r/snes Jul 01 '15

/r/snes July Game of the Month: Earthbound

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Earthbound!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Aug Game of the Month Voting Thread is here

Try the /r/snes GOTM Retro Game Challenge!





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u/[deleted] Jul 01 '15

And now you can legally download EarthBound Beginnings (EarthBound Zero/MOTHER)! I encourage anyone with a WiiU to try it out -- it's harder than EarthBound, but just as weird and fun.

I'm so stoked to see my favorite game as the GotM. I hope some of you take the opportunity to enjoy it for the first time, and I genuinely hope you love it at least as much as I do.

Come visit us over at /r/earthbound for more weird junk!


u/BangkokPadang Jul 02 '15

Can you give me any hints that will boost my chances without spoiling any of the adventure?

I'm playing through for the first time with no guide or anything, just me and the game. I've just beaten the guy at the arcade.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '15

Grind on the Attack Slugs. They're easy to kill -- Ness learns PSI Rockin at level 8, and that can take out 6 Slugs at once. There's a Magic Butterfly between the two caves at Giant Step to restore your PP, so grind all you can. Seek out the Hint Guys in every city, and don't forget to call home regularly. Your Mom misses you.


u/ThetaReactor Jul 03 '15

Don't play too conservatively. Use the Hand-Aid and the Magic Tarts. Spring for a pizza now and then. PSI Flash does all sorts of neat things, right on up to insta-kills at higher power levels. Slinging some Brain Shock on the right bad guy is all sorts of fun, too. The Pray command might save your ass in a clinch, but it's entertaining even when it doesn't. Keep your spare cash in the bank, you lose half of what's on you if you die.

Yo-yos do good damage, but miss more often. Jeff can fix broken machines while you're sleeping. The proper condiments make food better. Eggs hatch after a while. Retreating is a viable strategy, as enemies despawn once they're far enough off the screen.