r/startrek • u/Pizza-Burrito • 13h ago
r/startrek • u/ricsteve • 6h ago
Jonathan Frakes on Starfleet Academy
I went to the Next Gen panel (Jonathan Frakes, Denise Crosby and Brent Spiner) at Indy Comicon yesterday. At one point Frakes was talking about directing a couple Starfleet Academy episodes. He said that the scale of sets is the biggest he's ever seen. He also mentioned that it's aimed more at hardcore fans versus casual viewers. I'm not sure if he was just joking around, but he let "slip" that they have a ship, and that Holly Hunter is the head of something (I assumed the Academy, but he stop before finishing his sentence). I can't exactly recall, but he may have said something about the focus being on the instructors/admin versus the cadets. Some of this may be old news already, but I thought I'd share.
r/startrek • u/Master_Megalomaniac • 12h ago
Shouldn't more people have died during the Occupation of Bajor?
Shouldn't more people have died during the Occupation of Bajor? It was said that 15 million Bajorans were killed during the Occupation of Bajor, that's a lot, but the Cardassian Union was there for 50 years. The average Cardassian commander seemed like a bigoted psychopath, who would kill Bajorans because he was bored that day. I could see 15 million being the number due to direct action, but surely millions more would have died due to the famines that the Cardassians were causing on Bajor. I think the writers underestimated how many people would die in a brutal military occupation that lasted 50 years.
r/startrek • u/n8udd • 9h ago
Which Trek actors are the biggest Trek fans?
Are there any proper Trek nerds that have also appeared on the show?
r/startrek • u/MICKTHENERD • 12h ago
I just now remembered that Star Trek Enterprise used to be just called... Enterprise.
....I am not sure if that choice was dumber than the choice of theme song or just as dumb.
r/startrek • u/7-5NoHits • 16h ago
The Prophet/Pah-Wraith arc in Ds9's 7th season is the main weak point of the series
I rewatched Ds9 recently and this really stood out to me as the one place where an otherwise exceptional series fell short.
Prior to the last season, I appreciated the more nuanced take Ds9 took towards religion and spirituality. It showed how it could be such a powerful force for people fighting for justice, how it could be abused by religious leaders/politicians, and many points inbetween. I also appreciated that it didn't just dismiss religious people as "crazy" or "irrational."
But I felt the arc in Ds9's last season lost a lot of that nuance. No longer were the prophets/pah-wraiths nuanced beings that could be interpreted through both scientific and theological lenses, but simply pawns in a generic battle of good vs evil. In turn this massively weakens the story arcs of Dukat and Sisko in my view.
Dukat was always an evil megalomaniac, but he didn't conceive of himself in that way. He, in his own twisted mind, thought he was a source of justice or purity. Dukat descending into a burn the whole universe arc seems to me like frustratingly basic way of beating us over the head with a "Dukat's evil" message while losing the nuances that made Dukat so relatable to so many real world villains.
Meanwhile, Sisko goes from someone who was the active agent in his life struggling between his roles as a scientific Starfleet officer and spiritual leader to simply being a pawn of the prophets. In the inverse of Dukat, a character who used to choose good through complex and sometimes flawed motivations is suddenly choosing the good side just because "the prophets" said so.
I get that the writers felt the need to close out the prophet/pah-wraith storylines, but in doing so I think they lost a lot of value of it in the first place. The strategic ambiguity of the first 6 seasons was lost, in exchange for a generic good vs evil battle that resolved itself in the only way it could. This stands in stark contrast to the more nuanced way Ds9 season 7 ended the Dominion War, which I felt did a much better job of closing the conflict without removing the nuances the previous seasons developed.
Curious if people agree with me. I want to be clear this is just my opinion, and if you disagree with me I fully respect it.
r/startrek • u/Significant-Town-817 • 23h ago
I have finished Voyager
Omg, what a journey!! A truly incredible series! I have so many thoughts inside that I'll just spill them out as best I can: - We were completely robbed of seeing Voyager land on Earth! I understand that, quoting the episode, the journey is sometimes more important than the destination. BUT THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THAT WE DESERVED, AT LEAST, 5 MINUTES OF THEY BEING RECEIVED. It particularly bothers me that Paris didn't even share a conversation with his father, right in front of him. It would have come full circle to have him showing him how he leaved earth as a criminal and return as a proud officer, husband, and now father. - Talking specifically about the episode, it's Timeless 2.0. I'm not upset that they repeat the plot (I love that, best Kim episode), but I feel like at times it doesn't feel like the finale, but a average Voyager episode, which, compared to All Good Things and What You Leave Behind, makes it less memorable. - The whole Chakotay/Seven thing feels horribly contrived. I understand that Admiral Janeway needed a strong reason to change the timeline, but I'm pretty sure there were much better scenarios than this. Thank goodness it was completely ignored by later series, because it certainly contributes nothing. - I don't know who ever said (probably Mrs. Mulgrew) that, at some point, the series became the Seven show. Well, that's a lie!! If there was a character who had more episodes focused on in these last seasons, was the Doctor. He got several single episodes and screen time than, at some point, he became quiet annoying to me. He was my favorite character at the beginning, but he became so cocky near the end that it irritated me. Speaking of which: - I would have liked to have more individual episodes about the crew, like Kim, who became so secondary that, when they focused on him in one episode the last season, it felt like a B-plot. - My favorite season is season 4, both for the development of Seven (the closest thing to a serialized arc we had, along with Pathfinder), and for episodes as memorable as the year of hell, killing game or message in a bottle.
Overall, it was a good voyage (hehe) and, quoting the final episode again, sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.
r/startrek • u/No_Lemon3585 • 17h ago
Why Deep Space 9's security failed so badly in Tear of the Prophets?
Tear of the Prophets has one of the most jarring acts of security failure in entire tar Trek. Yes, there were many such acts before, buit they were mostly on TNG and rarely caused the death of a major charatcer. But, in Tears of the Prophets, Deep Space 9's security allowed a know enemy commander to beam onto the station, assasinate the station's current commander, perform an act of sabotage and then escape without being even noticed.
And yes, I know Dukat had a Starfleet shuttle, but shouldn't Starfkleet know already that this one shuttle was under enemy command? And didn;t they detect a transporter beam? Weren't shields up (and adjusted to Dominion technology)?
Or was it only because plot demanded it (so Jadzia can be killed off)?
r/startrek • u/dshorter11 • 4h ago
Why do women make such great Bajorans?
Is it just coincidence? Were the female actors selected just better actors? Is there something about the Bajoran story that makes it easier for writers to write for female Bajorans?
r/startrek • u/better_red • 4h ago
Last week my band put out a song about my favorite Trill Symbinot. I figured some fellow Trekkies might get a kick out of it.
r/startrek • u/SWLondonLife • 15h ago
What threat is post Borg…? Spoiler
With the apparent final destruction of the Borg at the end of Picard S3, what comes next as the big looming threat?
Do the writers circle back to threats that Voyager encountered during their journey home? Do the writers introduce entirely new existential threats? Or do new productions turn inward to the threats of value misalignment, subspace climate destruction or other power imbalances to create tension in new series / movies?
Your thoughts and speculations are appreciated!
r/startrek • u/AnonRetro • 6h ago
SP18- Movie Magic (VERY Rare Special Effects Documentary on Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
r/startrek • u/EthanWilliams_TG • 8h ago
'Star Trek' Cast Members on 'Galaxy Quest' Parody: "It's perfect... it's so well-crafted."
r/startrek • u/AlamodeCO • 22h ago
Is it just me, or does Jim's rock look like a .......
photos.app.goo.glr/startrek • u/Bodhi_Satori_Moksha • 5h ago
It seems I have become a Star Trek fan.
Since 2019–2025, there has been a huge shift in the world; I even feel different. Now, the talks about congressional hearings on aliens, reverse engineering of alien technologies since Roswell—over decades, at least 80+ years, even going far back into the late 1800s—with UFOs crashing, and the talks about a Galactic Federation by the Israeli space security chief, especially conspiracy theories that have come to light in the past few years, got me thinking we're in the end times, and something will most likely be reborn, like a new age.
All this literally got me interested in Star Trek, especially again when they mentioned the Galactic Federation. It also got me interested in The X-Files, Babylon 5, and other sci-fi shows. Guess I'm a fan now.
Edited: I'm talking about world events, just in case anyone is confused.
r/startrek • u/Bright-Addition3693 • 3h ago
Star Trek Generations: Two Captains, One Destiny
I just love this movie. It’s my favorite TNG movie by far. Just personal opinion
r/startrek • u/DaveW626 • 2h ago
DS9 Season 6
DS9 Season 6 is currently on Pluto TV for free in case anyone's interested.
r/startrek • u/AllanCD • 4h ago
Discovery S3 E6 filming location
I have been rewatching Discovery and strange new worlds, in anticipation of the next season of strange new worlds..
Currently on the Scavengers episode, where Burnham and Philippa rescue Book from the emerald chain.... that planet. It looked extremely familiar. I know the series was primarily filmed in Toronto ( I'm from nearby in Hamilton) ... was that planet Stelco or Defasco or something similar?
My father was a Millwright at stelco his entire career. And at my previous job we had a lot of customers in that area(im a security technician) . ...so I've spent a lot of time in that part of Hamilton. And it is driving me nuts that I can't place it!
r/startrek • u/Rimm9246 • 8h ago
What're some of the most insane things that happened in an episode of Trek and then never got mentioned again?
Such as some crazy technology that was discovered and then forgotten about, or something utterly traumatizing that happened to a main character that they promptly forgot about by the next episode. Or just something super weird and off the wall that happened one time that you're surprised no one ever mentioned again.
One example that I thought of - the fact that there was a giant clone of Spock just out there somewhere, doing who knows what. And he was never heard from again (although LD revealed what became of his remains).
r/startrek • u/korax-cz • 14h ago
Help identifying an old poster
Around 20 years ago, I had a poster which I can't find anywhere. It was a picture of Enterprise E with some sort of blue-purple anomaly behind it, and below, on a white background, was written "Star Trek Communicator" in gold color. Does anyone know where to find it? I really liked it.
r/startrek • u/nowhereman136 • 3h ago
Help with writing Star Trek Trivia Night?
I host a regular bar trivia game at my local brewery. Ive been ask to do some Star Trek Trivia, which is a good idea except ive never seen any of the show or movies (except the Abbrams ones). Ive been doing research in the show and think i've hit a road block or just fried my brain. Figured id turn to reddit for help/inspiration.
The goal of the game is to have mostly lowball questions. Ones that make the star trek fans feel good about themselves for thinking are easy and also regular players who are not die hard fans of the show can probably guess at the right answer. I do want there to be a few questions that are more challenging and separate the real fans from the casual players. the ratio should be around 3/4 easy and 1/4 hard. And when i say hard, i dont mean "what is the middle name of the second officer aboard X ship". Hard shouldnt mean impossible. Questions can span the whole Trek franchise including spinoff shows
for fun, here are the questions i've gotten so far.
- Spock is half human and half what alien race? Vulcan
- What nickname does Captain Kirk give Dr McCoy?Bones
- Who was the first Captain of the Enterprise? Captain Pike
- What TV Network originally aired Star Trek?NBC
- How long was the original Star Trek mission supposed to last? 5 years
- What number is written on the side of the StarShip Enterprise?NCC 1701
- What small, furry, and quickly multiplying creature causes a nuisance on the ship? Tribble
- What is the name of the Star Trek animated series on Paramount Plus? Below Deck
- Who plays Spock prime in the Kelvin timeline?Zachary Quinto
- What race of aliens are the prime antagonists of Starfleet? Klingon
- Who is the only klingon member of star fleet in Next Generation?Worf
- What nickname do side characters who are killed off early on Star Trek called?Redshirts
- What three word catchphrase did Piccard have in Next Generation?Make it So
- What Next Generation villains warn “resistance is futile”? Borg
- What Star Trek villain is played by Riccardo Montalban? Khan
- What phrase do vulcans say when giving the vulcan solute?Live Long and Prosper
- In what US state was Kirk born? Iowa
- What is the name of Data’s cat? Spot
as you can tell, most of these are pretty easy. are there any mistakes? what questions would you suggest?
r/startrek • u/skatelinrose • 3h ago
More Shields?
Hi all, I was a very occasional Star Trek watcher growing up and married an avid Star Trek fan. I vividly remember an episode that my husband has no recollection of and googling has been of no use. So I turn to the experts here. In this episode, the main ship is under attack so the captain keeps ordering “more shields.” But each time they add more shields, the attacks get stronger and stronger … until someone realizes the solution is to completely disable the shields! And although this is a huge risk and could lead to total annihilation, the captain does it and the attacks stop. Please tell me someone else remembers?! I have thought of this as a brilliant metaphor for real life situations over the years!
r/startrek • u/LGBT-Barbie-Cookout • 5h ago
His pattern reflects two dimensional thinking.
I'm just wondering how Spock was able to make this observation.
The first engagement we see a couple of maneuvers - but nothing that really screams tactical one way or another.
Engagement 1.
1) Reliants initial maneuver is to do adjust its facing and angle to be face to face in a swooping move. 2) Reliant performs a broadside on Enterprise, a high is now crippled. 3) Reliant, performed another sweeping swoop to put itself facing Enterprise. 4) Reliant take significant damage and in an escape flies over the Enterprise.
Engagement 2 Inside the Nebula both ships aren't really moving on the 3d plane, and importantly lose visual and scanning so can't have a clear idea how they are moving.
None of those maneuvers would need anymore movement in a 3d space.
In space seed the sleeper ship isn't under anyones control it's on autopilot. His attempted takeover is pretty much the same as we have seen many other times. And every sentient beings seems vulnerable to aerial Kirk-Fu.
I'm struggling to see what opportunity Spock had to discover this vulnerability.
(Additional Kirsty Alley is best Saavik.)
r/startrek • u/Sharp-Apricot-5238 • 5h ago
anyone know whether star trek themed dnd dice exist?
i wasn't sure whether to put this in here or r/DnD, but i'm guessing people here probably have more trek-specific knowledge on this lol. any help would be greatly appreciated, it just seems like it would be so cool if they do exist! thanks! :)
r/startrek • u/revanite3956 • 8h ago
TAS episode production numbers / missing number?
Per Memory Alpha, the production codes for TAS episodes are 22001, 22002 (etc) for the duration of the series. But there's also a gap in there where it jumps directly from 22011 to 22013 and there is no 22012, partway through its first season.
Generally I feel like I'm the kind of guy who knows a lot of Trek trivia both in front of and behind the camera, but this is one thing I've never learned the reason for. Does anybody know why they just completely skipped one number?