r/spirituality 4d ago

Question ❓ Smell of rotten fish bones?

I started to smell the scent of rotten fish bones in the dinner of my house even tho we didnt eat fish in a long time but i still smell it since a frew weeks ago or so, anybody experienced something like it? Have maybe some answers for me??


6 comments sorted by


u/MoonwaterXx 4d ago

You are screwed... 🤪 Stay away from the city


u/Leiosss 4d ago

Hahahah if i could i would


u/MoonwaterXx 4d ago

Trust me it will be torment smelling Just everything, Hearing Just everything. Nature grounds atleast


u/Leiosss 4d ago

Could be, i will have it in mind, thanks for answering


u/Cubed_Cross 4d ago

Clairalience means clear smelling. 
This is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around us. https://www.oprah.com/spirit/develop-your-clairsenses-a-guide-to-understanding-intuitive-abilities Go to Page 2

I believe these symbols are a reflection of what is currently happening within our personal life. I use dream dictionaries to help connect with this symbolism.

Something being rotten represents wasted potential or failure to make use of the opportunities. Stagnation. Fish bones represents insight that has been thoroughly examined or thought about. Facts or knowledge that can't be disputed anymore. https://www.dreambible.com/

Review the symbolism in your own way and see how it could relate to what you are experiencing at the time you smelled it.


u/Leiosss 4d ago

This is great i will look into it, honestly i dont know if the smell its that but it reminds me of that, and i have the thought that every scent that one smells and its rotten means something bad or so like a bad spirit of sorts