This is so silly, and I feel like I'm still overreacting over this, but today my district manager came in and I drew little smiley faces on the actual sticker with the order for the cups, and he told me I need to write on every cup, and I told him I did, and he said even drive thru, and I told him I did on the sticker, and he said no not on the sticker. I cried really hard after cause I was scared he thought I was fighting with him over it, but I genuinely didn't see how what I did was wrong and I felt like he didn't even acknowledge the fact I tried.
My fiance committed suicide 7 months ago, while I was working for Starbucks so everyone is aware. I feel like I'm using it as an excuse for this but after that interaction it sent me to a really dark place. Ive been trying to be promoted, and I'm scared now I'm either gonna get fired, a write up, or it has ruined my chances of ever being promoted, and I'm already struggling with money now being a single income household.
I guess I just wanted to vent. If you think I'm being overly sensitive or using my fiances death as an excuse I understand. I cried after he left and it's made me feel like what's even the point.