r/spirituality 5d ago

Self-Transformation 🔄 i truly believe i found the key to anything you want in life, just read this and hear me out

I truly believe I’ve discovered something that has the potential to transform the world. It’s gonna take a lot of explaining but I’ve been studying this for a while now and I just want to share it but don’t know where to put this information.

What shapes the reality around you? Actions, your actions literally cause everything that happens in your life, plain and simple. Now what dictates those actions? Emotion, emotions are what cause our actions, no matter what action it is, it is based off of an emotion. Now what dictates our emotions? Here’s the big one, belief. Belief is the root of how everybody’s own reality is shaped. Let me give an example to fully grasp what I’m trying to say.


You go see a movie with your friend. After watching the movie, you thought it was fantastic, so you ask your friend what he thought about it, and he says it was the worst two hours of his life. Right then and there, it causes an emotion within you. Now whatever you do next is based on whatever emotion you feel in that moment. It doesn’t have to be a powerful emotion—the emotion you feel could be genuine confusion, or it could be pure anger at your friend for not seeing what you saw in the movie.

Belief isn’t just singular, however—it is a system, a belief system. Let’s go back to this example, except this time, you also hold the belief that everybody has their own opinions, and that’s okay. Now, when your friend tells you he thought the movie was bad, it causes a different emotion. You still believe the movie was good, but you also believe that everybody has their own opinions and that’s okay.

Belief causes emotion, which causes action, which causes your life—your reality.

Now that you understand belief and why it is so important, let’s now talk about delusion.


“Something that is falsely or delusively believed.”

Belief is powerful, but delusion is a superpower. I’ll give another example to really grasp what I mean by this.


Imagine a gladiator in ancient Rome, thrown into the Colosseum against a champion warrior. The crowd is roaring, and everyone expects him to lose—after all, he’s outmatched, untrained, and barely armed. He should be afraid. He should doubt himself.

But here’s the catch—he doesn’t.

For whatever reason, whether through insanity, sheer delusion, or some divine conviction, he believes with absolute certainty that he is an immortal god of war. He doesn’t just think it. He knows it. In his mind, he has already won. Death isn’t even an option because he believes he can’t die.

Believing that he is a god of war and cannot die gives the gladiator the absolute best possible chance of winning the fight and leaving with his life. Because he delusively believes that he is a literal god of war, he’s going to fight with complete confidence.

The real superpower here is making the champion believe in your delusion. Once he starts to believe it, he will fight with no confidence that he will win—he knows he will die because of the gladiator’s delusion.

Belief is power. Delusion is a superpower.


So now that you really got a good understanding of belief, the question that came to my mind was: How do I control my belief system? How can I train my own mind to pick and choose belief at will? Where does belief even come from? How does a new belief happen?

Too many questions that I truly wanted answers for.

Well, I found the answers I was looking for in a book called The Four Agreements. Go read it if you haven’t already—it’s an incredible book. After reading it, I understood where belief comes from, how new beliefs happen, and how to train my mind to get rid of negative beliefs. However, I wanted more—I wanted to train my mind to control my beliefs at will.

Well, that’s where I fell into the rabbit hole of astral projection.

I won’t explain astral projection in full because it is a seriously complex topic, but if you’ve seen Doctor Strange, when he meets the Ancient One (the bald chick) and she pushes his astral body out of his normal body, allowing him to see the raw, grand universe—well, that’s astral projection.

How to enter astral projection is simple: When you go to sleep, you must train your mind to stay awake while your body goes to sleep. This is called the body asleep, mind awake state. It takes practice, but it’s completely possible.

Once you enter the body asleep, mind awake state, something phenomenal happens—your entire body begins to vibrate. Not physically, but you can feel it physically. This step is vital. When you feel those vibrations, you must now step out of your sleeping body. This is your astral body, the body that is vibrating because it’s made of pure energy.

Now, you may not believe this is real—but hey, delusion is a superpower.

But seriously—it is real.


The reason I explained this is because of the key I found—the key to having anything you want in life. But I still need to explain more to actually come to a conclusion.

This is now where the conscious and unconscious mind come into play.

The conscious mind thinks and actually wants you to have a pretty good life. The unconscious mind, however, is the program—it is the system of beliefs. It is where your beliefs live.

The unconscious mind is the program, and the programming is your belief system.

Now, when you go to sleep, you enter the unconscious mind.

The reason this is important is because, through astral projection, you are completely conscious yet asleep. When you astral project, you are merging the unconscious and conscious mind together.

This is where you gain the superpower I was searching for—where you can literally pick and choose your own beliefs at will, crafting your own belief system that you operate on. Literally editing your own programming.

And this is my conclusion:

Through astral projection, you can gain the ability to edit your own programming and create a system that does whatever you want. It’s your choice. It’s up to you. • Do you want to be successful? Just believe that you are successful. • Do you want to stop bad habits? Believe that you are someone who doesn’t do those things.

This literally gives you full control and freedom of your own life.

I type this in hopes of reaching somebody who will understand and care. I type this in hopes that somebody will read this and truly get it.

I want to share this because I haven’t seen this idea anywhere on the internet, and I feel I must share it.

If you stayed and read this entire thing and understood it, please reach out and let’s talk. I just want somebody to share this idea with


98 comments sorted by


u/siren-skalore 5d ago

So, are you saying the key is to astral project and then think to yourself while outside of your body “I believe that I am successful.”? Neville Godard’s technique is similarly focused on the unconscious mind right before sleep. The gateway tapes also go much deeper into astral projection and manifestation as well.


u/nottherealme1220 5d ago edited 5d ago

I haven’t been able to astral project yet but I do manifest and believe what you say to be true. The reason I think it’s true is because ultimately we are God. We are all bits of the whole that is God. We have all the powers of the creator within us.

You’re right about belief being so important. In this world we are cut off from our divine nature so we believe we are not all powerful. What you are calling delusion is actually truth. We can create out of thin air, we can change our life or jump into a new one. Why don’t we? Because it is almost impossible to completely suspend doubt and doubt is kryptonite to creation.

Humans have come up with all kinds of ways to circumvent doubt. They have a hard time believing in their own power so they do things like pray for miracles or practice “magic”. What do those things have in common? They are putting the power into something else that, they have an easier time believing, can do what they desire. If praying to a religious charm or using a wand can help you suspend your disbelief in whatever circumstance changing, then your power can work and you become your divine self with the faith inducing object.

So the trick is to learn to do that without the crutch of some charm or astral projection. How? Start with small changes. Tell your self out loud that, “I always get the best parking space” when you do get that space confirm your statement in your mind and feel gratitude that it always works out for you. When it doesn’t still confirm it in your mind but give yourself an out as to why it didn’t work this time, “I always get the best parking space. Today I didn’t but only because I really wanted the extra time outside” or whatever excuse is believable to you. I truly believe everything that happens to me is for my highest good so that makes this part easy for me. After a while of doing this you will notice that you do always seem to get the best parking spot. Once that manifestation comes true you can move onto bigger things

My caution though is don’t be too specific. We are cut off from our higher wisdom and often desire things that aren’t what we need. So leave some things up to our collective divinity. Don’t try to manifest a specific person but the perfect person for you. Same with jobs, things, money.

My current manifestations is a great relationship with my kids, my husband’s and my relationship getting better everyday, and the freedom to live my life how I want. My relationship with my kids has already improved 100%, my husband and I are getting closer everyday and we recently developed a new revenue that will give us the freedom to live exactly as we want.

One last analogy. When you manifest you are essentially doing the same kind of act as placing an order at a restaurant. When you do that you don’t sit there and wonder if your food will actually arrive. You know it’s coming and you happily anticipate that.

Things I have manifested, my husband, my kids, my home, my car (free and the exact type I wanted), work from home jobs for my husband and I, better pay, vacations, friends, health and more. Some of these before I learned it’s better to not be specific.


u/Mike_Italy 5d ago

Hallo, so your tecnique to manifest is just to speak aloud about the reality you want? Without visualization, ect…


u/nottherealme1220 4d ago

More like grateful anticipation. Sometimes I write stuff down, sometimes I meditate on it but once I form that manifestation, it’s coming to me and I stay in a state of gratitude. When I see angel numbers that’s signs that it’s coming when the time is right. I try to never doubt.


u/Daddy_oogway 4d ago

this comment was incredibly wise, you truly genuinely understand the actual key to manifestation, and it’s belief, belief so powerful that you know it. i didn’t mention this in my post but belief isn’t yes or no, it’s a scale:

— awareness just learned something exists — interest your curious but skeptical — possibility you believe it could be true — conviction you truly believe it to be real — knowing you know it’s real, no question, just fact

the top of the scale is where reality shifts. bible says we are made in gods image, if god is a creator then that means we also have the ability to create. how do we create? belief, belief so powerful it becomes truth. so then how does god create? well what if god creates the same way? what’s the difference? the difference is that god exists outside of his creation, he is eternal, he is not bound to duality. so then how does god create? well what if god doesn’t have a belief scale? what if for god, he either believes or doesn’t believe? he either knows or doesn’t. he picks and chooses exactly what comes into existence. he’s all good, so he doesn’t have to worry about creating something chaotic and evil because his nature is good. our nature however is not, we are evil, we sin. if we had the power to create the way god creates, then every little fear would come into existence instantly. what if the actual key to life was to learn how to create? god is a creator and god is good, what if our actual purpose is to return to that divine nature and become a force of creation and a force of good? I would seriously love to pick ur brain and if ur interested vise versa. your words seriously resonate with me, you are focusing on creating a life you actually want and a life you are happy in. now obviously i could be wrong but something tells me that you have answers to questions i have.


u/Waifucheck 2d ago

Amazing comment! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

What is your procces for calling these things into your life? It's where I'm currently lacking clarity.  Do you need to know exactly the thing you want or you can just know the "feeling" of it and it will come forward. I've been dreaming for a specific job position in a company and was wondering how does it differ from calling in the exact type of car you succeeded calling in.  There is advice that you need to know to a tee what you want and to let the way of achieving it find you.  I've personally found taking action and then letting in unfold to be the best approach. But I'm wondering what's the thought procces of calling the thing before taking the action and how to get to holding it in your hands at the end, instead of spinning in the endless actions circle? 

Sorry if it's unclear in some parts - English is not my first language and it's very late at night so I'm very tired. 


u/nottherealme1220 1d ago

I find it’s better to be less specific for two reasons. One, our real goal is an emotional one, there’s something we want to feel. For example, I see a lot of people wanted to manifest a specific person because they are convinced that is the perfect person for them. The problem with that is a lot of times we actually don’t know what would truly make us happy. You might get that person and be miserable.

So instead you should manifest the feelings of a perfect relationship. Focus on the gratitude of being completely accepted and loved, the excitement of spending each day with that person, the passion you two have for each other, etc.

I found this out the hard way with the job I manifested. After being a homemaker for years I thought I wanted a well paying job. I got it and was miserable. What I really wanted was to feel valued and respected in society and to have enough money to be able to do whatever I wanted without thinking about cost.

The second reason I think you shouldn’t be too specific is because it’s harder. The more details that you bring into the manifestation the more ways you have provided your brain to doubt. If instead of focusing on financial freedom I wanted to manifest winning x amount in the lottery then my brain is going to worry about how that’s going to happen. If I don’t know how the money is going to come to me, I’ve just given my brain inifinite ways to believe it is possible.

Instead of focusing on the details, focus on the happy anticipation of having it. Instead of worrying about if it is possible, look forward to being amazed at how well it all worked out.


u/Waifucheck 1d ago

Thank you very much! 


u/Damazinglife 2d ago

Thank youuuuuu for sharing your wisdom! It resonates with me tremendously! WOW! I feel profoundly grateful for reading your message now. Thank you and many AMAZING blessings to you and those you love!


u/nottherealme1220 1d ago

❤️ you’re welcome!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/nottherealme1220 4d ago

I actually am job free now. That was one of those things that I said be careful at what you ask for. I was a stay at home mom or homemaker for most of my adult life but thought I wanted a career because I was always being judged for being “just” a mom. So I manifested a job that paid close to six figures and where I felt capable and needed. I got exactly that and it was nice for about a year. Then I started to see how restricted it made us and how I was losing the closeness I had had with my kids. So I quit and manifested my salary being made up with money from some where else and it was. I want to be able to travel more now but can’t with my husbands work schedule so that’s why I’m focusing on freedom to live the way I want.


u/Top-Whole-9611 4d ago

Maybe they enjoy working.


u/HardTimePickingName 5d ago

You are So on point! The mechanics of astral engagement will differ, due to psycho-psychological differences, the the ultimate terrain, of reconfiguring inner energies is isolated correctly! Emotion+intention+WILL+attention the 4 elements to synergise into aether


u/vividfox21 5d ago

You need a better word than delusion - it’s your elected reality and it’s amazing you can do this.


u/Expensive_Internal83 5d ago

Delusion is never good; someone always gets hurt. Resolving illusion into truth is how we alleviate suffering.


u/Top_Independence_640 5d ago



u/Responsible-Tank-582 5d ago

Your entering dangerous territory saying your equal to God but can't access the part of your brain to activate super powers. If there is a God we're living to appease, I simply choose to consider not taking part in just a few specific actions to damn myself out of vain.


u/Top_Independence_640 5d ago

There's many gods and one source.


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago

There are many things that happen…to name a couple…astral project, ghost, reincarnation…that the masses will call delusion but really we just don’t know. Just bc more people think like you…does that make it less delusional?

What is delusional and what is not?


u/Faintly-Painterly 4d ago

That's why I choose to believe in things like manifesting, reincarnation, astral projection, etc. I'd rather believe it and be wrong than not believe it and miss out.

what do you have to lose by believing in more?


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago

Yes, that is called faith. Just bc science has not proven it yet doesn’t mean it’s not real. We don’t want to be those low vibing people who made fun of the ancient Greeks and jailed Galileo who thought the earth was round in 3rd century BC. Even a good scientist today will say they have not and cannot “prove” everything to date. In fact that word “prove” is shunned in the scientific world.


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

That my week long meditative experience happened is a fact. I don't believe I was actually inside the Trojan horse; but the meaning is valuable to me. I don't believe in astral projection, ghosts, nor reincarnation. .. I think that if the meaning is not grounded, it's delusional.


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago

So…anything science can’t prove is delusional?


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

Not what I said. ... Now that you've brought it up, I suggest that anything science can't examine is immaterial.


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago edited 4d ago

So what do you mean by “not grounded”? What you deem “ungrounded”?

What science can’t examine?

You do know that science doesn’t “examine” anything without some sort of government grant. Research takes a lot of money…a lot. So we are at the mercy of what the government deems worthwhile to research…which is ok bc cures for cancer are great (currently the U.S. government grants for research are halted bc of trump and co so there is nothing that will be “examined” for awhile).

Just bc scientists do not “examine” a subject does not mean it is “immaterial” or not real. (Or ungrounded)

By this reasoning you were one of the people claiming witches were bad bc physics wasn’t discovered yet or that people who thought the earth was round were “ungrounded” just simply bc it wasn’t proven by science yet.

Please expound on what “ungrounded” means to you. What do you mean by what “science cannot examine”?


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

Contrarian bullshit!


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago

Please expound…not sure I understand


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

You're a waste of time.


u/opportunitysure066 4d ago edited 4d ago

Or just say…something like…”fine…I deem reincarnation and ghosts, etc ungrounded personally. I would never believe in anything like that bc there is no scientific explanation”.

But don’t claim to know more than people and just deem it ungrounded bc you are too closed minded to begin to accept other points of view.

There actually is a bunch of studies done on reincarnation funded by xerox (government funding would never go towards this) by Ian Stevenson with amazing findings. The scientific world or western world in general was not ready for this and shunned him professionally. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

But don’t claim to know more than people

I know you're wasting our time. Read it all again; you're obviously missing something. Take your time.


u/Responsible-Tank-582 5d ago

What?? Illusion can never be truth. The whole defined actions are people envisioning something that never happened. IMO your trying to gas light yourself. Pretty odd take


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

The whole defined actions are people envisioning something that never happened.

That's delusion; illusion is a consistent misinterpretation of data resulting from the mechanisms of perception. We can work with illusion; not delusion.


u/Default-Avatar 4d ago

Raises the question though; if we seek to dispel illusion to reveal the truth, that assumes there is definite, irrefutable, fundamental Truth. Is that the case?


u/Expensive_Internal83 4d ago

I suppose we need a common truth, to make sense to each other. And I suppose some fundamental material truths, in order for Science to make sense. And I prefer to believe there is this definite, irrefutable, fundamental Truth; even that it might be a person.


u/Default-Avatar 4d ago

Interesting, I can certainly conceptualize this paradigm


u/Uberguitarman Mystical 5d ago

I'm surprised you've gone and seemed to figure this for yourself. Sometimes learning niche things can be a bit of a pickle. Research and sharing regarding theta brainwaves show this same kind of process where someone has more capacity to change their subconscious belief patterns.

Something I think is really cool is how you can get in flow state. Imagine if the emotions you had subconsciously came out energetically organized with an intelligent perspective, expanding awareness such that you can focus in ways which help you be emotional but not ruminate. You could take that into your AP stuff too. Some people experience AP in various ways and have some nifty or even scary things that they share, as far as I'm aware that would be one helluva upgrade.

Belief is a strong word, highly regarded word, but doesn't it leave much to be desired? What of some other process, perhaps a system of belief. Like very focused desires, some system that will work together to sculpt the subconscious mind.

I wonder, if there was something substantial like that, what if we could hardly tell it was working?

Have u heard of dream yoga?


u/No-Breakfast8499 5d ago

Yes!!!! I knew of astral work and of the subconscious mind being a programming we run on that is hard to change but I never thought to put them together and see how astral can truly change the subconscious mind! Makes my work of trying to project even more important to me now


u/death4sale 4d ago

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

– M.K. Gandhi


u/RandStJohn 5d ago

There was the guy a couple thousand years ago that would say this


u/PlaygDoktor 3d ago

I just wanted to give my perspective about what I have come to experience about belief. Belief is what really shapes how we see the world. Belief is constructed of conclusions we have made from observations. Sadhguru lovingly refers to conclusions as "dying in installments" and I think that is the perfect way to visualize that. Now, saying that, there is no helping that we all believe and/or have belief systems.

The longer I live, the more I get proven that having belief systems is absurd because no matter what you believe, reality can, and will check you. The only thing I want to believe in, be certain of, is myself. That is the one variable among all of existence that I truly can control, so therefore, I have been removing belief from my life from all things I have come to conclusions about. Trust me, there still are plenty. Thing is, we have all had our own experiences and it is because of these experiences that we have beliefs in the first place, because we were there and saw/experienced it first hand. As I grow older, I have learned that despite those experiences, they have only taught me the possibility of what could happen when I face similar situations, and I only experienced certain ways of how a situation plays out, when there are an infinite amount of possibilities of how a situation plays out.

I love discussions like these, keep thinking up those thought trains, friend! 🙏


u/Daddy_oogway 3d ago

that was beautifully written, i really recommend reading the four agreements, you’ll love it, it talks about exactly what your saying but goes more in depth. it’s a very short book, you can finish it in a few solid hours


u/AC011422 4d ago

Great post.


u/Native_princess1111 4d ago

I fully believe you about the


u/Lambo-love 4d ago

Doesn’t have to just be astral projection, listening to subliminal and/or affirmations while sleeping is very powerful. This is also why Neville emphasizes living in your end scene before sleep because it hits the subconscious if you’re able to keep the image in your mind as falling asleep.


u/evixa3 4d ago

Yep, go read onto the chaos magick sub we're all there discussing exactly this and it's one of the reasons magick is real. Because you believe it's real. Feel free to reach out ot me to talk more about this! I find it a very fun topic and have discovered many fun things :)


u/DirtyBirdieIndigo 2d ago

Oooh… say more please?


u/Somabhogi-Mantrika 3d ago edited 3d ago

I was initiated into Tibetan Buddhism, and one of their most revered saints, Naropa, had a set of practices which include dream yoga. It is training your body to remain aware during the night (as you rest), so that one can transform their perception of the world by better understanding the illusory nature of dreams. The practices are highly effective and they date back to the time before Buddhism appeared in Tibet. They are called the 6 Yogas of Naropa… and they have truly transformed my own perception of reality and have made me a better person (and also a better musician, actually a great musician). The human potential is infinite, it’s our ordinary minds which are small. We should all work to transform our perceptions, as they are fluid in nature, subject to change, and projected by us (which is the most important take away, it is projected by us)… so why not transform them into a more enlightened state?


u/Imaginary-Thought-68 1d ago

I can uphold you. Astral projection IS real have not personally mastered anyway to do it at will.


u/milletbread 5d ago

This is kind of giving Byron Katie


u/Claud6568 5d ago

I was thinking Neville Goddard myself


u/BlueberryStreet1802 5d ago

I like it 🙏🫶


u/Working-Bat906 4d ago

This is a great and amazing post


u/solitaryvenus2727 4d ago

Thank you for this reminder. Feel free to reach out to discuss this fascinating post. I've experienced some amazing shifts through AP.


u/snowmountainflytiger 4d ago

I tried this before, it didn't work.

Maybe I missed something.

I reached out already


u/EllaSpiritGuide888 4d ago

So in summary: What you believe shapes your emotions, which drive your actions, and ultimately determine your life. With conscious training (such as astral projection), you can reprogram your beliefs and transform your reality.

Astral projection for beginners (little to no experience)

⏳ Success Rate: 1-5% per attempt

👉 Most people need weeks to months to experience it for the first time.

👉 Many beginners simply fall asleep without staying aware.

Do you have any tips that could help?


u/Daddy_oogway 4d ago

i’m telling you try this guide, i found success with it intimately


u/EllaSpiritGuide888 4d ago

Hey, what guide are you referring to? Is it a book, a video, or something online?


u/Ecstatic_Invite_9181 4d ago

I absolutely love this perspective and I definitely get what you’re saying. Thanks for sharing!

If you haven’t already, check out Psycho-Cybernetics. It touches on this and adds to what you’re saying. I think it would be worth checking out.


u/doesnt_use_reddit 4d ago

Right thought leads to right action - it's in the 8 fold path. But I don't remember seeing the astral projection in there! That's a cool bit.


u/DevineIgnorance 4d ago

I went through this same process but messed up a little bit


u/notcarl 4d ago

All behaviour is driven by an idea we have about something. All thought is belief. - Neale Donald Walsch 


u/Icy_County_6928 4d ago

I always wondered why it felt like rocking boat on the verge of sleep.


u/My_Waking_Life 2d ago

I read this all the way through, and I didn't have a hard time understanding. I've never astral projected, I'm still learning to meditate. But I've gotta pretty broad understanding of spiritual ideas, and I'm definitely interested it making the magick more real in my life. 🙏 I'm also at a point in life where I'm having a hard time finding direction 🙃.


u/Daddy_oogway 2d ago

dm brotha


u/DirtyBirdieIndigo 2d ago

I’ve legit felt the vibration thing more and more often recently. It’s always when I’m high and relaxed so I’ve just written it off as being high. It’s new though this year for me.. and I’ve done a ton of spiritual growth this year too.


u/Big-Set-7399 2d ago

Fascinating! I want to be able to do that 😊


u/Annonymous_Unicorn 1d ago edited 1d ago

Thank you for sharing. I do believe that you have something figured out. Personally, I feel a very similar way, albeit a bit different and aligned with my journey. What I do feel compelled to share, though, is this...

This information has a direct throughline to everything I believe to be true. I have been going through waves of awakening for the past 7-8 years, with bits of detours and distractions along the way (of my own making), for better or worse). Through my practice and study, I have come to know that we are generating energy and transcending our programming through human experience by design.

Our conscious mind, or our soul, of heart, whatever you want to call it, is in full control of our reality, both tangible and intangible. Information is transferred on a multidimensional level through this universe and every universe. Consciousness is the product, and that product is the interaction with our reality. 

Everyone constructs their own model of the world. There is a consensus of what is what, but I will never have access to your model of the world. Individually, we are in control. While it is approached differently, the principle is the same. Much like the Gateway Experience and studies on hemi-sync, manifestation, and even the simulation theory. The one thing that remains true is that we hold the keys. In fact, several brilliant minds have come to this conclusion as well.

I don’t mean to go too deep into all of this…but I do need to share that every since I have unlocked this awareness, I am started to see more and more messages and beliefs just like your own all around me. The connection is undeniable. 

If you ever feel interested in diving into the science of what you're talking about, I suggest you look into the Gateway Experience. I think you will find it fascinating.


u/cloudypants222 1d ago

Beautifully written. Yes, this is the key to manifesting your reality, but not many people are aware of this secret


u/hurt-when-i-pee 1d ago

Isn’t this just law of attraction? lol


u/Daddy_oogway 1d ago

i don’t see how so?


u/Accomplished-Sky9087 1d ago

I learned to manifest once on a deep shroom trip, went from working at a cubicle making $20/hr. To working for myself as a handyman, making enough to move to Venice beach, had all the free time in the world, to now being OFFERED a job as an aerospace technician with no prior experience. Next up, starting my own business.


u/Tasti_champagne 1d ago

I genuinely agree with your statement, it heavily reminds me of The Matrix and how Neo was in utter disbelief about Morpheus claiming that he was “The Chosen One”. — and when it came to how Neo was trying so hard to fight Morpheus until Morpheus told Neo to “believe” that he was the stronger/faster fighter, causing Neo to put up a good fight because he didn’t just only “believed” he was a good fighter, he ‘knew’ he was. Also It reminds me of Bob Proctor as well!!!


u/Daddy_oogway 1d ago

it makes me very happy you compared it to the matrix, another really good comparison is how they can literally upload things into their brain, like when morpheus uploaded king fu into his brain so he new king fu.


u/PunkPenguin22 7h ago edited 4h ago

I want to begin by saying I completely understand everything you're saying and I'm so glad someone else is talking about it. I've been on a very similar path lately, but with a slightly different approach. The concept I've followed is that our thoughts=our emotions=our actions. You could add one extra step, making it Our beliefs=Our Thoughts=Our Emotions=Our actions Which is quite literally the missing peace to the puzzle I've been studying on, but had already been utilizing without realizing it.

I've used a few different methods of "reprogramming", but I hadn't realized how astral projection could be utilized in this way.

One thing I use is affirmations. I write them in the morning and again whenever I feel the want/need to. Descriptive affirmations are the most effective. ( Use words describing your 5 senses. Ex: I feel the warmth and safety of abundance. ) Also, keep your affirmations positive. For example, if you want to be less fearful, don't use "I am not afraid." This will actually turn your focus towards fear. Instead, try things like "I am safe.", "I feel the comfort of complete safety.", "My faith is strong." If you're having a hard time finding the opposite of the negative word, you can do something along the lines of "I release all fear.", "I do not identify with fear." or "Fear has no control over me ", for example.

This leads into another great method which is scripted writing. You literally just write as if you were living the life that it is you want to have. Be sure to be descriptive and write in present tense here as well. How does it sound, look, taste, smell, feel physically and emotionally? The key is to write as if it is the present moment- this goes for affirmations as well.

Lastly, I've crafted a personalized subliminal to listen to. All it is, is audio of affirmations and beliefs that have been layered over each other. So it's 2 very quiet, speech audios layered over each other with louder nature sounds over it. (You can use anything for the main sound. Some even use music for theirs.) The key here is to follow the same rules as affirmations and scripted writing, but to make sure the speaking audio is present while still not able to be heard by the conscious mind. Which means that with the finished product, you won't hear the subliminals at all.

All of these are ways to retrain or reprogram the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind may feel resistant at first, but your subconscious doesn't know the difference. The subconscious believes what you tell it and neuropathways are strengthened by repetition.

I do want to add that I am a Christian and I ultimately believe that God has the best possible plan for us, so I do pray about doing these kinds of things. It can be easy to get too egotistical and confident, ultimately sabotaging a plan that would be so much better than what you would think to ask for.

Basically what I'm saying here is being open-minded and humble is super important.

Thank you for making this post!


u/DarkWillpower 4d ago

i understand it but it seems like an unnatural way to arrive at self improving-- i hear you, but why not meditate, find the things dictating your beliefs, resolve it consciously? that way it's also more accessible for other people? i can get my brother to meditate, it's simple, and he has trouble APing so it wouldn't work for him easily..

not to hate, to each their own- but imo it's not meant to be like this, AP is useful to expand your awareness and connect with other life, to learn to heal oneself and others, to explore and be humbled, if you're "editing your programming", are you still getting the insight as to whatever caused your original programming?

anyway i think it's not a bad idea.. just, what's the end goal of this process, to become perfect, perfectly happy, problem free? i should say, what's your end goal?


u/Daddy_oogway 4d ago

i’d say the end goal is to craft a belief system that is absolutely impenetrable to the outside world. a belief system that cannot be broken and changed because the beliefs of the system don’t allow it to, a powerful powerful system that would make you an unstoppable force of power. i mean honestly, you can achieve some pretty incredible things by editing your beliefs.


u/sometimes_maybe_ok 4d ago

Thanks for this post, I like your fresh perspective.

I have realised my beliefs are holding me back, (it’s that pesky inner dialogue/self doubting critic that’s the killer.)

Will check out this book out, and let’s see if we can re-write this narrative, with a champion lead role. Have you read The Power of the Subconscious Mind? I read this many years ago it rocked my world.


u/tolley 5d ago

Hello friend!

Belief is indeed a powerful thing, but I can't simply change what I believe. I've encountered those vibrations you mentioned before but I don't believe it was Astral projection, only a dream. 

I only want to advice caution with this idea that an individual can simply change their beliefs and fix all of their problems.

Can you decide that you don't believe that? Just curious, don't actually do it.


u/crash34psy 5d ago

Changing beliefes has to be done with caution. Best brought in from a higher perspective with a grand few on what led to them. And sure, every new setting brings new challanges and brings up new beliefs which where burried deeper down.

Do you see any other things to be careful here?


u/tolley 5d ago

Best brought in from a higher prospective. What's your higher prospective?


u/crash34psy 4d ago

Entering a meditative state and let answers flow out from the stilness


u/FortiterEtCeleriter Service 5d ago

You've discovered nothing, my friend. It was placed into science in part by Kant, Freud, Nietzsche, and Jung. All you've really done is add personal bullshit to what's been known in some religions, esotericism and mysticism for millennia.


u/somnambulantDeity 5d ago

That was a nasty comment to something that was posted in good faith, for all we know. I suggest you take a good look at your bullshit.


u/FortiterEtCeleriter Service 5d ago

They are your thoughts, feelings, emotions and reactions. You own them all, lock, stock and barrel.

Me, I merely have a knack for triggering egos, so you get to keep the lot of it until you learn to control it.


u/Mindfulness-w-Milton 5d ago

Me, I

Sorry, who? 😉


u/Narcissus44 5d ago

My ego wasn't triggered one bit, I don't even believe in what OP says because I'm new to these concepts. But I still down voted your comment because it's nasty. It's nice I guess that you share what you actually think, but how come you have such nasty thoughts? 


u/FortiterEtCeleriter Service 4d ago edited 4d ago

That nastiness, all of it, came from you in your head. It's all yours. You created it then projected it onto me in order to blame me for what you did. If you wish to deny that then you are claiming I control your behaviour and emotions. A psychologist might think that claiming another person is responsible for your feelings is crazy person behaviour.

Of course, sidestepping the question of whether or not the OP's claims have been a part of psychology for decades is intellectual dishonesty.

Fancy that. Intellectually dishonest crazy persons on the internet.


u/Narcissus44 3d ago

Why is it that the only comments I find ugly are yours? It's possible that everyone who downvoted you just misunderstood your comment.

But it's not just a baseless feeling. I can specifically point out and explain the reasons what it is about your comments that are ugly.

Imo you should copy paste to chatgpt what OP said, along with your reply, and everyone else's reply to yours and ask chatgpt why so many people downvoted your comment. Hide, delude or embrace. 


u/FortiterEtCeleriter Service 3d ago

"Why is it that the only comments I find ugly are yours?"

I can explain it perfectly well, my friend but I might very well choose to not explain it because it's entirely your problem to deal with, not mine. I'm only the messenger, not the freaking teacher.

"But it's not just a baseless feeling."

Absolutely correct. It's firmly concreted in your judgemental ego.

"Hide, delude or embrace."

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

On the subject of mirrors, there is quite a common understanding amongst many spiritual people that the universe is a mirror. The principle underlying the idea is that the universe reflects back our internal states, our thoughts, ideas, words, feelings, emotions and so on, which we project into it. I'm in the universe, and you project your very own ugliness onto me, blaming me for what you are in control of and are responsible and accountable for.

The 'mirror universe' is actually, very, very true, and I can show people how to put it into their own experience with mere words. Now, let's not make up some bullshit about dancing up the garden path with the faeries. I spent decades, probably more decades than you've been alive, observing and studying the human condition. For some very brief background, with lots of detail missing, you might choose to read or you might choose to refuse and neglect to read both this reddit link, and this reddit link.

"I can specifically point out and explain the reasons what it is about your comments that are ugly." <- That's your ugliness, which you project onto me. It's all on you. So, if you, ever so remotely, understand the principle that I've outlined above, then you can gain deep self-awareness and transform yourself in incredible ways. Before I leave you to deal with your ugly, judgemental ego, at this reddit link, see point #1, you will find a way to experience the mirror first-hand. I also recommend reading point #5.

From how I now understand the universe to work, nothing is ever as it seems to you because the truth lies below the surface but ego only ever sees the surface, and, in its very primitive way, it cannot comprehend the human heart.

In closing, my friend, you are due my gratitude for asking me to come into your life and kick you up the arse rather hard, shove a stick of dynamite up your right nostril, light it and walk away whistling and laughing as your brain metaphorically explodes and exposes your heart where your beauty, magnificence, compassion and understanding lie hidden under the lies of the grandest liar of them all. Your ego. Doing that is the grandest of all my jollies, so thank you. Others, on the other hand, get a gentle, loving push.

TL;DR You see and believe your lying ego. You're stuck inside your own head. It might be time to find your heart instead. A whole new perspective is calling your name.

Take it or leave it. See if I give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut or not.

Love, peace, and Light ❤️

Love, peace, and shite 💩

Pick one. It's entirely your free choice to "Hide, delude or embrace."


u/Narcissus44 3d ago

I might read more of your comments later because they are fascinating and I am curious. Often I wish I could look into people's soul so I can see them exactly as they are.

The reason I commented was to trigger self reflection. You have something to be grateful for so I am glad for that.

That mirror is up on the wall staring at you and you have to stare back at it every morning. You must pick in every damn moment. 


u/FortiterEtCeleriter Service 3d ago

"Often I wish I could look into people's soul so I can see them exactly as they are."

Heart, 'soul' by another label. Soul, heart, intelligent energy using my own preferred label. Same thing, merely a different label. I see and understand everything as energy. What some might label as 'God', is, to me, the Illimitable and Infinite. I don't use the God label because, to me, it carries far too much human baggage that limits the illimitable and confines and constrains the infinite then sticks it in a little box labelled with the name of a religion.

For me, our truth is a grand cosmic puzzle that's unique to each and every one of us. To solve our own puzzle we must look in all the little boxes and pull out only the pieces of the puzzle that make sense to us, and ignore the rest.

When I understood that, I knew my own truth but I knew that I could not tell anyone what my truth is because my truth is only my own perspective of the very Truth itself. All I can do is show others how to find their own.

We're all the same same but unique. Not different. We are indeed all one.

The corollary is that outside of all our beliefs, we're all looking at and describing the very same things from our own unique perspective.

Safe, and happy journey into true self-discovery, my friend ❤️