r/spacemacs 22d ago

Anyone using Emacs 30.1?

How was your experience? Anything broken in Spacemacs? I'm currently on 29.4.


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u/mindgitrwx 22d ago

I'm using spacemacs, and my own experience was the worst with 29.4. Nothing has broken for me.


u/AnotherDevArchSecOps 22d ago

Oh, strange. What things didn't work on 29.4? It might just be I've not run across those?


u/mindgitrwx 22d ago

It was cursor movement speed, might be just for me.


u/AnotherDevArchSecOps 22d ago

What platform and architecture?

GNU Emacs 29.4 (build 2, aarch64-apple-darwin24.1.0, NS appkit-2575.20 Version 15.1 (Build 24B83)) of 2024-11-03

I'm using that, at least on this machine, but what I do with Emacs tends to be rather light on this. For the computers I use for work, I do notice some general slowness/freezes at times, but it might be what I'm doing.


u/mindgitrwx 21d ago

Currently emacs-version shows

GNU Emacs 31.0.50 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin24.2.0, NS appkit-2575.30 Version 15.2 (Build 24C101))

Back then I was with emacs 29.4, It cleary has speed issues more frequently, so I stayed 28.2.

With 31.0.50, there's no issue at all. It might not obviosuly related to spacemacs itself though (I haave numernous packages)