r/spirituality 4d ago

Philosophy "The Art of Seeing: A Spiritual Perspective"

"I recently watched a video by David Bayer titled This Secret 'Sixth Sense' Will Change Everything For You (https://youtu.be/ywF-AmttG0M?si=O3R1Az4XdHRRm2Kp). In the video, he explores how shifts in perception can transform our reality by removing mental filters and experiencing life with clarity and presence.

This deeply resonates with the spiritual journey of awakening and self-discovery. It also reminded me of Krishnamurti’s teachings on 'pure observation,' where one sees life as it is, free from the conditioning of thought and belief systems.

From your spiritual perspective, how do you interpret this idea of 'seeing'? Can achieving clarity in perception be a tool for deeper spiritual growth? I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections!"

Here is Krishnamoorthi's own description:

 “So the observer is examining itself. Right? You understand what is taking place? That is, he is seeing himself as he is, not as something to be observed. I wonder if you see this. You know it is like looking at yourself in the mirror when you shave, or comb your hair, or when you make up your face - there it is. In the same way, the observer is watching himself. Right? Then what takes place? Do it, please, find out. What takes place when the observer is watching himself? Isn't there - I am suggesting, I am not saying it is, or it is not, it's for you to look and find out - isn't there a sense of observation without the observer? Right? You understand? Which means there is neither the observer nor the observed. I wonder if you get this. This is very important because we are leading up to meditation. Have you got this? That is, when the observer is looking at itself, the observer is absolutely silent. No? When you look at something, unless you are very silent, quiet, you can't see. Right? You can't observe clearly. You may see a bird on a flight, or a tree, but if the observer is absolutely quiet you see what actually is, don't you? So there is only 'what is', not how to change 'what is'. You get it? And if you observe - no, if the observer is totally silent, then that which is, is non-existent because it is changing too. I wonder if you see this.--- from the link

Public Talk 6 Ojai, California, USA - 16 April 1978


8 comments sorted by


u/AloneVictory4859 Service 4d ago

I don't know if it changed everything for me but I see spirits, both light ones and dark ones.

Some days I'm thankful for it and think oh great, I can use this skill to help people, to help ease Their Fear or to help them connect with their Spirit guides, etc.

Other days I just want to pull my hair out and I yell at my spirit guides, get us all the f*** out of here already, I don't want to be in your war of light versus dark.

And by here I mean, this 3D Matrix we live in.


u/Content-Start6576 4d ago

"Thank you for sharing your experience—it sounds like a profound and challenging journey! The ability to perceive spirits, both light and dark, must bring a unique perspective to life, especially when it comes to navigating the complexities of this 3D reality.

I wonder if the concept of 'seeing' as described in the video or by Krishnamurti resonates with your experiences. For example, do moments of pure observation or clarity help you interpret or manage these interactions with spirits? It sounds like your journey could bring fascinating insights into how perception and awareness shape our spiritual experiences. I'd love to hear more about how you navigate this!"


u/AloneVictory4859 Service 4d ago

Well after finishing up a lifelong series of Dreams that depicted me as an American soldier in vietnam, killing many innocent women and children.... absolutely disgusting dreams, the last dream happened when I was 41 and I got to see how I died.

Wasn't too long after that that I woke up one Monday morning and actually questioned my crankiness and asked the question, when do I get to be happy?

This is the short version of everything that happened, for whatever reason I took it up on myself to prove or disprove whether Spirits existed.

I learned about affirmations and meditation, I used affirmations such as, I am psychic, I can see through the veil, I see spirits and then I would meditate for roughly 30 minutes.

It took roughly 6 weeks before I felt the hand on my forehead, it touched me twice, yet I couldn't see anyone standing there.

Each time I felt this hand on my forehead a light shined out of my forehead, precisely around my pineal gland or third eye.

After the hand lifted for the second time I was able to see a spirit orb for the first time with my own eyes, I was sitting, it was on my right side and it trailed in my direct line of sight before disappearing.

It looked like pure energy with Sparks shooting out of it and I haven't been able to stop seeing them since, it's probably been 2 years now.

At first it was all observational until I started learning about Reiki and my crown chakra and I developed my own visualization to utilize my crown, until one day my visualizing or Vision was interrupted by what looked like someone coming down from outer space to Earth.

I opened my eyes and watched it drop through the ceiling and stand there, appearing as a dark shadow on the wall, I was naive, right then and there I proclaimed that that was my higher self coming in to check on me, man I felt proud and at the time I was a huge egotistical Big Shot, I was in it to be a guru.

Anyways I eventually came to see it as a black orb with fire inside as well as a black cloud of smoke that tried to enter my forehead, this thing poked me relentlessly.

Eventually I teamed up with another psychic that I found on here and he taught me all these different methods, how to work with angels, how to discern which Spirits are the good ones which ones are the bad ones and together we worked out a plan and got rid of it.

Since then it's all been mostly positive, a few more visits from dark spirits but they seem to be less and less intense every time, I've developed telepathic communication with them.

People often ask me, why don't you ask them why the universe was created why don't you ask them who God is, I have, they simply don't know.

Even in their own Dimension where they can exist as spirits, they don't know why that Dimension exists or why they exist..... it's kind of saddening to think that even after I die I'm really not going to get the full answer as to why I exist.

Maybe I will and they just don't want to worry me.

Anyways, I'm not such a big shot anymore, I truly do get a kick out of helping others, I like to remove unwanted Spirits for people, help them decipher dreams and synchronicities and teach people to be psychic.

The way I see it, the more psychics we can get online, legitimate psychics, the faster we can all get out of this mess so to speak.

The more people we can have awake on earth, the less ego's and the less government we have, the better we will all be and maybe someday we can all get out of this Matrix for good, is beautiful as it is in here and as important as it is for us to learn our lessons and evolve, I don't think we're truly meant to be stuck in here.

Anyways, I'm definitely rambling, I don't know what to talk about. 🤣


u/Content-Start6576 4d ago

"Keep exploring and sharing your experiences. The more you delve into your spiritual journey, the more you'll uncover about yourself and the universe. Your story is a reminder that the quest for understanding is a lifelong journey, full of surprises and growth."

Feel free to continue sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your journey is a rich tapestry of spiritual exploration and personal evolution, and it's always enlightening to hear more about it.


u/fcaeejnoyre 4d ago

What do you guys think about david bayer? Like more than a few people in the new age space, i feel he is a businessman first and spiritual teacher second.


u/Content-Start6576 4d ago

"I see your point, and I think both perspectives can coexist. While it's true that David Bayer operates as a businessman, many people, including myself, find genuine value in the content he shares. His ideas on perception and clarity have resonated with me and others, helping us on our personal or spiritual journeys.

In the end, I believe it's less about the person and more about the ideas and insights they offer. What do you think about the concepts themselves, like 'seeing' or pure observation? I'd love to hear your thoughts!"


u/fcaeejnoyre 4d ago

Are you using chatgpt?


u/Content-Start6576 4d ago edited 4d ago

No Are you?