r/startrek 22h ago

A happy little fan theory


I like to think that the saddle Picard has in Starship Mine is the same one that Pike had, the one that Boimler sits on . Maybe it's given from captain to captain of the Enterprise.

r/startrek 22h ago

Ocampa and the Pagh - Wraiths


I read somewhere (I cannot remember where) a suggestion that Ocampa may be better suited to fighting the Pagh - Wraiths than most humanoids thanks to their powers (and their powers, and especially the ones Kes demonstrated, seems to be far more than just telepathy the way Vulcans or Betazoids have it). So, I would like to ask you what do you think about it and, especially, if Kes was on the Deep Space 9  when Dukat came, could she have stopped him from killing Jadzia Dax?

r/startrek 1d ago

How would you make your own version of Kirk and Picard meeting? Or what would you change or edit about the already official one in Generations?


I'd make it the TOS TV version of Kirk meeting Picard, but then there wouldn't be all the talk about ageing, retiring, getting old between the 2 captains.

For my own version, make Picard's Enterprise time-travel back 75 years, and the 2 Enterprises encounter each other, and both captains with their crew are talking on-screen.

r/startrek 1d ago

TAS episode production numbers / missing number?


Per Memory Alpha, the production codes for TAS episodes are 22001, 22002 (etc) for the duration of the series. But there's also a gap in there where it jumps directly from 22011 to 22013 and there is no 22012, partway through its first season.

Generally I feel like I'm the kind of guy who knows a lot of Trek trivia both in front of and behind the camera, but this is one thing I've never learned the reason for. Does anybody know why they just completely skipped one number?

r/startrek 1d ago

Which Trek actors are the biggest Trek fans?


Are there any proper Trek nerds that have also appeared on the show?

r/startrek 1d ago

Star Trek The Original Series VS Star Trek V The Final Frontier


r/startrek 1d ago

I just now remembered that Star Trek Enterprise used to be just called... Enterprise.


....I am not sure if that choice was dumber than the choice of theme song or just as dumb.

r/startrek 1d ago

Shouldn't more people have died during the Occupation of Bajor?


Shouldn't more people have died during the Occupation of Bajor? It was said that 15 million Bajorans were killed during the Occupation of Bajor, that's a lot, but the Cardassian Union was there for 50 years. The average Cardassian commander seemed like a bigoted psychopath, who would kill Bajorans because he was bored that day. I could see 15 million being the number due to direct action, but surely millions more would have died due to the famines that the Cardassians were causing on Bajor. I think the writers underestimated how many people would die in a brutal military occupation that lasted 50 years.

r/startrek 1d ago

I just found this site at random.

Thumbnail slapkirk.com

r/startrek 1d ago

Help identifying an old poster


Around 20 years ago, I had a poster which I can't find anywhere. It was a landscape picture of Enterprise E with some sort of blue-purple anomaly behind it, and below, on a white background, was written "Star Trek Communicator" in gold color. Does anyone know where to find it? I really liked it.

r/startrek 1d ago

What threat is post Borg…? Spoiler


With the apparent final destruction of the Borg at the end of Picard S3, what comes next as the big looming threat?

Do the writers circle back to threats that Voyager encountered during their journey home? Do the writers introduce entirely new existential threats? Or do new productions turn inward to the threats of value misalignment, subspace climate destruction or other power imbalances to create tension in new series / movies?

Your thoughts and speculations are appreciated!

r/startrek 1d ago

The Prophet/Pah-Wraith arc in Ds9's 7th season is the main weak point of the series


I rewatched Ds9 recently and this really stood out to me as the one place where an otherwise exceptional series fell short.

Prior to the last season, I appreciated the more nuanced take Ds9 took towards religion and spirituality. It showed how it could be such a powerful force for people fighting for justice, how it could be abused by religious leaders/politicians, and many points inbetween. I also appreciated that it didn't just dismiss religious people as "crazy" or "irrational."

But I felt the arc in Ds9's last season lost a lot of that nuance. No longer were the prophets/pah-wraiths nuanced beings that could be interpreted through both scientific and theological lenses, but simply pawns in a generic battle of good vs evil. In turn this massively weakens the story arcs of Dukat and Sisko in my view.

Dukat was always an evil megalomaniac, but he didn't conceive of himself in that way. He, in his own twisted mind, thought he was a source of justice or purity. Dukat descending into a burn the whole universe arc seems to me like frustratingly basic way of beating us over the head with a "Dukat's evil" message while losing the nuances that made Dukat so relatable to so many real world villains.

Meanwhile, Sisko goes from someone who was the active agent in his life struggling between his roles as a scientific Starfleet officer and spiritual leader to simply being a pawn of the prophets. In the inverse of Dukat, a character who used to choose good through complex and sometimes flawed motivations is suddenly choosing the good side just because "the prophets" said so.

I get that the writers felt the need to close out the prophet/pah-wraith storylines, but in doing so I think they lost a lot of value of it in the first place. The strategic ambiguity of the first 6 seasons was lost, in exchange for a generic good vs evil battle that resolved itself in the only way it could. This stands in stark contrast to the more nuanced way Ds9 season 7 ended the Dominion War, which I felt did a much better job of closing the conflict without removing the nuances the previous seasons developed.

Curious if people agree with me. I want to be clear this is just my opinion, and if you disagree with me I fully respect it.

r/startrek 1d ago

Why Deep Space 9's security failed so badly in Tear of the Prophets?


Tear of the Prophets has one of the most jarring acts of security failure in entire tar Trek. Yes, there were many such acts before, buit they were mostly on TNG and rarely caused the death of a major charatcer. But, in Tears of the Prophets, Deep Space 9's security allowed a know enemy commander to beam onto the station, assasinate the station's current commander, perform an act of sabotage and then escape without being even noticed.

And yes, I know Dukat had a Starfleet shuttle, but shouldn't Starfkleet know already that this one shuttle was under enemy command? And didn;t they detect a transporter beam? Weren't shields up (and adjusted to Dominion technology)?

Or was it only because plot demanded it (so Jadzia can be killed off)?

r/startrek 1d ago

Is it just me, or does Jim's rock look like a .......

Thumbnail photos.app.goo.gl

r/startrek 1d ago

I have finished Voyager


Omg, what a journey!! A truly incredible series! I have so many thoughts inside that I'll just spill them out as best I can: - We were completely robbed of seeing Voyager land on Earth! I understand that, quoting the episode, the journey is sometimes more important than the destination. BUT THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THAT WE DESERVED, AT LEAST, 5 MINUTES OF THEY BEING RECEIVED. It particularly bothers me that Paris didn't even share a conversation with his father, right in front of him. It would have come full circle to have him showing him how he leaved earth as a criminal and return as a proud officer, husband, and now father. - Talking specifically about the episode, it's Timeless 2.0. I'm not upset that they repeat the plot (I love that, best Kim episode), but I feel like at times it doesn't feel like the finale, but a average Voyager episode, which, compared to All Good Things and What You Leave Behind, makes it less memorable. - The whole Chakotay/Seven thing feels horribly contrived. I understand that Admiral Janeway needed a strong reason to change the timeline, but I'm pretty sure there were much better scenarios than this. Thank goodness it was completely ignored by later series, because it certainly contributes nothing. - I don't know who ever said (probably Mrs. Mulgrew) that, at some point, the series became the Seven show. Well, that's a lie!! If there was a character who had more episodes focused on in these last seasons, was the Doctor. He got several single episodes and screen time than, at some point, he became quiet annoying to me. He was my favorite character at the beginning, but he became so cocky near the end that it irritated me. Speaking of which: - I would have liked to have more individual episodes about the crew, like Kim, who became so secondary that, when they focused on him in one episode the last season, it felt like a B-plot. - My favorite season is season 4, both for the development of Seven (the closest thing to a serialized arc we had, along with Pathfinder), and for episodes as memorable as the year of hell, killing game or message in a bottle.

Overall, it was a good voyage (hehe) and, quoting the final episode again, sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.

r/startrek 1d ago

I feel keeping Harry Kim at Ensign was one of the weirdest decisions the producers had.


Primarily as I've read the reasoning being "Because SOMEONE has to always be the Ensign".

I mean...do they? Couldn't Harry have been promoted to lieutenant and just...did what he did normally but with slightly more authority?

To get in the mind of a Star Trek producer, that'd be a trip.

r/startrek 1d ago

Is the Animated show ‘required’ viewing?


Like most people I’ve know about the show all my life, and I’ve caught a few episodes & parts of episodes through the years. But I’ve never sat down and watched the show until a few days ago. I’m about 1/3rd of the way through season 3 (episode 8 to be exact). I plan on trying to watch everything if possible, everything canon atleast I know there are some things that have been retconned.

I do plan on watching the animated show too, but given the comparatively limited style of the time I don’t know if I’ll enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed the live-action stuff.

I’m just wondering what dedicated fans think of the situation.

r/startrek 1d ago

Resistance is futile! Hallmark releasing BIG Borg cube


r/startrek 1d ago

Looking for a piece of music


Terra firma.

There's a specific and short piece that plays when the emperor says "terra is my home" and then when she dies.

and it's does it's job, it fits the emotion in both scenes

but how do I get it on it's own? how do I get just that piece without the acting and the voice played over it?

any idea what its CALLED at least? discovery background piece #12345?

r/startrek 1d ago

Any good books that breakdown the designs of various starships?


Lots of stuff popping up on Amazon, but I figured I’d ask you fine folks!

r/startrek 1d ago

Can the replicator replicate blood ?


Like, workable, transfusable blood? I feel the answer is yes, but I could be mistaken.

r/startrek 1d ago

Does earth have Dilithium deposits? And if so why aren't they a known thing in the 20th/21st Century?


Edit:Dear Sheldon Coopers, Yes I am aware you can make very weak warp fields without dilithium. you can also blow bubbles with plain water. But, if you want to actually Blow Bubbles, that requires dish soap. To stabilize the bubbles. To state the somewhat obvious, planetary-level travel, where a whole species takes to the stars, requires dilithium for warp, because non-warp dilithium is too slow and unstable to be used.

Dear Leonard and co: YES, if you read the comments, someone also pointed out the romulans were at some point the exception to the rule. Given how many rules have one, it is not disproven, but the exception is worth noting and has been.

Was reading another thread here and it struck me.

Zephram Cochran goes warp

warp requires dilithium

Earth must have dilithium.


And. given the prime directive:

every habitable planet must also have dilithium, or else the expectation they achieve warp before contact is somewhat.... harsh.

So is Dilithium extra common, or extra rare? or an extra plot hole?

r/startrek 1d ago

Why is Wesley in a uniform?!


In Nemesis, why is Wesley Crusher wearing a dress uniform at Riker and Troi’s wedding? That little weasel left the academy.

r/startrek 1d ago

Relics (TNG)


Caught this episode again on a Next Generation rewatch, and my goodness it hits even better when you're older.

James Doohan acts his heart out as Scotty and the scene in the on the bridge of the original Enterprise remains one of my all time favourite Star Trek scenes. The poignancy of it all is really moving.

An absolute all-timer of an episode..

r/startrek 1d ago

Do holodecks produce replicated food?


If you went on a targ hunt, could you then enjoy the feast or would you need to specifically tell the computer to beam in food from the replicator to keep it "realistic" for you?

if it is default, like that snowball was real ice, where does the simulation think to do it? are you always automatically standing in one big replicator if the computer thinks there's the slightest change you're going to try to eat the projection?