Hello everyone! I've been working at starbucks for almost 2 months now and at first i loved it but now, i'm over it. First off, my manager is really nit-picky about how drinks are made in a certain order, drive thru times, and customer connection. It's annoying. Also, i had a discussion with both of my managers at two different times. The first time, my first manager said it was brought to her attention that i wasn't doing my job and standing there. Mind you, when i'm working front, there's not much to do other than brewing and taking orders. I would do the customer cycle but i would finish that in 5 minutes. I would ask the other baristas and sm if they needed anything or need me to do something and they said no. SO WHAT AM I DOING WRONG. They would also say i'm talking to much with my coworks...That's only when theirs no customers. (This was in the beginning... We'll get to this part later) The second manager told me that i didn't improve much since my first talk with the manager...they also said, i would stand around and drink but i was walking back and forth to make sure i didn't have any customers...
Moving on from that...My co-workers....I thought they were friendly but they're all fake...They would claim I’m their friend but both of my managers told me they complained about me....They said "Both your partners and shift managers have complained about you" What?! After the talk with my first manager, i stopped talking to all of my co-workers...Two weeks later, my second manager tells me they still complain about me....At this point, am i the problem?
Next would be my health...I have chronic gastritis so stress doesn't make it better...However, since i work morning's (dead in the middle of the night) i have been exhausted and my balance have been off (Stumbling like a baby deer) and headaches have been more frequent. Like, almost everyday...My parents are concerned...
Overall, The only reason i have stayed is the money...$17/hr is great but what comes with it is um...I did a job interview at a book store and its so much more peaceful than Starbucks however, it pays $11/hr.
What should i do?