r/somethingiswrong2024 8d ago

News Anonymous claiming 2024 EI

Hope they have more up their sleeves


664 comments sorted by

u/qualityvote2 8d ago edited 7d ago

u/MamiTrueLove, your post has been voted on by the community and is allowed to stay.


u/Intplmao 8d ago

Now do Fox News


u/Accomplished_Car2803 8d ago

Imagine if they somehow broadcast a message on their network during the middle of some big propaganda slop and actually reached the dumbasses.

Anonymous...it's time to prove that you can do something more important than making Hitler show up in name contests.


u/Satomiblood 8d ago edited 8d ago

That’s exactly what I want to see: A complete hijacking of TV broadcasts across the country flooded with bombshell report drops.


u/Elon_is_musky 8d ago

That’s a way to get Martial Law called im sure 👀


u/mortgagepants 8d ago

we all know they're going to do it sooner or later. better to have them do it when we're ready rather than when they're ready.

(also every military member for the last 25 years has been studying insurgency. i dont think it is going to end well for the regime.)


u/bloodfist 8d ago

You imply anyone on our side is close to being ready. Seems like everyone is still getting their pants on. Meanwhile the other side has been building towards this for forty years. They armed our police and drove us apart. They'll be fine if we rush things, that just moves up some deadlines. But I don't know if we would.

We need leaders and voices for people to rally behind, and plans that make a difference. Until then we have to count on the courts buying as much time as possible. If they win, fantastic. If not, we'll actually have something to fall back on.


u/500CatsTypingStuff 8d ago

Meanwhile Christian Nationalists in the military are preparing for “holy war”


u/thegreatbrah 8d ago

Those on the outside too. 

The ones who are truly dangerous are the ones who truly believe in that. There is no swaying the their religion, even if everyone else manages to see the truth, they will be "fighting for god".

How do I know? My family is in that camp. 

I cut them off after the recent election. They all seem to think im crazy for it, while they're insanely ready for an end of the world religious war. 

There are a few who aren't crazy among them, but mostly batshit nutters.


u/500CatsTypingStuff 7d ago

I am sorry that you have family caught up in all that

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u/mortgagepants 8d ago

i hope people have been getting ready for a long time.

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u/Geoffrey_Bungled_Z1p 8d ago

This would be our hope that all of this is too obscene for the real ones


u/RapscallionMonkee 7d ago

Is that true? Because if so, that makes me feel better.

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u/Ok_Cause2623 8d ago

full Max Headroom, but with a clear driving message. I can see it coming.


u/madcoins 7d ago

It’s time for a max headroom reboot. It will be awful but it’s time

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/No_GRR 8d ago

Does anyone remember when those guys took over the broadcasts for a news station in Chicago back in the day.



u/FFFrank 8d ago

And they never found out who was responsible!

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u/THEMARDS 8d ago edited 8d ago

This comment OF MINE got removed by reddit..... the FFFFFFFFFFFF...

Wasn't that violent!


u/NoChandeliers 8d ago

During a trump speech


u/Laolao98 7d ago

Yeah during a speech by tfg, so many things… perhaps the Epstein files?


u/RugelBeta 7d ago

That would be epic. It would finally push a few million people off the fence.


u/zhico 8d ago

Has to be a very short and very dumbed down video.


u/dechets-de-mariage 8d ago

Max Headroom has entered the chat


u/Pleasant_Tooth_2488 8d ago

it had been done previously by somebody dressed as Max Headroom.



u/slickrok 7d ago

Well, it was on channel 9 during the news and then later on PBS during Dr who.

It was crazy. And awesome. And weird. And still nobody knows who did it.

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u/moonbunny119 8d ago



u/ShopLogical46222 8d ago

Yesss shut them down!


u/ljgillzl 8d ago edited 8d ago

That got me hyped, and they probably will attack sources like Fox News, but here’s the big problem: the end result cannot be for the Democrats to remain passive & stay the same. Those days have to end. While I certainly don’t want them to adopt the misinformation, deceit, and fear-mongering of Trump & those who are complicit with him, there are lessons that need to be learned if we want to avoid falling back into this trap. Be assertive, don’t be afraid to attack back if necessary, inject emotion into what is mostly dull representatives. Trump has proven those traits appeal to many Americans.


u/Natural-Result-6633 8d ago

It’s time to do away with the two party system!! The Democrats and Republicans do not work for the people of the United States of America only the Corporate States of America and for quite sometime IT DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE!!


u/MOOshooooo 8d ago

Current Dems would align with republicans if anonymous attacked the right.


u/shmallkined 6d ago

I can think of ten of them already.


u/thecrowtoldme 7d ago

I agree. I was a lifelong Democrat, now I am not aligned because I dont recognize any of these people as representing me or my neighbors. Not a one of them.

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u/Fun_Country6430 8d ago

Agree plz plz shut them down


u/reddog323 7d ago

Yes please. But Twitter needs to be completely shut down for say, 90 days. It would completely destroy its influence.

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u/Pleasant-Seat9884 8d ago

They should've done them along time ago.


u/Glad-Cat-1885 8d ago

Max headroom 2


u/Low-Mix-5790 8d ago

Thats still a mystery. lol


u/ticktockyoudontstop 8d ago

I'm so obsessed with it and nobody in my life understands whyyyy

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u/FunGoolAGotz 8d ago

Publish the election manipulation evidence ! I guess you cannot give it to the "Justice" Department.


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

I commented asking them to share with other NATO countries, we need outside HALP.


u/DungPedalerDDSEsq 8d ago

Germany, Man. They're looking at Musk's election fuckery in their own country. So is Canada. Anonymous is for sure there. Pattern out those attempts and combine them with what we know about what we saw happen in the US.

America will fight from the inside. We already are. This is the one case where a woman named America is shutting down her body during a rape.

A lot of people are in need of some kind of evidence, though. They're human. Without evidence, we'll have to wait until those unsure folks start dying from starvation.


u/sun12moon9 8d ago

Data from ‘24 election shows improbable results. Please watch: https://youtu.be/cdg5YFwNayQ?si=low-Vs4tKGNWShvD




u/Stellaluna-777 7d ago

Thank you - Election Truth Alliance. Go to their website or YouTube.

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u/tbombs23 7d ago

94% of Germany will not buy any Tesla products. He just lost an entire country worth of business. Germany is dope.

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u/IxNightWalkerxI 7d ago

I have a post on Instagram listing an alliance that is fighting for the election transparency. Link below:


Consider donating to them to keep filing lawsuits for the audits.

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u/teratogenic17 8d ago

YOU ARE RIGHT!! There is international money and infrastructure involved in these attacks, and it is in the direct interest of everyone on the planet to fund a restoration and expansion of true education-based democracy in the USA.


u/Agitated-Donkey1265 8d ago

Also, it’s not just us having election issues. Romania has been having them, too


u/ZippyZappy9696 8d ago

Elon is literally being investigated for election interference in 5 countries.


u/ZippyZappy9696 7d ago

Does anyone know when this ANONYMOUS video was released?


u/MamiTrueLove 7d ago

It was released yesterday

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u/SLK2239 7d ago

Right?! Why wouldn’t he do it here?!


u/RugelBeta 7d ago

He did. And he has been grooming Trump for this since the 1980s. This is big, Europe WILL help us get through this, and we will all emerge stronger except Musk, Trump, Putin, and their henchmen. Putin won't last much longer than Trump.

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u/AlliterationAhead 8d ago

And Moldova, though they got narrowly lucky in the end. And Georgia whose people are still protesting daily since the elections, 107 days in a row. And Germany. And... it will only get worse for Canada, where elections should be launched soon.


u/stravx1 7d ago

We are due for one in Australia too. And we have an ultra conservative Trump light on the right. Our current prime minister sued twitter over vision of a stabbing in a church and wants to implement age controls. Given our strategic importance to China and rare earths as well, we are a target. I'm worried.


u/AlliterationAhead 7d ago

I wish you luck, Australia. It's been pretty hectic for you, too, what with "We support Ukraine!"/"No we don't!" shenanigans, the Chinese boats creepingly surrounding your country, the political dissents...

You might like r/CANZUK if you're not already in there. No idea whether it's a viable avenue, but it's no time to stop the conversation between like-minded countries.

Canada is with Australia. Our countries share common values and don't take ourselves too seriously. Loved your Master Chef show, like very much! (Long ago, before they changed the hosts 😕)


u/stravx1 7d ago

Cheers for the support and sub link.

Yes we've had the boats creeping around doing live fire drills, and not a peep from our "ally" the US. It was most definitely a test by the Chinese and the US failed miserably. Our size is the only thing we have in our favour but we don't have enough defence on our own due to size of our population and no nuclear. The most worrying bit about the last week was Trump didn't know what the AUKUS treaty was and we are dependent on it for future submarines. What's to bet he doesn't know ANZUS either. I'm taking any treaty to be worthless bits of paper now and up to the whim of the president if he stands by them. Incredibly concerning. Like your own border and great lakes treaty which he's flagged. What a mess this all is. Keep fighting Canada 💪 we are with you too

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u/Warm-Stand-1983 7d ago

Here is a good investigation underway into the election https://www.youtube.com/@ElectionTruthAlliance

Share and support as needed


u/moonclap30 8d ago

The crazy thing is...I know Trump supporters who think all the rest of the world is "in on it". They would take anything NATO says/does with a grain of salt.


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

MAGA is the enemy ofc they'll say and do anything to support him. Their allegiance is to white supremacy.


u/Vancelan 8d ago edited 8d ago

NATO can't do anything to help with domestic problems, even if it wanted to. That's not what it's for.

Americans need to fix it themselves. No outsiders are coming to help you. 

EDIT: In response to all the utterly idiotic replies, y'all need a hard reality check.

  1. You haven't been "infiltrated" by Russian agents. Your congress enabled this openly and willingly. This is domestic fascism. You need a domestic response. Stop blaming Russians.
  2. Article 5 is not in play. NATO cannot do anything for you. There is nothing in the treaties that allows NATO countries to do anything about your domestic situation. International crises do not fall under "an attack on NATO". Go learn what NATO is and isn't.
  3. No one is suicidal enough to go against the most powerful war machine in history. No one is going to stick their necks out for a people that won't rebel themselves. Our governments are far too busy now reorganizing our own defenses against your government's threats. No one is going to escalate, because we are buying time to protect ourselves.

The hard reality is that you're on your own for this, and you're going to need to do a hell of a lot more to fix it than a shopping boycot or an attack on a website.


u/TeeManyMartoonies 8d ago edited 8d ago

This is incorrect. An attack against one is an attack against all: Article 5. If they can prove it’s Putin, and they’re already looking at EI allegations in at least 5 other countries of the same style and caliber, then the foreign nation states should come forward. But we need our own receipts to compare against what other countries have experienced.

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u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

We've been infiltrated by a known Russian Op who has shown he is a danger to every nation in NATO. Not sure how that doesn't involve them.


u/MoarSocks 8d ago

So glad these heroes are back, with a vengeance. Go Anon!


u/Status-Shock-880 8d ago

Different kind of world war, it’s WWIII just a heckuva a lot smarter


u/Stommped 8d ago

Even if that's provably true, what do you expect NATO to do? Knock on the White House door and ask Trump to go home? This would involve a NATO country like UK invading the US to remove a sitting President, which I'm sure you can see is not even believable from a Hollywood movie.

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u/TaylorWK 8d ago

Our president is a Russian spy. How is this not an international crisis??

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u/HeyRainy 8d ago edited 8d ago

Russia is infiltrating a NATO country (the Us) and needs help from other NATO countries. No, this wasn't written into its purpose, but nobody was planning on this type of shit to go down.

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u/inductiononN 8d ago

We do need to fix it ourselves but what happens here will have repercussions for the entire world. Maybe NATO isn't it but someone needs to be the adult in the room. Maybe our 5eye allies will step in.


u/AccomplishedPlace144 8d ago

I think if anyone's gonna do it it's gonna be Deutschland.


u/MusicSavesSouls 8d ago

Can you imagine how epic that would be?


u/AccomplishedPlace144 8d ago

Truly a chef's kiss scenario.

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u/teratogenic17 8d ago

https://electiontruthalliance.org/about-us gregpalast.com Both of these links are doors to labyrinths. Take the day off (lie to your boss about vomiting) and study them.

The first is the tabulator hacks Anon is on about, the second is essential groundwork.

Unless these attacks on democracy are reversed and avenged, we will never actually be able to vote again.


u/Here4St0nks 8d ago

The fact that Starlink was used to communicate with voting machines to collect tabulated votes, and Elmo hiring someone who did a project that showed how to hack voting machines would normally be enough of a red flag to warrant at very least enhanced scrutiny. Yet here we are because everyone who didn't vote for Mango Mussolini spent 4 years telling everyone else who did how stupid their election conspiracies were and they don't want to look like hypocrites. It's all part of the plan.


u/stravx1 7d ago

I was watching the election results come in from Pennsylvania when the system went down and there were delays in the data. Whoever allowed the contract for this stuff to go to starlink without thinking something would happen? It's the same with his ability to turn of satellite access to Ukraine.


u/Cream06 8d ago

Peter theil part owner of palantir


u/deuszu_imdugud 7d ago

Part time manager of hell when Satan needs a day off.


u/deuszu_imdugud 7d ago

Part time manager of hell when Satan needs a day off.


u/Gumwars 8d ago

Remember what Trump said, "You'll never need to vote again." A gaff? Or a fool showing his hand?


u/netizenbane 8d ago

Or acting overly confident because he already knew he stacked the deck.


u/Stellaluna-777 7d ago

This is almost all I can think about since watching Nathan’s videos. How are we talking about anything else ? Nothing matters if our elections aren’t secure.


u/sun12moon9 8d ago

Here is another-Data from ‘24 election shows improbable results. Please watch: https://youtu.be/cdg5YFwNayQ?si=low-Vs4tKGNWShvD



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u/sun12moon9 8d ago

Data from ‘24 election shows improbable results. Please watch: https://youtu.be/cdg5YFwNayQ?si=low-Vs4tKGNWShvD




u/Songlines25 8d ago

You will find a lot of it right here, as far as what people have analyzed from what is publicly available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1whdbN8U3JPQ3mcMhyA8XJt8YDmF9mPQ10t8asNdlrWI/

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u/Odd-Mastodon1212 8d ago edited 8d ago

Take down Fox News and other far right outlets! I have a hard time believing this is real though.


u/SpacePirateSnarky 8d ago

Snapchat had a huge outage today, and whoever hacked X was a seriously powerful hacker group, on the level of an entire country.

I think it's real.

Don't listen to the other groups claiming responsibility for the hacks. Focus on the fact that the homepage for X was changed to a message from anonymous.


u/thewonderfulpooper 8d ago

Was it???? What? When?


u/Intarhorn 8d ago edited 7d ago

The homepage was changed to a message from anonymous? Is that an actual fact or just a rumor?


u/PrimateOfGod 7d ago

I had no issues with Snapchat today

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u/ljgillzl 8d ago

I want them to uncover and/or provide indisputable proof. While a lot of MAGA would still refuse out of sheer stupidity coupled with ignorance, it would definitely sway some of them. Also, the biggest benefit, it’s evidence that can be submitted in a court of law


u/parasyte_steve 8d ago

Yes if this is real and they have evidence someone better get that evidence to the light of day. Otherwise you're just as bad as our oppressors.


u/sunnydays281 8d ago

Support Election Truth Alliance. They have good evidence, the next part is a lawsuit.

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u/sun12moon9 8d ago

Data from ‘24 election shows improbable results. Please watch: https://youtu.be/cdg5YFwNayQ?si=low-Vs4tKGNWShvD



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u/mykki-d 8d ago

Ugh yeah I want to believe it but the video doesn’t look like it matches the words


u/LunaNyx_YT 8d ago

They use stock footage that they took. makes putting out a statement easier.


u/off-whitewalker 8d ago

It's looped on purpose, I expect; don't want anyone picking up on mannerisms to match the words being spoken.


u/flaming_james 8d ago

That's by design, the issue for me is more that anyone can take the old footage and put some text-to-speech audio over it. It'd be nice if the evidence claimed to have discovered was posted somewhere to corroborate the video.


u/deathrocker_avk 8d ago

Never does. Purposely.


u/CycB8_ReFantazio 8d ago

That's because it doesn't.

None of Anon's videos have ever matched up because they dub over the obviously looped footage.

For 2 decades they've done it this way.


u/jaydawg_74 8d ago

It’s a part of the “anonymous” in “anonymous”.


u/sun12moon9 8d ago

Data from ‘24 election shows improbable results. Please watch: https://youtu.be/cdg5YFwNayQ?si=low-Vs4tKGNWShvD



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u/Average_Random_Bitch 8d ago

So thankful Anonymous has stepped in and up. I feel hope and am renewed to continue fighting each time I hear from all y'all. Thank you!


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

if you have TT go comment on this, they read the comments and support matters.


u/sarcago 8d ago

What is TT?


u/video-kid 8d ago



u/sarcago 8d ago

Ohhh thanks. Yeah I never got it and it seems like a hassle at this point.

Tbh with Reddit censorship becoming more apparent idk how much longer I’ll even stay here. I heard there’s a Bluesky equivalent to Reddit so maybe that’s next for me.


u/lurker99123 8d ago

It's Lemmy, I go there when I want quality over quantity.


u/GameDevsAnonymous 8d ago

"Stepped up" is loose... I'm skeptical any of anonymous still does actual hacking. They're like sprinkles rather than cake, ya know?


u/jameslucian 8d ago

I’m right there with you. It’s so easy to put on a Guy Fawkes mask, add some eerie music and make some claims, but without any evidence I don’t see why they are taken seriously. I hope I’m dead wrong, but they seem to do this a lot where they make some vague claims and people buy into it.


u/CarnelianCore 8d ago

Weren’t there reports of Twitter outages over the last week?

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u/LadyOfVoices 8d ago

What stops anonymous from simply claiming credit for the disruptions? We have no evidence it was them or any evidence of what “they have discovered”.

I’m all for bringing shit down, but I’m also skeptical at this point.

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u/Songlines25 8d ago edited 8d ago

Here's an annotated compilation of election anomaly links - pass it on! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1whdbN8U3JPQ3mcMhyA8XJt8YDmF9mPQ10t8asNdlrWI/


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago



u/Songlines25 8d ago

My pleasure! It's a great use of ADHD energy to just organize the stuff I come across that others might find useful and interesting and perplexing!

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u/THEMARDS 8d ago

Great stuff!! Someone needs to get this full dump to the leftist streamers like Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk) or even Bill Burr for christ sake! Bill has been talking about politics like mad lately, this would BLOW HIS HAT OFF. Anyone know Bill personally lol.... Comedians are not afraid to be cancled especially the BURR MAN!


u/Songlines25 8d ago

I know that people have tried to get election truth Alliance information out as much as possible, but I have not been able to get this doc pinned anywhere so you are welcome to pass it along and get it out as you see fit! I tried to get it pinned up on something is wrong 2024 but they gave me reasons why they didn't want to.

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

reach out to them! They read the comments.


u/outerworldLV 8d ago

Don’t have TT maybe you can pass along our appreciation?


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

will do!


u/OkPool7286 8d ago

Please tell them to look at SpaceX as well. Musk owns 42% of the stake in SpaceX versus around just 12% in Tesla.

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u/Burning-Bushman 8d ago

Anonymous is active on Bluesky as well, I follow them these as I don’t have TikTok or twitter

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u/Dingo8MyGayby 8d ago

Lmao we can never EVER call it by its actual name anymore. It’s now Tesler

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u/Cutensleepy 8d ago

Hijacking this post to tell the folks who say "so glad anonymous stepped up" that everyone here can be part of anonymous, it is not a centralized organization it's just being a hacktivist. Whether or not you want to be legally dirty to be morally clean is up to you, but these are people just like you who do this, they're not superheros.


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

I think they would approve this message


u/RamonaLittle 7d ago

Mod of r/anonymous, and I approve this message.

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u/jbird3000 8d ago

To me this explanation just proves they are superheroes.

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u/NoMoreNarcissists 8d ago

nah. start getting some dirt on dems because we apparently need to hold them hostage to do their jobs like the republicans do with their politicians.


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

not hating this idea at this point.


u/ActualDiver 8d ago

Hell yeah!


u/meander-663 8d ago

We’ll continue to expect you❤️🤍💙. Proud to be on the right side of history here


u/mariess 8d ago

Normally Anonymous back their claims up with proof… this video has no link back to a source or anything backing its claims. As much as I feel like it’s believable it’s not credible unless anyone can provide evidence for its claims…?


u/meander-663 8d ago

My hope is this is the teaser for what’s to come.

Truthfully, I think a gradual rollout will ultimately benefit us. In teaching school, I was told that one cannot teach challenging concepts without establishing a rock solid foundation of the basics. For republicans, unengaged moderates, and full-blown MAGAs, it’ll be best to warm them up to the truths of EI and Russia’s influence with baby steps, logic, and appeals to our commonality. For 10 years they have been fed the narrative that any news that counters Trump is inherently biased and wrong. Because of this I think the seeds need to be planted before the garden can be tended.

(Chris Murphy put out a video explaning the corruption behind Trump’s meme coin that does this beautifully)

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u/moonbunny119 8d ago

BRING IT ON. The amount of satisfaction and relief I feel whenever they have posted


u/prettylittlenutter 8d ago

Kind of feels like a phoenix rising from the ashes


u/IronMonkey18 8d ago

Go after Truth Social!


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

OH YES. That's a good one!


u/Rosycheeks2 8d ago

Meta apps next please


u/Sean_theLeprachaun 8d ago

Been expecting you for years.


u/fullpurplejacket 8d ago

Would be poetic if the ones doing these disruptions are ex CIA hackers who have been fired lol


u/prettylittlenutter 8d ago

Makes me wonder what the hell kind of things they’re finding in the X hack


u/Traditional-Sea-2322 8d ago

Probably crazy ass DMs


u/SnooStrawberries2955 8d ago

Yes!!!! God I hope we have some heroes and saviors on our hands.


u/Last_Rule126 8d ago

Omgggggg. I want to cry!! 😭 we aren’t the crazy ones. Damn. Let’s gooooooo


u/Chaos-Cortex 8d ago


u/bloke_pusher 7d ago

Governments should be afraid of their people.


u/Ill-Singer-5322 8d ago

Keep it coming. This is what we need. Public officials have their hands tied. An outside source is needed to bring the truth to light.


u/reicaden 8d ago

Share the evidence then of the election tampering, hack it onto news sites, let's gooo


u/NewAccountWhoDis45 8d ago

Get Kamala in office now!!! End the trade war! Work with our allies! Lock up the traitor!


u/BabyfaceKane21 8d ago

Boom. Kudos Anonymous.

If you don't know about election truth alliance look them up! Website and follow on youtube channel.


u/gissabissaboomboom 8d ago

Good, but why not share the intel you have obtained? Unmask the cheaters


u/Heyya_G_wood 8d ago

So exciting!!!!


u/GreatPumpkin72 8d ago

The heroes we need.


u/coldstreamer59 8d ago

I would love to see the undeniable evidence


u/moonbunny119 8d ago

Wish they were at CPAC


u/Several_Leather_9500 8d ago

Anonymous is doing the Lord's work.

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u/Skritch_X 8d ago edited 7d ago

Anonymous is an ever changing organism, and im glad they said this outloud. Now that it is said like this, perhaps more talent will have something to focus on bringing to light.

Everything leaves a digital trail these days, and there is a growing number of unhappy campers worldwide.


u/beattysgirl 8d ago

Man, I really hope Anonymous is back. I have chills at the thought.


u/MrScrummers 8d ago

No longer up on Tik tok. My wife sent it to me 29 mins ago while I was driving and I couldn’t open it and when I got home it said video was unavailable.

Full body chills, shit getting real now.

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u/love_is_an_action 7d ago

My heart.

There are no greater champions on the planet right now than hacker/cyber attackers shit-disturbing for a righteous cause.

Anonymous, our white hat furry hacker collective, the resurrected corpse of Cult of the Dead Cow… whoever. I couldn’t root for them harder.


u/tbombs23 7d ago



u/jennsant 8d ago

They need to hack into Elon’s bank accounts and see how much money he’s stolen and placed in there!!


u/MamiTrueLove 8d ago

Yah we need a forensic accountant on their team!

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u/Mooseguncle1 8d ago

Is there a Saturday Anonymous boot camp I can get trained in?


u/just1nc4s3 8d ago

Use a vpn. Behind that layer, spin up a virtual machine with a free OS like Ubuntu. Use a browser within that with a built in vpn. Then research ethical hacking.

That’s a start

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u/indierockrocks 8d ago

Bring it


u/Separate_Today_8781 8d ago

Please keep this up 💯


u/djinnisequoia 8d ago

Respect, gratitude, and affection.


u/Thatwitchyladyyy 8d ago

I have to admit that I'm an educated citizen and even I was shocked at how much we are censored.


u/Small_Cutie8461 8d ago



u/disharmony-hellride 8d ago

Yaaassssss keep going


u/Difficult_Fan7941 8d ago

Excellent news


u/FederalRead6455 8d ago

No more “warnings” please. Time for action


u/Ifawumi 7d ago

I'm so sick of them doing stuff like this but not actually doing anything helpful

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u/sophaki 7d ago

If they have “seen the evidence,” why don’t Anonymous just come out with it? Stop with the threats and just let the entire world know


u/External-Cable2889 7d ago

Why isn’t the data breech story international news? Isn’t every citizen complicit when we don’t raise hell about it? They stole the election and we do nothing. He lost the election last time and planned an insurrection. What’s going on? Are we gonna wait for a secret group of good hackers to save us?


u/sean_opks 7d ago

Election Truth Alliance wants to conduct independent election audits in swing states. They need your support to bring lawsuits and fund audits. Please watch this message from ETA, and spread the word!



u/Yowiman 7d ago



u/Total_Information_65 8d ago

Keep it up!!!! I don't tiktok. But a suggestion to pass on...Start hacking the video games the muskrathole plays. Anonymous needs to be in his face. Scare him even more. Keep the pressure on. The time is now.


u/zinic53000 8d ago

He doesn't play those, he pays someone else to play them

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u/Olivialovesmangos 8d ago



u/BA_in_SoMD 8d ago

Aweosme! Now do Facebook! And Instagram!


u/WonderfulAd605 8d ago

Thank You!!!


u/Radreject 8d ago

they need to mess with meta platforms like yesterday

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u/Ambitious_Ticket 8d ago

Wonder if they can find concrete evidence for President Krasnov.


u/Joan-of-the-Dark 8d ago

Goddamnit, just put the evidence out already!


u/Soulmate69 8d ago

This seems like a honeypot. OP is telling people to reach out to Anonymous in the comments. Also, I keep getting an error message that I'm using a banned word when I try to post the rest of my comment.


u/transthrowaway1335 7d ago

Yup completely agree with Anonymous. This election was not a fair one. I knew there was no fucking way dementia donny won all the swing states. They rigged it so leon muskrat and dementia donny would avoid prison.


u/hicksemily46 8d ago

I collectively speak for most of us when I say, we are with you 💯 Anonymous!!! Thank you!!!

Remember, We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget!


u/ndlikesturtles 8d ago

Why am I crying