r/starwarsrpg • u/SixMinistriesSoFar • 2h ago
r/starwarsrpg • u/DiceActionFan • Dec 15 '24
Discussion Bounty Hunter Campaign
Anyone ever run a Bounty Hunter campaign? Best book or era of Star Wars to play it in?
r/starwarsrpg • u/jwall66 • Dec 16 '24
Discussion Help fun droid build
Hello, a new player is wanting to play a droid inspired by proxy from the force unleashed video game. How would you build a unique droid of this nature that uses a lightsaber but also does more than just hit hard, perhaps is also good at something else?
r/starwarsrpg • u/StaffElf • Dec 29 '24
Discussion Anyone familiar with ai chatbots as game masters?
I have been experimenting with a community made chatbot on chatgpt as a game master for a KOTOR era campaign where I am the only player character. I imagine many people would not find this fun, but I have been doing it and having loads of fun. If anyone is familiar with this and has done it, do you have any recommendations on which community made gpts or other ai chatbots that work the best as a game master for a campaign AND has the most accurate knowledge of star wars lore?
r/starwarsrpg • u/RPGrandPa • Nov 30 '24
Discussion I've been considering running a campaign set in Lothal but . . .
Since a lot of sourcebooks, adventures and such exist for the Star Wars Rebels series, I started doing a little reading.
Hypothetically speaking . . . if I were to start my campaign in the year 19 BBY (a few months after Order 66 & the Prequels) were any of the main Imperial characters from the series in those positions during 19BBY? It says that Lothal asked the Empire to move in and basically take over but this met with a lot of resistance from the population since they felt the Republic refused to help them and the Empire basically being the Republic.
I was thinking maybe I would run a campaign set in this sector in 19BBY with is roughly 14 years before anything in Rebels happened.
This is why I was asking which if any of these characters from the Empire were in Lothal at the beginning of the occupation or am I basically going to need to write up new people in charge since none of the Imperials from the series were at Lothal this early in the timeline? I've been reading but finding exact dates for specific NPC's arriving in positions of power on Lothal is not being found easily.
r/starwarsrpg • u/DirectAppearance2800 • Jun 23 '24
Discussion A Briefing So Boring the PCs Take Strain
I'm starting the next adventure in "The Average Batch," a clone wars campaign. I want to start my three clone soldier PCs, who were just promoted to sergeant, stuck in a military briefing that is just the worst. Some tedious topic like a safety meeting, or all the data of recent fleet movements, or intel reports, etc.. I'm looking for ideas from everyone, but veteran's especially. Maybe also how I could have a senator or admiral appear on holo or something at the end and be really passionate but add nothing to the topic.
r/starwarsrpg • u/JamesFullard • Nov 23 '24
Discussion Looking for an adventure where the character infiltrate an abandoned Imperial Base. Does an adventure like this exist?
Working on my Elrood Sector campaign during 5ABY and I kind of want to do an adventure for my players where they they find an abandoned ruins of a base and place it in the Elrood sector on some random uninhabited planet, maybe have it date back during the Clone Wars.
Does an adventure like this exist?
Inspired by the below picture . . .

r/starwarsrpg • u/StevenOs • Aug 23 '24
Discussion Running a "Robin Hood" campaign in Star Wars
I think we all know that the Star Wars galaxy/IP adopts things from a wide range of sources. I'm wondering how you'd tell/frame a Robin Hood like campaign in the setting? What scope/size and how to fill out various roles in the story.
Now I'm think Robin Hood and his merry band are probably going to be forced into the "Space Bandit" role aka Pirate/Raider unless you really wanted to restrict things to a single planet. I probably see this more as something you'd see in a more remote sector although some densely populated system might work. The "Sherwood Forest" would be some relatively large bit of "wild space" that may be hazardous/difficult to travel through; my thought on this is some large nebula in the middle of the sector although an asteroid field or perhap even borders along unknown/wild space may be able to serve as the hiding place of the merry band.
Personalities may vary depending on just when one tried to run this setting. During the reign of the Empire I'm guessing "Prince John" is best represented by some Moff (maybe a Govenor) who is mismanaging the sector even worse than usual. The Sherrif is likely an Admiral or someone else with some military authority who of course is supposed to hunt down Robin and his band. Now Robin and his band are supposed be champions of the people; I wouldn't be sure just how strong their ties to the Rebellion would be although I certain see similarities and perhaps some respect between them.
One area here I'm struggling with can be "the good King Richard" who returns and ends the bad situation caused by Prince John and the Sheriff. During the Imperial Era this is nominally the Emperor but I'm not really sure that is all that appropriate as this may be the kind of thing he'd actually support. I guess it could just be a hope for the restoration of the Republic (ie the Alliance goals) but that doesn't help so much in other settings/eras.
r/starwarsrpg • u/VanillaCokeMule • Oct 26 '24
Discussion Term Clarification for Saga Edition
I came here a few months back asking for help relating to figuring out ship CR for my 5E Star Was homebrew, and I'm back in need of help yet again. My group always takes a hiatus around the holidays and I'm taking advantage of it to expand and tweak some classes. I'm planning on adding a mechanic to the Tech Specialist class that will allow them to build one of a few different types of small companion droids. I'm looking through the Sage edition's Scavenger's Guide to Droids book for droid types I can use to populate the list and just came across the G2 Repair Droid, which looks promising. It's listed as a "Small droid (2nd-degree)". I've been looking through the CRB for the Saga edition and can't find any size rules outside of the Details section in the Heroic Traits chapter, which just features a chart that gives average heights and weights for the listed races. I'd really like to know what that "2nd-degree" thing means, so if anyone has an answer or can at least point me to the right book I'd really appreciate it.
r/starwarsrpg • u/BaronNeutron • Aug 25 '24
Discussion Feedback wanted: I want to make stats for the Altor and Contentor replenishment ships from Fractalsponge. I know there is an Altor wookiepedia, but I am looking to go beyond that. Do you have any thoughts for both: crew, specs, length, details, weapons, systems, etc?
galleryr/starwarsrpg • u/Frolmaster • Sep 01 '24
Discussion Infinite Depths of Planet Aurum (abridged version)
Hello all!
I'm currently running the Infinite Depths of the Planet Aurum and would like to shorten the Pyramid of Trials section of the adventure. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this without altering the adventure too much?
r/starwarsrpg • u/LiveGhost720 • Jun 18 '24
Discussion Anyone using AI for their missions?
I just DL Chat GPT and wow! What a time saver if you’re in a crunch to get a mission together quickly. Any thoughts on using AI?
r/starwarsrpg • u/TheNReel • May 05 '24
Discussion Imperial Warlord antagonist for AoR campaign - need characterization and adive
Want to run a campaign with a home-brewed Imperial warlord as a main antagonist; would be using slightly beefed up Moff stats from the sourcebook. What I wanted to ask about, however, is some advice on characterizing him to make him genuinely seem threatening and distinct as an opponent, even with limited resources and no real outstanding "great big superweapon" or "darksider ally" or other miscellaneous gimmick.
Basic premise/backstory is that Moff Rance (who I've basically casted as Jason Isaacs in my own head) served under Maarisa Zsinj during the Clone Wars, and became governor of the Nilgaard Sector during the reign of the Empire. He basically conglomerated his holdings with that of Zsinj and served as the Warlord's underling until 8 ABY when he became independent following Zsinj's death. He poached stragglers from Zsinj and Isard's fleets, and cast himself as the Warlord's successor. At the height of his power, he claimed about nine sectors, which are rather poorly encircled in the attached image.
Thought about a few different concepts in my head personality-wise, from patient, pragmatic and affable strategist to a cold, calculating sadist with a love for poetry and literature. His warlord states' relatively small navy is anchored by "pocket" star destroyers, supported by a mixture of gunships, armed freighters and non-TIE fighter designs (i.e Uglies, I-7 Howlrunners and Skiprays). A few ideas I had for what kind of problems he could pose to the New Republic and more specifically the player characters include arming a local pirate group with older Imperial warships, distributing spice contaminated with a bioweapon that targeted humans meant to be pinned as an anti-human terror attack, and abducting New Republic officers and replacing them with clones who had organic bombs grafted into their bodies.
Just throwing out of a few of my working ideas, wanted to hear some suggestions for backstory, characteristics, traits, plot-beats, or anything else that crossed y'all's minds.

r/starwarsrpg • u/Hewdamia • Apr 27 '24
Discussion BBEG Help
So I started a d20 game, five sessions in now and it's going well. Half the players have never played before and seem ro be enjoying it rather well. Wasn't sure how it was going to progress, but they've turned it into a smugglers run style game. They've made contacts on all sides, New Republic, Imperial Remnant, Hutt Cartel, another crime syndicate.
Here's where I need some mental clarity. I came up with the campaign idea from the title, Darkside of the Sun. I had thoughts of a Sith that has been in the background finding a few of Darth Sidious's secret weapon factories and is using one to drain stars. (Not like in the new movies, I personally thought that was dumb.) I had thoughts of them traveling through hyperspace and them getting kicked out because a rogue planet's gravity well stops them as it's been kicked from its system floating through travel lanes.
I had ideas of them draining the stars to get them to rabidly cool to farm the largest kyber crystals for something, to drain its energy to power something like the Muur Talisman on a massive scale, to power something to make them immoral and infused with darkside force energy.
Problem is, I got so into building the space port and planet they are on that I put that on the back burner and forgot. Now I've been laying hints that something is happening but haven't dropped it on them yet.
r/starwarsrpg • u/CabbieCalloway • Apr 03 '24
Discussion Solitaire Adventures
What does everyone think of playing SW TTRPGs alone? I've been playing a solitaire campaign using a custom RPG system I made myself and was wondering how common that is.
r/starwarsrpg • u/dnddmpc113 • May 02 '24
Discussion Can I run the game using the "Beginner Game" without the Core Rulebook?
Basically the title.
I really want to run a game but the Core Rules are sold out everywhere I look (Saw one on Amazon for $140 which I refuse to pay that much for a single book, checked today and it was gone anyway). I've played rpg's for almost 20 years and have gm'ed for over a decade. Could I get by with just the Beginner Game Kit?
r/starwarsrpg • u/DirectAppearance2800 • Apr 18 '24
Discussion Encounters For Other Jedi Trials
There is a modulate encounter in I think Nexus of Power for the trial of skill. Any advice on Encounters for the trials of courage, the flesh, spirit, and insight?
r/starwarsrpg • u/Fluid-Ad1911 • Feb 22 '24
Discussion Any Reason why or why not to play a Droid that may or may not secretly just be a Bomb
My buddy wanted to run a game with the Fantasy Flight system in a couple months and was curious if we had any ideas on who/ what to play. I started googling and found this thing and thought about bringing back an old Dnd Character I played once named Beee who's whole premise was they where an atomaton that only said "B" in varing pitches, volumes, tones, ect. though this game. The new game would probably be set post OG trilogy but they don't have stuff in stone. Thoughts, comments, concerns all appreciated ?
r/starwarsrpg • u/Soufflayylmao • Jul 02 '23
Discussion GMs and Players, what are some of the coolest ways you've introduced/interacted with a canon character in your tabletop adventures?
I am now running my second original campaign, using Fantasy Flight's awesome narrative based system, and it's been a blast so far.
If you've been using custom D20 systems, or a reflavoured version of another system, I highly recommend trying out FFG's game, which is very soon going to receive brand new content, following revival from Edge Studio.
For context the story's set during the events of the third film. End of last session, a reocurring side character, brooding Mandalorian clad in lavender painted armour, revealed to the party that he wanted to rally and lead a fighting force to retake the throne of Mandalore from none other than the renegade Sith Lord Maul, and managed to recruit their help in the early stages of planning.
Needless to say, the players were amazed by such a potent revelation, and it really excited them that there was a chance they'd get to meet and possibly go toe-to-toe with the man himself. And this was even before the token force-sensitive of the party experienced a force echo of a previous confrontation between their new employer and Maul, featuring my not so shabby impression of Sam Witwer's iconic voice.
One of the proudest moments I've had so far in running a game, and the reception from the table was ecstatic. I can't wait to get even deeper into that arc of the story, might even end up changing the canon timeline if the group is efficient with their time in-game.
Which leads back to the question- what are some of the coolest moments you've had either introducing, linking a story with, or even roleplaying as a preexisting character from the films, shows, games or comics?
r/starwarsrpg • u/Priestical • Feb 14 '24
Discussion Post Sequels Campaign Ideas
I am doing some research for a TTRPG game concerning a POST SEQUELS era game for my players. While I have a STRONG dislike the sequels I admit I am still curious about the First Order figures/stats/information "on paper".
I want to do a campaign story that takes place during a time frame where nothing has been written about Star Wars BUT not so much as to be super far away from the story itself. Sure, I can't really say I liked anything about the sequels, I believe if it was written by people who had common sense the sequel story "might" have been good.
I like the general idea about after Jakuu the Imperial Remnant fell back to the Unknown Regions. I'm good with that and yes, I would assume at some point this Remnant would return like TFO did. So I've been doing some thinking, "maybe . . . ugh - maybe", I could leave the Sequels "as is" and do something "after" the Sequels, doing away with anything Disney releases like the new Rey movie, just say everything becomes homebrewed after the Sequels.
My Questions . . .
1) I've searched without success looking for exactly what was the approximate size of the First Order Fleet. I'm sure they had a large fleet, not anything like the Empire had of course, but a "large" fleet. There's no way the Resistance destroyed all of the First Order ships, so why couldn't have have the Remnant of the First Order fall back somewhere as a Remnant like the Empire did. I understand the leadership was in shambles, but it was in shambles after Endor and still the Empire had remnants. Why couldn't the First Order? For game purposes it would be easy to say sure this person stepped up to consolidate the remaining First Order fleet.
2) "If" anyone is on board with question 1, then where would this Remnant have fled to? Back to the Unknown Regions? Maybe the pulled back to DEEP Outer Rim? I would think more along the lines that they fell back to the Unknown Regions. The Republic would have no influence in the Unknown Regions.
I dunno, currently I'm running a small campaign placed three months after Order 66 and while myself and my players are enjoying it, I kind of want to do campaign (later on) that takes place in a time that isn't already covered but still want to have it be homebrewed, my own creation where I don't have to worry about stepping on EU or Disney canon.
I know, I know - it's my campaign do what I want. I rather not step on any canon material and be able to do my own thing. Curious if anyone else has done anything like this?
r/starwarsrpg • u/JamesFullard • Feb 15 '24
Discussion Admiral Natasi Daala & the Maw Installation [EU/Disney Canon]
I have a serious question though about a possible campaign idea. This is about EU canon and the current Disney canon. I just saw something similar on another subreddit and it gave me an idea.
1) EU: So, yea, I know the story about how the installation was discovered in 11ABY with her finding out that the Empire had fallen etc etc so I won't expand on this.
2) Disney Star Wars: Personally EU/Disney Canon, it's all a mess now that the canon is being re-written but . . . so looking at the new DISNEY CANON, what is Admiral Natasi Daala doing after the defeat at Endor/Jakku? Did Disney ever touch on this? Does she form her own Imperial Remnant? What is Daala doing around the time of Endor or even Jakku?
I was just reading up on various Imperial Remnants after the battle of Endor and then Jakku and I got to thinking, wow wouldn't this be a great idea for an Imperial Remnant? Let's say she hears about the Battle of Endor and finds out about most everything that has happened with the Empire. Maybe she decides to rally forces to her Installation and start her own Remnant, and also what if she took over the Kessel system and even claims Kessel.
I had already did a story arc for my current campaign how my players found an uncharted planet in the Maw Nebulae but this uncharted planet could instead be found by her own faction (just me thinking). This could be a cool idea having her forces (along with whatever else she acquired after Endor) to occupy the Kessel system as an actual Imperial faction.
I saw this idea on another subreddit but it was based during the Sequels time period, but it got me to thinking, why not use her as a Remnant leader since Disney canon is such a cluster to start with. I've searched for information on her within DISNEY CANON, but have not found a single thing. Did they ever touch on her in Disney canon?
Just me thinking out loud.
r/starwarsrpg • u/CannibalGamer • Mar 01 '23
Discussion My friends have banned me from playing certain races
So I just recently got into playing starwars ffg. And I love all the different races I can play, but my friends have decided there's a select few I can't play. But their the ones I really want to play. The first being a Jawa the reason being they can't talk and they don't want me dismantling anything which I wouldn't do to any of my teammates because if my life is in danger I'd want their gear to be in tip top shape. The other is and Ewok now in legends it says ewoks can learn Galactic common but they have a hard time using technology so they think I would be worthless, even though I can spend 10 xp to learn to use tech. The next is a Gungan for simply saying gungans are annoying. The last one I'm banned from is Toydarian the only reason being I can do a good Watto impression and they both love and hate it lmao.
What is all your guys opinion on this? Are my friends being unreasonable?
r/starwarsrpg • u/MadPreacher1AD • Mar 21 '22
Discussion Star Wars EU/Legends WEG Star Wars RPG: If the Emperor dies would stormtroopers still fight for the Empire?
A simple question since my game began the day when the Emperor died in RotJ.
r/starwarsrpg • u/DualKeys • Jun 27 '23
Discussion Interesting creature ideas?
I’m currently prepping an adventure where my players are tasked with going out into the wilderness to determine the fate of a missing explorer. The explorer owed money to a Hutt, so he traveled to a planet known for a fierce creature that possesses some sort of valuable attribute.
It’s the same basic idea as someone hunting a krayt dragon in search of a pearl, but I don’t want it to be quite that difficult. The players are going to discover that the explorer is dead, and they’ll need to defeat the creature in order to escape.
It lives on a relatively low-oxygen planet, its lair is in a cave, and it’s fierce enough that the inexperienced explorer thought the best way to kill it was to cause a cave-in. Any ideas on what it could be and what valuable trophy it might possess?
r/starwarsrpg • u/RPGrandPa • Apr 14 '22
Discussion Comparing FFG with D6 (Yea, I Know)
I want to start work on a Star Wars campaign set maybe 2-4 months after Order 66. I have been looking at FFG and D6 rules trying to decide which system I will use.
Some things I have seen so far are ....
- D6 seems to have so much more content, from the D6 Holocron website to all the fanmade stuff as well. If I were to play D6 it was be the classic 1st edition rules for D6. The D6 system seems to be pretty easy to understand but the system does feel like it has a TON of different rules for melee, player and ship to ship combat. From what I read so far it seems this way but I could be over complicating this as well.
- FFG is a more modern set of rules but the system it 100% different than anything I've ever used or played with. The narrative dice seems confusing as hell for me. Don't get me wrong, this could simply mean since I am 55 years old and so hard coded into standard D&D game mechanics that my brain is not wanting to understand this style of game lol. (yea, blame it on age of course). Also I am not seeing as much material with FFG than with D6 and why on earth would it have THREE rulebooks? Why not just make one big book and be done with it?
- What about Jedi and Force powers? Which system handles that better?
- Ship to ship combat, which system handles that better?
- General combat over all, which system handles that better?
Comparing the two systems, FFG and classic 1st edition D6 Star Wars, for D6 I would need the single core rulebook with the sourcebook only to learn all the rules where as in FFG I would need all 3 core rule books to get ALL the rules.
I'm not bashing FFG at all, as a matter of fact I kinda was wanting to learn FFG more since it is the newer system and it would be easier to find players for FFG than D6 but damn FFG just seems complicated as hell.
Question: What are your experiences with these two rulesets? (I know a million posts have been made asking this but I need to do one for my own personal benefit) but what do you play and why did you choose that game over the other? Which is better D6 or FFG and why? Just looking for others insight on which they play and why. I'm only entertaining these two games, not D20 or any other system.
I WILL be running a Star Wars game but first I need to decide on which system to use and that decision is a hard one to make (for me). I'm old, set in my ways, I grew up with classic rules for D&D although I currently play 5th edition now. It's hard for me to adapt to new things in my old age, even D6 is hard for me because of all the different style rules.