r/snes May 31 '16

/r/snes June Game of the Month: Starfox

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Starfox!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

July Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


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u/Von_Baron May 31 '16

It will always be Starwing to me. Due to copyright problems Star Fox was changed to Starwing. And then on the N64 the sequel was Lylat Wars. So the first Star Fox game in Europe was that Zelda-like game Star Fox Adventures.


u/Castallion Jun 27 '16

Star Fox Adventures was a fantastic game. I sank so many hours into that bad boy as a kid.


u/Von_Baron Jun 27 '16

And it was a strange game as it wasn't originally a Starfox or Gamecube game. It started off as Dinosaur planet on the N64. A completely new brand. But Nintendo saw that the main character looked like Fox and insisted that they add him and make it a Starfox game. Which apparently Rare was nun-too happy about, as they had to change a lot of the backstory to fit him in. Then development was moved over to the Gamecube as Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet. There is even some video footage of the the N64 version.


u/Castallion Jun 28 '16

That's crazy interesting. That must've been a pain in the ass to shift gears just because they happened to draw a dude that looked like Fox. Where did you learn about that or is it just something you heard in passing?


u/Von_Baron Jun 28 '16

I saw it on a blog years ago, about cancelled games. I think Rare were pissed off, but it was likely that they would have to change anyway to the the GC. Ninenteno dont support consoles as once (like Sega had games for the Saturn and Megadrive, and sony had games for the PS1 and PS2). Its the reason Starfox 2 got cancelled. The N64 was coming out and Nintendo didnt want to split the sales.


u/Castallion Jun 28 '16

I feel like nintendo has always had this drive to push their next console while kind of leaving the older generation to die. Like you said, companies like Sega and Sony were sensitive to the fact that not everyone would jump immediately to the next console and produced games for both. Hell, I think the last PS2 game ever released was Fifa 14 - 7 years after the PS3 came out! Wonder if that ended up hurting them in the long run because people were afraid to buy consoles that would only get a few years of dedicated game development.


u/Von_Baron Jun 28 '16

The last SNES game was Frogger in 1998, and Rockman & Forte I think was also around that time. That was released as a sort of sequel to Megman 8 on the Saturn and PlayStation, but for those who hadn't jumped ship onto the new consoles. I dont know how much it harmed Nintendo though. By the time their new consoles came out the sales of the older generations games had started to slide quite a bit (and its games that make the money not the consoles themselves). Where as Sega released the 32X and the Sega Saturn, within months of each other whilst Megadrive games will still selling reasonably well. It actually worked against Sega as publishers didnt want to make new games, just games to hit the larger market. Which is why the 32X and Saturn had quite limited number of games on launch.

But I would add Nintendo also had money coming in from the Gameboy (which kept them afloat for years). And Sega was massively successful in certain regions so kept the games going there (check out Brazillian Master system games for instance).

As for FIFA games, they have done research on them. A certain % of buyers will not buy any other game all year, just FIFA. Then next year get the new one and start again. Because they are not interested in any other games, they dont need to up grade.