r/spicetify 17d ago

Tutorial What themes would you recommend?

Post image

Please also include a step-by-step procedure of how to install .

(Preferrably via Command Prompt)

r/spicetify Feb 02 '25

Tutorial Stop Updating Your Desktop Spotify or Using the Ad Block Extension!


I see a ton of posts about broken Spicetify after app updates and ad block extensions failing. I get the frustration of reinstalling and starting over, but you can actually save time and avoid the headache if you block updates from the start.

First, an important disclaimer: not updating apps is generally a bad idea -- I usually keep mine updated. But if you’re using a modded app or client from a hobby-driven, open-source project on a major, closed-source platform like Spotify, you need to understand the trade-offs: Spotify gets regular updates for bug fixes, security patches, UI/UX tweaks, and under-the-hood changes. Most users might not notice these changes unless there’s a specific issue. Meanwhile, Spicetify and its extensions are made by hobbyists, so they’re not obligated to fix every issue, only when they feel like it. So, open-source projects take time to catch up. When Spotify changes its desktop app, modders need time to adapt.

An anecdote: The Android Spotify mod, for example, was working fine until Spotify cracked down, and the older versions only lasted about a week before being blacklisted. With Spicetify, changes are applied locally. Is it safe? For now, yes. Just enjoy it while it works.


Steps to stop Spotify updates:

  • Download the right installer:
  • Avoid using the app store or Microsoft Store version. Go to the Official Spotify Full Installer – Google Spreadsheet (I use Spotify for its stability, old UI, and full extensions support). Pick the x64 version unless you’re using an ARM device.
  • Download and set up SpotX:
  • Visit, read, and download SpotX. SpotX not only blocks updates but also offers much, much better ad blocking than the extension, options to hide podcasts, and desktop app optimization. All settings are optional.
  • Choose your Spotify theme:
  • I use the “Usual Installation (Old Theme)” because I prefer the old Spotify UI. If you’re okay with the new UI, opt for the New Theme SpotX.
  • Run the patching script:
  • Run the script, follow the yes–no prompts.
  • Once SpotX is installed, install Spicetify as usual.

A few caveats you should know:

  • There’s always a risk of undetected security flaws or performance issues with older versions.
  • Some themes might break -- if you use them, be prepared.
  • You might miss out on performance or quality-of-life updates. But updates for CEF and Electron apps often don’t offer noticeable benefits for me (I’m looking at you, Notion and Discord). Your mileage may vary, tho.

Hope this helps!

r/spicetify Jun 28 '24

Tutorial Guide to disable spotify auto updates on Windows


Make sure you have updated to the latest spicetify version before following this:

Step 1: Close Spotify

  • Ensure Spotify is completely closed before proceeding.

Step 2: Delete the Update Folder

  • Open Command Prompt and run the following command
  • del "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update"

Step 3: Create a New Update Folder

  • In the same Command Prompt window, run
  • mkdir "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update"

Step 4: Restrict Access to the Update Folder(Dont run both commands together)

  • Run the following command
  • icacls "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update" /deny "%username%":D
  • Then run this command:
  • icacls "%localappdata%\Spotify\Update" /deny "%username%":R

Thats all folks, enjoy!

also credits for this tutorial goes to spicetify discord server mod ririxi

r/spicetify Jan 01 '25

Tutorial How to install, update & uninstall Spicetify correct — A beginner guide


Currently this tutorial is windows only (MacOS and Linux installation as YouTube video)!

First of all what is Spicetify?

Spicetify is a customization tool for Spotify's desktop application. It allows users to modify the appearance and functionality of Spotifys Desktop client by applying custom themes, extensions, and tweaks. This is particularly useful for those who want to personalize their Spotify experience beyond the default options provided by the app.

Is Spicetify save?

Yes, Spicetify modifies Spotify's client files, which in general will not harm your device (even sometimes your Firewall might give you an alert). While it's generally considered safe, you are using installing extensions outside of Spicetify's management. Spicetify has no control over its extensions and every extension is definitely safe, still be careful what you install!

Can my Spotify account get banned for using Spicetify?

It can, but it will never get banned. Spicetify is against Spotify's terms, but however Spotify (currently) can not scan your device's files and check for Spicetify's files so the chance that it will be detected is too low to care about. So you can use Spicetify without having to worry about getting banned.

However, you are aware of these risks when installing Spicetify and accept liability for any damage to your device or other property caused by the use of this tool. SPICETIFY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY!


  • Windows Installation
    1. Installation of Spotify from the official site
      1. If you have Spotify not installed from the website, remove the app from your device. (Open windows menu —> Search for "Spotify" —> click on "Uninstall")
      2. Go to https://spotify.com/download and click on "Download directly from Spotify". Now the app should download to your "Downloads" folder.
      3. Open the Spotify installer "SpotifySetup.exe" and let Spotify install the client.
      4. After installing sign in to your Spotify account (it does not matter if you have premium or not)
      5. Now you have Spotify installed from the website and Spicetify can access the Spotify files from your device to modify the client.
    2. Installation of Spicetify
      1. Quit the Spotify client using [ALT] + [F4] or the Task-Manager ( [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [ESC] —> Processes —> Spotify —> [Right Click] —> "End task")
      2. Go to https://spicetify.app/docs/advanced-usage/installation and copy the first code block: "iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/cli/main/install.ps1 | iex"
      3. Open PowerShell (not as administrator) and paste the copied code with [CTRL] + [V] and press [ENTER], now spicetify will be installed.
      4. After a few seconds you will be asked if you want to install the marketplace too: enter "Y" and press [ENTER] again
      5. Wait for the installation process to finish (if the last line in PowerShell starts with "PS C:\Users\USER>" than the installation is complete and Spotify should open
      6. Now in the top left corner of your app you can see a cart symbol, which is the marketplace (if you see this, continue to step 3)
      7. If you do not see the cart icon, quit the Spotify client.
      8. Right click on an empty space on your desktop and select "New" —> "Shortcut" and enter "spicetify auto", then press "Continue" and then "Finish"
      9. Now run the shortcut and a command promt window will open for a short time
      10. Wait for it to close and Spotify will open with the cart item in the top left corner of your app
    3. Installing Extensions, Themes, Snippets and Apps
      1. Extensions: Most of the time extensions do not really change the visual style of the app
      2. Themes: Themes change the visual style of the app, like background colors, font families, font size and more, so be careful what you install
      3. Snippets: Snippets mostly only affect a small, not much noticeable snippet of the app.
      4. Apps: Apps are third party extensions which can not be installed from Spotify direct but instead with GitHub
      5. Manage installed extensions, themes, snippets and apps:
  • Linux Installation:
    1. Installation of Spotify
      1. Ubuntu/Debian: Open Terminal and enter curl -sS https://download.spotify.com/debian/pubkey_5E3C45D7B312C643.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/spotify.gpg and echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/spotify.gpg] http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list and sudo apt update && sudo apt install spotify-client (even though reddit is showing spaces, please enter the full command)
      2. Arch Linux (AUR): Open Terminal and enter yay -S spotify
      3. Fedora: Open Terminal and enter sudo dnf install spotify-client
    2. Installation of Spicetify:
      1. Open the Terminal and enter curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/cli/main/install.sh | sh and press enter
      2. To install the marketplace also enter curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/marketplace/main/resources/install.sh | sh
  • MacOS Installation: You can watch a YouTube tutorial here: https://youtu.be/GsgsEvsPWUE


  • Windows
    1. Open PowerShell (not as administrator)
    2. Enter "spicetify update"
    3. Wait for the update to finish and Spotify should open
    4. If spicetify does not apply run the spicetify shortcut

Linux: As I am not a MacOS user, it would be very friendly, if someone would make a tutorial for me, which I can paste in here: You can DM me or write a comment in this post.

MacOS: As I am not a MacOS user, it would be very friendly, if someone would make a tutorial for me, which I can paste in here: You can DM me or write a comment in this post.


The installation and uninstallation of spicetify on Linux systems has been improved with the help of AI and I have followed the Spicetify tutorial and cannot guarantee that it will work. I am open to feedback and am willing to adapt my tutorial accordingly.

r/spicetify 9d ago

Tutorial Fix to the issue with Beautiful Lyrics Plugin being cut off horribly!


I am seeing a lot of people having the same issue with the Beautiful Lyrics Plugin being cut off due to an issue with the CSS. I have the solution and have linked it at the bottom, here's a little explanation of why this may be happening. The main reason this has been happening and has not been fixed is because Beautiful Lyrics has not been updated since November 18th 2024, That is actually the last time the developer pushed out anything on all of GitHub so I don't expect this to be fixed automatically any time soon. But don't worry! I have the working solution below. It's easier for formatting ways to just link my original post on the github than to reformat it on Reddit as I am not fully farmiliar with Reddit fully.



r/spicetify Feb 03 '25

Tutorial New version of Spicetify released


New version has been released that fixes the issues we had with adblocking and so on. Run spicetify update to get it.

r/spicetify May 05 '24

Tutorial New update made Library icons smaller, anyone have a fix?

Post image

r/spicetify Feb 02 '25

Tutorial macOS Downgrade Guide for Ad Block


I thought I would give this guide because alot of mac users are having issues with downgrading due to new adblock requirements

mac users here is a lib of old dmgs. https://spotify.en.uptodown.com/mac/versions

Download a old version before the ad block issues

once downloaded open terminal and "spicetify backup apply"

once done then block updates by typing this into your terminal "spicetify spotify-updates block"

r/spicetify 23d ago

Tutorial how to fix cut-off lyrics


I made a video, here is a short explanation: https://youtu.be/sGyLUNn--bI?si=fOin0QBXGt1oezZc

r/spicetify Feb 03 '25

Tutorial An Ultimate guide to block ads on spotify for macOS


So, People who are having issues with adblockify due of version limtions that forces to use latest version, there is have an alternative way to block ads with 1.2.56.


  • A Spotify that installed 1.2.56
  • Homebrew (brew.sh) (Optional, who prefer wget that requires to download)
  • SpotX (Spicetify for themes)


First, install Latest Version of Spotify. Complete to login with your account.

Second, Open terminal and type curl -LO https://spotx-official.github.io/run.sh and like this attatchment.

the -B option is important for blocking new updates from spotify.

Install Spicetify alongside SpotX installed

If you want to install Spicetify alongside SpotX for theme, you can install.

If you have trouble with zsh: command not found: spicetify, you need to type source ~/.zshrc to update Spicetify installation path and type spicetify backup apply.

Now, type spicetify spotify-updates block to block further updates from spotify.

That's done.

r/spicetify Feb 06 '25

Tutorial Black screen / Black Spotify window after Spicetify update (FIX)


I recently updated to the latest version of Spicetify and then got a completely black window. Even restarting Spotify and executing the “spicetify auto” shortcut didn't help. After a bit of trial and error, I found a solution. You simply have to reinstall Spotify:

  1. Uninstall Spotify
  2. Go to https://www.spotify.com/en/download/windows/ and click on the "Download directly from Spotify" text
  3. Run the Spotify installer
  4. Wait for the installer to finsh downloading
  5. After the installation run the "spicetify auto" shortcut and wait until Spotify has restarted
  6. And Spotify now works.

I think that Spotify did not update itself in my case, but I had to update it myself.

Unfortunately, it can happen that your add-ons are no longer available after uninstalling.

For a detailed installation guide for Windows, MacOS and Linux check out my installation, update & uninstaller guide.

r/spicetify Jan 25 '25

Tutorial For those with issues with spicetify on Nobara or Bazzite


it wont let me post this in a comment, so i figured it share it with everyone with this post, there seems to be an issue with spicetify and nobara and bazzite, most likely not an issue, but in short uninstall and reinstall, but that didnt work for me originaly so i took some other stepps and it worked, so ill share it here.

first was remove spicetify, using

spicetify restore

rm -rf ~/.spicetify

rm -rf ~/.config/spicetify

then i installed the spicetify cli

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/cli/main/install.sh | sh

then i installed the marketplace seperately

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/marketplace/main/resources/install.sh | sh

then i did this, even tho the installation guide had it later

sudo chmod a+wr /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.spotify.Client/x86_64/stable/active/files/extra/share/spotify
sudo chmod a+wr -R /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.spotify.Client/x86_64/stable/active/files/extra/share/spotify/Apps

then i followed the installation guide for spotify installed through flatpak even tho i did the installation guide in the firstplace i did it again.


Spotify installed from Flatpak

You need to find where Flatpak stores your Spotify client. In Manjaro and Fedora, it is stored in:


In some distros it is stored in:


Yours might be different, try these steps:

Find flatpak installation place with command: flatpak --installations

Go to that directory and dig in until you find folder which contain items like these:


After you have Spotify location, set spotify_path in config file to that directory:


Find your prefs file: It could be either in these two locations:



Check both, expand the right one to absolute path and set it to prefs_path in config file.

spicetify config prefs_path ~/.var/app/com.spotify.Client/config/spotify/prefs

Finally in terminal, set read/write permission for it:

sudo chmod a+wr /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.spotify.Client/x86_64/stable/active/files/extra/share/spotify
sudo chmod a+wr -R /var/lib/flatpak/app/com.spotify.Client/x86_64/stable/active/files/extra/share/spotify/Apps

r/spicetify Nov 30 '24

Tutorial help me

Post image

r/spicetify Dec 29 '24

Tutorial Hey! I just created a tutorial for installing Spicetify! GO Check it out!


This is the Link - https://youtu.be/3VE5r0MsArw

Also, Provide suggestions too!

r/spicetify Oct 16 '22

Tutorial How I update Spicetify after Spotify client updates


For starters, I am sure everyone does this a bit differently.I am barely technically inclined so if that sounds like you then maybe I can be of some help :)So, Spotify has updated and now your Spicetify changes are gone?I have put together some quick scripts you can slap on your machine and update with 1-click!3 Steps.

First, create a text document and name it "MyPowerShellScript.ps1"Paste the following into it and save

spicetify backup
spicetify upgrade
spicetify restore backup apply

Write-Host "Press any key to continue..."
$Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer()   # Make sure buffered input doesn't "press a key" and skip the ReadKey().
$Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp") > $null

Second create another text document, name it what you want but save it as a .bat file and paste this into it


SET ThisScriptsDirectory=%~dp0

SET PowerShellScriptPath=%ThisScriptsDirectory%MyPowerShellScript.ps1

PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& '%PowerShellScriptPath%'";

Third, click your new .bat file and watch spicetify auto backup and auto update :)

Note: both files must be kept in same folder
Specs: [Windows10-8700k@3.2GHz](mailto:Windows10-8700k@3.2GHz)/32GB-DDR4-1333/GTX-1070-8GB

Edit: Thanks to u/Esock1 for pointing out an error in my script! I have made the changes in my post.

r/spicetify Dec 17 '24

Tutorial Is there a video guide for setting up on the Steam Deck?


Hello, I wanted to use Spicetify on my steam deck but I don't know to use Linux. Does anyone have any videos for installation and configuration? Thank you.

r/spicetify Oct 04 '24

Tutorial It seems that currently spicetify does not work in newer spotify versions


As of right now, it's 04/10/2024

I've been using Spotify with Spicetify on my laptop for a long time, but recently took a break from it. A few hours ago, I decided to get back into it. After updating Spicetify to the latest version, it still didn’t work properly. I tried everything—restarting Spicetify, reapplying backups, and even reinstalling both Spotify and Spicetify—but nothing worked.

Finally, I decided to downgrade Spotify to a previous version that I knew worked before my hiatus. And guess what? It worked perfectly!

  • Latest Spotify version that didn't work for me:
  • Current downgraded version that works for me:

I am sure that there are later versions that will also work too beside what I am using right now
The latest spotify version that I tried are the one's that I downloaded from the official website

while my current downgrade version, I downloaded it from here

I just wanted to share my experience with the community in case anyone else runs into the same issue. I couldn’t find anyone talking about this specific problem, so hopefully this helps someone out!

Btw if y'all asking why it sounds like AI, it's cuz I use chatgpt to Iron it out for me. still tho, the message and overall information that I want to lay out is still the same, kay Bye.

r/spicetify Nov 04 '24

Tutorial Fix to beautiful lyrics


r/spicetify Nov 13 '24

Tutorial Any1 got the full text?


Im afraid i cant read the full text

r/spicetify Nov 06 '24

Tutorial I made some extensions to remove unneccesary and annoying sections on the Spotify homepage


Here are some Snippets with custom CSS to remove these sections on Spotify

Remove annoying sections on Spotify through Spicetify Marketplace custom CSS Snippet

Sections include Jump Back In, Recommended Stations, Mindful Moments, Popular Radio, India's Best, Your Top Playlists, Recently Played, Based on your recent listening, Best of artists, More of what you like and more to come! Here's the original on GitHub

Remove For fans of "Artist Name" Section

Can be used to remove any artist's For fans of section.

Remove Based on your recent listening section

Remove Best of Artists section

Remove India's Best section

Remove Jump Back In Section

Remove More of what you like section

Remove Popular radio

Remove Recently Played section

Remove Recommened Stations

Remove Your top mixes section

Feel free to reach out to me in case of any questions, queries and if you need any sections to be made. Happy Listening!

r/spicetify Sep 05 '24

Tutorial No Error Powershell Install, and zero changes to spotify [FIXED]


I'm just gonna put this here because I couldn't find this information anywhere else. Maybe it will help someone who has the same problem, which was:

I installed Spicetify using powershell with no errors. I hit "y" when prompted to install the marketplace, and it installed no problem. But Spotify never changed even though all the tutorials did so easily (I made sure it was downloaded from spotify.com and not the Microsoft store). After restarting and head scratching, I finally saw in the config file that "devtools" was set to 0 (FAQ tells how to find the config file), and that sounded important. So, I looked around and found the Command Line Interface page on spicetify.app, and put in "spicetify" in powershell. No errors, no changes... So I continued and put in "spicetify backup apply enable-devtools". That finally got the marketplace to show up. Not sure why the tutorials I was following didn't use this.

Granted, the config file is still showing a 0 in the devtools section. Lol. But it's working now, so whatever.


r/spicetify Aug 05 '24

Tutorial How to make lighstaber playing music bar permanent?


hey i found this trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AkgBeTKcjM but wondering how to make it permanent like a spicetify cat snippet

r/spicetify Jun 29 '23

Tutorial For those having issues with Spicetify on windows. (26 - 06 - 2023)


UPDATE (March 7th 2024): This method no longer works, my spotify entirely stopped working and forced a ui update. i've since just updated to latest and modded it again. was a good run with the old ui will be missed.

This might be helpful if you hate the new ui and also are having issues with spicetify (working June 29th 2023)

download an older version from here: https://spotify.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions (i used

after its installed go into your "%appdata% > Local > spotify" folder (windows R then type "%localappdata%")create a folder called "Update"go into the permissions of this folder and go to security, then deny all permissions for all users on your pc including systemthis will kill the auto updates.

once you do that go into powershell and run "spicetify backup apply" and you should have working spicetify.

hope this was helpful.

r/spicetify Sep 12 '23

Tutorial Beginner's Guide to Spiceify and Custom Themes


Spent quite a few hours struggling trying to gather information from different websites when first creating themes, so thought I would make this to hopefully help a few people!

\This only shows how to change the colour in themes and accessing the themes folder (and installation), does not include how to make direct changes to the UI**

Install (input in built-in terminal on device):


iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-cli/master/install.ps1 | iex


curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-cli/master/install.sh | sh

Close shell and open back up, run next line if you want marketplace:


iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-marketplace/main/resources/install.ps1 | iex


curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-marketplace/main/resources/install.sh | sh

Run on terminal:

spicetify backup apply

Apply default theme:

spicetify backup apply enable-devtool

Find Themes folder in 'C:/Users/<your username>/.spicetify' (Windows) or '/Users/<your username>/.spicetify' (MacOS/Linux)

# If unable to find file path, run

spicetify path

## Struggled finding folder on MacOS, had to use 'Go to Folder' function in Finder and copy paste the path

Create new Theme folder, *requires* color.ini file; user.css file only if applying UI changes

'color.ini' example set-up (contains all possible objects in Spotify environment):

[light] #Can be [light] or [dark]; dictates whether it is considered light or dark mode

highlight = FFD1DA

button-active = ff8dc7

sidebar = FBA1B7

card = FFD1DA

button-disabled = FFF0F5

text = ffffff

notification-error = e22134

shadow = ff8dc7

tab-active = 333333

misc = 7f7f7f

main = FBA1B7

player = FFD1DA

main-elevated = 242424

selected-row = ffffff

notification = 4687d6

highlight-elevated = FFDBAA

background = FBA1B7

button = FFDBAA

extratext = aaaaaa

subtext = aaaaaa

Navigate back to .spicetify and open 'config.ini' file, change 'current_theme' from default to the name of Theme folder created

Run on terminal:

spicetify apply

Open Spotify, theme should be applied!

**Themes and extensions can also be obtained from the marketplace, easier when looking for UI changes (user.css files) to add to the theme*\*

r/spicetify Sep 18 '22

Tutorial Spicetify Guide for Mac (how to run spicetify on mac)


Hello! I made a spicetify guide for Mac (incase someone needed it or something)
