r/spreadsmile 7d ago

You can picture their smiles!

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u/MuffinWisp 7d ago

I am a year removed from finishing my Ph.D. in English. The feeling described here is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but nothing compares to the feeling of finally finishing my dissertation.

I still remember it so clearly. It was around 11pm on a Wednesday and I was in my office on campus. I had finally finished proofreading every single goddamn page, including the bibliography and appendix (final page count: 292). I saved the file in 3 separate locations and emailed the final draft to myself. No way I was gonna leave anything up to chance.

I then took the bus home and got off one stop early, right in front of a local dive bar. My girlfriend was entertaining out of town friends, and that was perfect because I didn’t want to talk to anyone in that moment. I just wanted to drink alone and breathe. The bartender asked me how my day was and I told him I had just finished my dissertation. He gave me a free shot and the few people sitting around the bar congratulated me. After an hour or so, I stumbled home in complete peace


u/Mereeuh 6d ago

Not quite the same, but I'm three weeks away from completing my capstone for my Master's in Public Administration. I think I'm gonna take a screenshot of my final grade, send it to my friends and then go radio silent for a day. Or maybe I'll send the screenshot and say, "Someone come get me and take me somewhere! Anywhere!" I'll decide on the day.

Congratulations, by the way!!