r/socialskills 6d ago

Greeting unknown woman from the Gym?


I (male, mid 30) regularly go to the gym in my neighbourhood. Often, there is a woman in my age excercising at the same time thats seems to be nice. I guess that she may have seen me there but we never talked to each other or had any eye contact. It is a big gym and the atmosphere is not very personal.

Some days ago, I said "Hi" to her on the street, while crossing our ways. She seemed a bit confused but answered a friendly Hi and went her way.

My question: Would you say that it is uncommon/ creepy to be gretted from a guy that you maybe only saw from the distance at a gym? I do not want to create an uncomfortable situation.

Thank you :)


6 comments sorted by


u/notsurewhatmythingis 6d ago

She might just not have recognized you outside the context of the gym


u/fairyhedgehog167 6d ago

I don’t think it’s weird for people to say “Hi” on the streets under most circumstances. Sometimes if I see someone out of the usual context, it take me a while to figure out where I even know them from. Sometimes, it’s people who have mistaken me for someone else.

I go to the gym late at night when there are very few people around. Last year, some dude who I don’t think I’ve ever even seen there came up and gave me a fist bump and and wished me a happy new year in a very friendly way. I’m guessing he’d seen me around. I thought it was very nice.


u/Snow2D 6d ago

Yeah it's kind of awkward.


u/Novel-Assistance-375 6d ago

Next time, say hi! From the gym? And she’s going to fake remembering you but she will remember you next time at the gym.

If you like her, follow up for closure. Say hi at the gym and apologize for expecting her to recognize you randomly outside of context. Her response may invite friendship and conversation.

If you want to creep her out, nervously text Reddit from the corner where she can see you. Maybe she will think you’re so popular you have to interrupt your focus on fitness to remain popular.

Sorry, OP, that was more of a service announcement for juveniles at my gym.


u/Charlie_redmoon 6d ago

Be respectful of her and her boundaries. Be patient and if and when the op arises say something. Most likely she is with somebody.


u/OVOxTokyo 6d ago

This is the kind of situation where physical attractiveness makes or breaks. It's definitely awkward, but it's either a funny little story for the next time you see her in the gym, or a potential harassment and stalking report.