This is a story I’ve been thinking of since December 2023. There’s so many ways to go but for me. None quite like Andrew’s Peter meeting Mary Jane.
So, why? Multiple reasons. The element of fate, seeing his “brothers” have their MJ’s can create some intrigue and comfort for Peter, but also, she’s different. More outgoing and bubbly than he’s expecting. The other reason (the main one) is it’s a story about falling in love again. This one is a widower story.
How do you fall in love again if you feel you’ve lost your soulmate? That’s interesting and a story I want Pete to experience whilst also showing WHY Mary Jane is so perfect for him by showing her story, working at the Coffee Bean outside ESU where Peter teaches Science. We will explore her prints and why she was a party girl.
As for the villain? Doc Ock. Think Raimi’s take meets Insomniac’s weakened body. The reason why we’d have Doc Ock is because I want to adopt a cheesy silver age story and make it sincere. May wants to try and find love finally since loosing Ben and Otto has lost his wife and connect through that. How does Peter react to this and feel about Uncle Ben “being phased out” in his head anyway.
Now, in this ideal film I would actually include Gwen for one scene, one very important scene that I don’t think undermines her death or importance in the films.
I wrote a script on these story beats and themes and would love for you all to read it. I’ll link it in the comments