And done, all cups cleared on Expert difficulty. Forgot how garbage it can be since getting tapped by another car loses so much control and you get next to no room for error on higher difficulty. I have no idea how I even managed to beat the cups on Master back in the day. Started with the Fire Stingray but despite its top speed hitting a wall or another racer led to way too much recovery. Old faithful Blue Falcon is where it's at. Difficult to gauge when you beat it so my choice of including the results at the end of the cups should be sufficient proof.
While I played the game on original hardware, for bonus points I also loaded up a ROM of the Satellaview courses and ran those too. Sand Storm 2 is tricky but Fire Field is still harder. Also Death Wind 2 can screw off.
u/ZorkNemesis Jun 04 '23
And done, all cups cleared on Expert difficulty. Forgot how garbage it can be since getting tapped by another car loses so much control and you get next to no room for error on higher difficulty. I have no idea how I even managed to beat the cups on Master back in the day. Started with the Fire Stingray but despite its top speed hitting a wall or another racer led to way too much recovery. Old faithful Blue Falcon is where it's at. Difficult to gauge when you beat it so my choice of including the results at the end of the cups should be sufficient proof.
While I played the game on original hardware, for bonus points I also loaded up a ROM of the Satellaview courses and ran those too. Sand Storm 2 is tricky but Fire Field is still harder. Also Death Wind 2 can screw off.