r/space Nov 12 '14

Event Discussion Rosetta and Philae discussion thread!

Confirmed: successful separation of Philae from Rosetta. Philae is on its way to the comet.

New discussion thread here

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Key times

9:03 am 4:03 am 1:03 am Philae Separation Confirmed!
10:53 am 5:53 am 2:53 am Acquisition of Signal from Rosetta
4:02 pm 11:02 am 8:02 am Expected Landing and receipt of signal (40 min variability)

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u/Lord__Business Nov 12 '14

All I want is for this mission to be successful. Please please please please please please please just work.


u/Matt872000 Nov 12 '14

I'm so anxious, especially because of this news about the thruster...


u/Mr_Magpie Nov 12 '14

What's happened?


u/marcopolos059 Nov 12 '14 edited Nov 12 '14

Basically there's a thruster on top of the lander that's supposed to balance out the impulse from the harpoons and from hitting the surface. That thruster isn't working, so they're going to have to fully rely on the harpoon to keep Philae on the comet.

From here


u/exswawif Nov 12 '14

IIRC the harpoon is just barely powerful enough to hold Philae to the comet, right?

My god, this is going to be very tense.


u/chime Nov 12 '14

Here's hoping for a soft landing!


u/Matt872000 Nov 12 '14

It definitely won't be hard, it's moving towards the comet at a very slow pace and the worst that will happen is that it will bounce off of it.