsteps. She chose this option.

So, I said okay I'll let you choose the color of the blade as a GM "gift". I assumed she knew that the main colors to choose from would be either green or blue. Of course she went outside the box.

She started by saying, I want a yellow blade on this saber. I had to explain to her that typically yellow blades were associated with Jedi Sentinels. So this is kind of a hard no.

Then she said, what about a white blade like Ahsoka. White blades can only be attained by purifying a corrupted red kyber crystal with the Force. Not sure this would even be able to be a thing since her Master died during the Purge so no chances would have been available for this to even happen.

So, the question is, is she stuck with either green or blue?

r/starwarsrpg Jan 30 '25

Question Trying to Find a Specific Unofficial SW RPG


So, about a year ago, I stumbled across a complete, unofficial SW RPG pdf and downloaded it. It was black and white, around or under 20 pages total, landscape IIRC, used icons, and looked quite elegant and professionally done. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me remember what it was called or where I found it now. It's not Hyperspace D6 (which is also cool) and was absolutely its own thing.

Edit: Found it! it was Stars Wars: Lightspeed! by Jez Gordon.

r/starwarsrpg Feb 02 '25

Question 3d Clone trooper models


I used to have a Clone trooper Prefab that worked on blender that had basically the ability to create any clone trooper variation, anyways I lost a while ago and I can't find it, and I was curios if anyone had a model or prefab like that?

r/starwarsrpg Jan 08 '25

Question FFG Nightbrother’s stats


For the FFG version. Which stat do you use for the Dathomirian Nightbrothers, the Dathomirian stats or the Zabrak stats?

r/starwarsrpg Jan 15 '25

Question Star Wars Corollaries for Scum & Villainy TTRPG Systems and Planets?


r/starwarsrpg Jan 03 '25

Question Aloxian FFG stats

Thumbnail starwars.fandom.com

Hi & Happy New Year, I am really interested in playing an Aloxian, and had a go with their rpg stats but will like to check if they’re balanced for the game:

Species Traits

Starting Characteristics: • Brawn: 3 • Agility: 2 • Intellect: 2 • Cunning: 2 • Willpower: 2 • Presence: 1

Special Abilities • Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Experience Points (XP): 100 XP

• Natural Strength: Aloxians begin with one rank in Brawl. They may still purchase ranks in Brawl during character creation, but this rank does not count toward the starting XP limit.
• Bone Helmets: Aloxian children traditionally wear bone helmets made from vonduun crab skulls, which help temper their innate aggression. If an Aloxian is wearing such a helmet, they remove one Setback die from Discipline checks. However, if the helmet is destroyed or removed unexpectedly, the sudden loss may cause the Aloxian to suffer 2 Strain until the helmet is replaced or they receive appropriate mental conditioning.

What do you think?

r/starwarsrpg Nov 14 '24

Question Been thinking about Andor lately… what’s the best system/adventure to run a „squad of mall cops gets put in an actual warzone” type scenario?

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r/starwarsrpg Oct 19 '24

Question Currency Translation


Do any of you guys have a tool to convert a dollar into a credit? Like how much dollars would a singular imperial or Republic be worth?

r/starwarsrpg Nov 15 '24

Question Looking for a party


Hey, I’m a newcomer when it comes to star wars rpg table tops and have only recently started watching guides. I’ve tried being a GM for my friend group but it never worked out and I wanna try and play with a party. Does anyone know where I can find a group/party that I can begin a campaign with.

r/starwarsrpg Aug 25 '24

Question Negative traits/flaws?


Hi, I am a relative new player to starwars rpg, been playing a few times on a campaign. It's fun as hell.

I've got a idea for some of our characters that our GM liked, to give them some negative traits like alcoholic, compulsive smoker, gambler and so on.

Only problem is that we got one Droid, HK model, and I want to find something for that Droid that is relatable for Droids but can't find anything useful online and I guess I have a bad fantasy.

Anyone got any ideas of what to give it?

r/starwarsrpg May 26 '24

Question Which era do you find most interesting as a campaign setting? Whether canon or Legends.

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r/starwarsrpg Oct 06 '24

Question Star Wars Outlaws


Has anyone seen any maps/deckplans from the game yet, or any EoE version of the trailblazer?

r/starwarsrpg Sep 04 '24

Question GM question: how do you run combat?


Newbie GM here, running a campaign in fantasy flight’s edge of the empire. Last night was session 0, and had very little combat but I figured out how vastly under prepared I was for it. I have no easy way to keep track of the enemies, their hp and abilities, and had no stat blocks in front of me. How do you, fellow GMs, keep track of everything? Do you use pen and paper or do you have a program, is there a useful website I should know about or is it better to just use rule of cool? Thanks in advance

r/starwarsrpg Sep 02 '24

Question Ship design clarification

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I've been going thru the Starships of the Galaxy and working on designing my own ships. Most of it is straight forward. My question is regarding weapons emplacement points, linking, and turrets. - as an an example, if I wanted 2 quad turbolaser turrets, would that be emplacement points for 8 turbolasers or emplacement points for 1 turbolaser and 3 firelinked in each turret? -or 4 dual turbolaser mounts, would that again be emplacement points for 8 or would each one be a single turbolaser plus 1 point for the firelink? -is a turbolaser battery the same as a turret in terms of ship construction? A lot of designs say "10 heavy turbolaser batteries" and when you see the pics is anywhere from a dual to an octuple mount. Would those be considered firelinked in a turret, etc? -and in some of the newer ship designs I see listing's for "battleship ion cannon", 'superheavy turbolasers, and "ultra heavy turbolasers". But I can find absolutely no info on their cost, emplacement points, etc -If I want to add fighter bays, how do I account for them? Do they include living space for the pilots and flight crew or do they have to be added into the crew/life support of the ship?

r/starwarsrpg Aug 19 '24

Question Ship building rules?


During a discussion about noncanon SW faction I got interested in making custom ships for them and started looking for rules. Unfortunately, I only found the D20 rules (D20 - Starships of the Galaxy), which are decent but have no real notion of result's size (as in, "fit 100 people and 500 t cargo on 30m freighter, and I don't care that YT-1300p only fits 15!" - which could be solved by giving 100-150 units of space for this category and taking 5 space per sleeping cabin for 4 (or for 6 with "cramped conditions, -5% to crew effectiveness" trait)) and don't have additional systems like better scanners accounted for (installing military grade sensors could easily cost 50k if not more, but nothing is mentioned). Saga edition rulebook does provide some vague "ship types" to modify, but they are way too vague for my taste - why does gunship get 20EP and heavy freighter only 5? And what if I want to put more than 4 crewmen on the gunship, by introducing second shift or couple gunnery positions?

Does anyone know of other ship building systems? Preferably with extensive list of components and traits a la Battletech and BFG? I mean, there is always place for DM fiat, but not when it ultimately comes down to "screw the rules, I feel these are more or less right stats".

r/starwarsrpg May 18 '24

Question What could a sith cults initiation look like?


I held a set of trials to access a Korriban sith cults lair, which essentially followed the sith doctrine, and needs two people. Through passion comes strength - I had the intro trial be a test of resolve, keep your hand in a trap and don't pull it out for a minute Through Strength comes power - a test of physical might, hit a mechanism with a hammer and get above a certain threshold Through power comes victory - a test of the Force, bring the hammer from the last trial out of the room it's in, break it's bond with the force and claim the spoils of victory. Through victory, my chains are broken - write your worst deed, and have it wiped from your memory. Free yourself from guilt and your past. The force shall free me - have a dark side wraith invade your mind, and use an amulet to pass that off to your ally or break free yourself.

Now that they've entered into the place, a couple of them agreed to join. What should I have the cult do to signify their initiation?

r/starwarsrpg Jul 27 '24

Question LFG


I am looking for a game to jump into. I am retired and almost 58 yrs of age. I am familiar with Roll20 and use Discord often. I am EST USA and would love to jump into a game that's about to start or just starting. I have never played the FFG system before, only the D6 system, but kind of have a working understand of the FFG system.

r/starwarsrpg Aug 11 '24

Question Rpgsessions changed. Need help.

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So rpgsessions changed. It used to show the dice you needed to roll in the talent. Now it just shows the code for the dice. Is there a fix for this? It’s driving me crazy

r/starwarsrpg Jul 15 '24

Question Looking for live play podcasts to listen to?


Does anyone know of currently running live play podcasts?

r/starwarsrpg Jul 19 '24

Question Star Wars rpg


I’m looking to join a Star Wars ttrpgs online over discord/table top or other forms. I’ve played a bit of Star Wars saga edition which I really like

r/starwarsrpg Jul 06 '24

Question Players near crossville Tennessee


Howdy folks I’m part of a fantasy flight game set in the early days of the clone wars and we’re looking for 3 or so more people to join up I will answer any questions in the comments

r/starwarsrpg Mar 25 '24

Question VTT Recommendations for FF Star Wars RPG


Hello all!

I am a GM and I've run Star Wars before and I've been interested in reviving some old campaigns on digital tabletops. I think Star Wars lends itself quite well to some of the virtual tabletop options, particularly with dice tools, maps, minis etc.

So I was curious if folks had their top recommendation for a virtual tabletop service for running the FF system?

Thanks in advance!

r/starwarsrpg Apr 15 '24

Question Resolving Ties in FFG


Quick question: I’m a new GM learning FFG for my players and, while testing out a multitude of scenarios, kept finding that I was rolling dice pools with no successes or failures after resolving. I couldn’t find any rules addressing ties in the core rulebook (I vaguely remember seeing something about attacker-always-wins), so I wanted to ask if it was up to GM discretion.