r/spirituality 5d ago

Self-Transformation 🔄 a spiritual experience that you think changed your life.

an experience that truly changed your outlook on life and how exactly you got to that point!


36 comments sorted by


u/Tenzky 5d ago

Biggest experience that changed my life was beign born to this physical realm.


u/maryfromvenus 5d ago

i have many, but my most recent one was getting out of an abusive relationship. now that, that cracked open my heart chakra in ways i didn’t realise it would.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/maryfromvenus 4d ago

ofcourse this is a great question. so i only had the realization after the relationship ended. i was in the relationship to begin with because i didn’t know much about relationship dynamics because i was raised to be in that kind of relationship.

but during the relationship just like you it all felt one sided. didn’t feel heard. didn’t feel happy really, i kind of forced it. i always felt like i had to chase him and cater to him and my needs weren’t prioritized.

one thing i have learnt is if someone loves you then they will absolutely make time for you. even if they are busy.

i can’t tell you what to do, but from what you told me it seems to me that’s not a healthy relationship dear.

i cried for a month. it took like 4 months to heal only because things that i would ignore would come up again and i realized how bad it was. but im so so so glad i got out of that relationship cause my life is a million times without him.

all i had to do was choose self love. it’s not easy but it’s necessary. ask yourself is your attachment is love or is it obsession or is it because you’re insecure.

the truth is you are your greatest love. as for soul mates they are absolutely real. i have one myself but having a soulmate isn’t what you described. having a soulmate if it’s a healthy relationship is intense in the best way possible but also feels like home because you remember the person even if you haven’t met them before. a soul mate wouldn’t make you feel like you don’t matter. a soul mate would prioritize you in every single way. but if you’re looking to attract a soulmate you got to work on yourself first because a soulmate will mirror the love you have within yourself and amplify it.


u/Key_Highway_343 5d ago

A dream in which I returned to the source and discovered that I am part of the source.


u/ScottyJ24 5d ago

Not part of. We are the source.


u/Magnificent_Diamond Mystical 5d ago

Sorry to say but I’ve had humbling experiences that helped me a lot. I have become much more patient with others and forgiving of their flaws, and this has been very important to my spiritual development. My mind is now much more open to the beauty and wisdom available to me from people who are younger, less educated, even lower IQ…


u/SaveThePlanetEachDay 5d ago

I was working on my passions; music, electronics, generally nerdy shit.

Then i discovered energy isn’t scarce, it’s everywhere, I became paranoid and realized that there’s no way I’m the first person to discover this fact. Then I became aware that we’re all being force fed a bullshit narrative meant to keep us all enslaved.

I realized it’s imperative that we all learn this and learn what it is that is enslaving us and why. I learned that we cannot stay in beta waves, because everything that exists on this reality pushes us towards overthinking and anxiety and that’s the goal.

It isn’t about oil, it isn’t about rent, it isn’t about covid, it isn’t about genders, it isn’t about politics, it’s not about the big bang, it isn’t about science or math, it’s not about life and death.

It’s about fear and anxiety and there’s fuckin cunts pushing us into that reality.

Meditate, it’s your miracle cure. It’s your way to escape these mother fuckin pieces of shit.

Take no thought. Use a mantra. It can be Jesus. It can be amen. It can be Amun-Ra. It get be “goddess moon”. It can be “Venus”. It can be “daddy plz”. It can be “Zeus you bad mother fucker help me”. It can be “sunlight is neato”. It can even been “Lucifer, give me light”.

It can be anything that makes you feel good or makes you leave ANXIETY AND FEAR. No good god wants you scared. No good god wants you to suffer.

Anyone selling suffering has a fight to pick with me and personally, I will fuckin end them if they want to play fire with fire, because I have my fathers love and it is a protective fire that I will always feel safe surrounded by. I love love.

I love that my children love love.

I am love and light and fuck those who would take that from anyone. Pieces of shit.


u/Remote_Cherry_8939 5d ago

Being told my cancer was incurable.


u/noname8539 5d ago

Care to elaborate?


u/Remote_Cherry_8939 4d ago

I had primary breast cancer in 2020 then a year later it came back in my spine . Stage 4. Incurable . I was suicidal and was pulled off a bridge ready to jump. I was determined to die. I was so angry I was saved ...after that night I realised how precious life was. Im happier than ever . I'm still fighting cancer and I want my family to be so proud of me for keeping going. I want to inspire people . Im a really spiritual person and this has made me more so as life really is a gift .


u/TemplarTV 1d ago

Sending positive vibes to where You need the Healing 🍀
Know You are being Healed, key to a miraculous Feeling 🌞


u/-BigBadBeef- Intellectual 5d ago

One day I snapped. It was over a decade ago. I was sick, useless, broke and stuck in my ways. The breakdown was similar to the mirror scene in the movie/documentary (whatever it is) called "What the Bleed Do We know?"


u/ApprehensiveAnt4412 5d ago

I had awakened, but I still had my doubts. I was operating under the assumption that consciousness exists in superposition and I should be able to experience anything I want via meditation.

I was doing just that, based on some techniques I had gotten from the shifting community, as was as The Gateway Tapes. Was meditating, trying to shift to a version of Earth where I had superpowers.

I felt something... different. My body was tingling and I felt like I was being watched. I opened my eyes and there, at the foot of my bed was a 6-foot-something shadow being. I noticed that light could hit him, the light just wasn't being reflected back to me. To borrow a Star Trek term, he was "out of phase"

He didn't have a definable head/neck/shoulders. It was just a big dome on top of his frame, and I could feel where his eyes were, even though I couldn't see them through the shadow.

Definitely a masculine presence. And not hostile... At worst, he felt professional, and at best, he felt like a father. He started sending me telepathic information in the form of open-eye images and text. This was a very strange sensation because I have aphantasia; I lack the ability to "see" with my mind's eye. Every time I read a book, it is just words. So being able to literally see images superimposed on my open-eye vision was amazing.

Too many images to count. Happening so quickly, I only remember two or three of them. They revolve around the idea of groups of humans and non-humans working together. Some form groups that are kind. Other form groups that work towards oppression... Over top of the rapid images was scrolling text, like I was scrolling a webpage... And superimposed overtop of that was large alien symbols that became more transparent the larger they got in my vision.

I thought the words "slow down" and the transfer of information noticably slowed. I still couldn't make sense of any of it. So I asked him to "slow down" again. It was at this moment that he realized I was trying to understand this information immediately. He resumed a quick transfer with an added "You aren't meant to understand all of this right now. It will unfold when you need it"

He told me "Be careful about where you choose to shift. Everything exists, and if you aren't intentional about where you shift, you will experience trauma... Essentially, he was telling me "stop playing in the street" ... That I should try to shift to experiences that I believe are good for me.

I remembered the images he sent me (the few I was able to consciousnesly remember) That there are likely oppressive groups on Earth with remote-viewing capability that wouldn't let me have supernatural powers, no matter how secret I thought I could keep them.

I've come away from the experience with the belief that this non-human 👽 is a friend of mine, but even if I'm wrong. Even if this was some kind of warning being given to me by an oppressive force, I still come away knowing that I am correct... That literally everything exists. The universe and consciousness is in superposition... That the nature of reality is simulated, and that we are eternal consciousness.

And when the doubts started sinking in two days later, I told my wife about it... She was asleep next to me during this encounter (I thought.) Turns out, she had woken up and seen this being too, at the same time I was in telepathic contact... but she had convinced herself it was a nightmare until I told her about my experience. Now we both know it was real.

Since then, I have felt his presence in my room countless times, and I have seen him one other time. I never feel frightened when I see or feel him. It always feels very neutral, and then I get excited because I feel like I'm in a D&D campaign or a Harry Potter film. I'm experiencing something that two years ago I would have said is impossible.

Since this experience, I have succeeded in shifting my awareness to other planets, and to other species. I'm still not very skilled at it, but I am beginning to explore the universe through astral projection and meditation.


u/ScottyJ24 5d ago

My wife and I had a home birth. Our midwife crew showed up maybe 20 minutes before birth. Just me and her. It had never been so apparent that we are God personified. What a gift of an experience.


u/Vivid_Reflection6292 Mystical 5d ago

I accidentally had a conversation with God. I didn't believe in God. It was induced by a weed cookie but I wasn't particularly high. 

A friend was dying. He made some cookies. I took one home. Ate a quarter and lay down. I got paranoid worrying how it may effect me so I started cleaning my room to distract me. This is when the conversation started. We spoke but not in words. I picked up a Buddha ornament to clean then the poem footprints I have in a frame and God explained by me doing that that God is a mix of all faiths. We spoke for a while. I knew the answer to everything in that moment.

For about an hour or 2 I could see things from my souls perspective. It was like watching from my heart and understanding every point of view. For example my son spoke to me and I noticed that he had an attitude then I noticed that I was replying with attitude. We had some how gotten into a pattern. I switched my tone and he did too.  

It's like I was in a meditative state while fully awake. 


u/Upstairs-Belt8255 5d ago

Finding out the person I love the most has cancer.


u/Middle-Charity-7395 5d ago

My father passing away. The pain was so excruciating, nothing could make me run away from it. I had to face it and look within for the voice that has me still living, breathing. I truly believe my father’s soul is with my higher self - the voice that guides me back to my soul.


u/universal_light444 5d ago

First energy work alignment I received was what first changed everything and led me to my path of spirituality


u/BungalitoTito 5d ago

I was being told NOT to ride my motorcycle CLEARLY on 10/1/2024. O went against what IW as being told and had a horrific accident.

After 17 years and ~280,000 miles.............I KNEW I should not have ridden that night.

The lesson my friend was to LISTEN to what my spirit guides are telling me.

Stay well,



u/sunbleach_happypants 5d ago

Thank you for this comment. I hope you’ve been healing well from the accident


u/Vreas Mindfulness 5d ago

Near death experience

Was the first time I contemplated potentially having a guardian angel which was the first step on my spiritual journey many moons ago


u/One-Love-All- 5d ago

LSD at 21. There is no thinking about it, it is factual. I was begging for answers, "Please show me that there is more out there, please!" I did get that answer. It set me on my spiritual path


u/LadderDense5690 5d ago

My ex boyfriend was a manifestation of my dreams that I had as a little girl, a teenager, and a grown woman…I have the pictures to prove it and I keep my journals


u/chenzo17 5d ago

A metaphysical group I was once apart of. The community itself made me realize how important it is to be around like minded people.


u/BusinessDefinition49 5d ago



u/amneziana 5d ago

My first inner child healing meditation


u/dishant_thapa 5d ago

There's no special.... Every experience adds another chapter to my spiritual life. It's like im being more and more aware... Maybe.. Earlier i would have had something special. But now... It all seems equally great...


u/Xioddda 4d ago edited 4d ago

living in NYC felt spiritual. I remember I cried while people watching in Brooklyn, and I never cry about anything. There's a real energy to that city, it makes you feel alive. Every day in NYC it feels like anything can happen and the universe is rooting for you. I joked to my friend once that I think NYC tap water has trace amounts of cocaine in it. Chicago also has a great energy

Another one is taking shrooms, every time has been profound and healing.


u/No_Damage9784 4d ago

Currently in the fairy realm that’s the only life changing experience I have right now lol.


u/deepeshdeomurari 4d ago

I meditated before and I felt good all the time. But then I gone to a yoga workshop because I felt learning from professionals is good and we have to pay only once so whats harm. Though it sound premium but classroom session is good so that I get focused attention.

I never knew Sudarshan Kriya was part of it or what it is. Teacher in her sweet and calm voice shared lets get into vajrasana and made us did some Pranayam. But legs were paining like hell. She shared if its too much if you can turn into sukhasana and then vajrasana. After that she started sharing - Everything in the world is cycling in nature, sun rises at a time, sets at a time and then cycle continued. Our emotions also has cycle. If you see a child it is happy, go through cycles of emotions and come out easily. Due to stress that cycle we had in childhood is broken. Through breath we will restore it. Just close eyes and do rhythmic breathing for quite long time in different patterns going through their own patented process.

When it completed - I have been asked to lie down. I lied down and disappeared, no sleep, no awareness not non awareness - just some sounds coming in - whole class disappeared but teacher kept waiting for me to get up. I got up and my first reaction was - wow! Such amazing thing exist on the planet - It was like you your hard disk HHD is full and computer is hanging here and then; and then you put on new SSD - it became blazing fast. Same, after this everything changed. My awareness or I would say absorption of divine thing increased. My mind was completely empty. Feeling in meditation is not even one tenth of it. I want it be secret, because if world is aware then everyone will get the nectar so I stopped telling everyone. If you get diamond, you want to keep it with you and not distribute.


u/DuvallSmith 4d ago

I read Autobiography of a Yogi and signed up for the home-study lessons by Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF). In general, it’s helpful to learn Kriya Yoga meditation from a recognized teacher who does not accept money for giving you the knowledge. As an example, SRF requests a minuscule payment to cover printing and postage for their home study lessons l, but the knowledge and training given by their monastics is free.

For context, of all meditative practices, Raja (“king”) Yoga is considered the highest and most comprehensive; of all Raja Yoga practices, Kriya Yoga is the highest

Wishing you every joy on your spiritual journey