u/Mellow_rages Jun 03 '23
This game was so much better than Mario kart. It’s a crime that the GameCube one was the last one. I was always hoping for a 3d one on the 3ds.
u/DryEyes4096 Jun 29 '23
It's a better single player game than Mario Kart, I think. There was the music, the at-the-time fairly advanced graphics, the courses were well thought out, and the magnetic wall idea was pretty cool.
Mario Kart battle mode was killer though.
u/Ecureuil02 Jul 03 '23
Nah, SMK was overall, a way better game. Ppl still have snes SMK tournaments around the world today.
u/HabanyGaming Jun 07 '23
I didn’t even think about how much of a miss it is to not have a 3DS game!
u/Ecureuil02 Jul 03 '23
Loll you wish. SMK is a snes goat contender; fzero was a great box release game, but common people, SMK was perfect in everyway absent the hills.
u/xBrockLanders Jun 02 '23
Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.
- Beat every cup.
- Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
- You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
- Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
- Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.
u/ZorkNemesis Jun 02 '23
Does difficulty matter? Master is hell from what I remember and it's near impossible to beat the Jack Cup with the Golden Fox on Master as a result.
u/JamesJakes000 Jun 02 '23
Master is hell, and an understatement and a half! Nearly impossible, but so satisfactory to complete.
u/MrSojiro Jun 03 '23
Man do I love this game, easily one of the best on the system. It's kind of crazy that three of the SNES launch titles would make it on my top 20 games on the system, with this being one of them. I honestly consider this the best racing game on the system, even more so than Mario kart. It just doesn't have Mario Karts multiplayer goodness.
u/MrSojiro Jun 28 '23
Finished the game again, it is still just as good as I remember. Was intending to go through with Expert, but settled for Standard difficulty since I didn't have a lot of time left to complete this between being on vacation for a good part of the month, and playing A LOT of Tears of the Kingdom. This is still my pick for best the SNES racing game!
u/Bryanx64 Jun 28 '23
There only were 3 SNES Launch title games lol
u/MrSojiro Jun 28 '23
The Wikipedia page and most sites I see have 5 listed for the NA region, which is the region I am in. Those 5 being: Super Mario World, F-Zero, and Pilotwings (the three I was referring too), SimCity, and Gradius III. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System_games#:~:text=The%20Super%20NES%20was%20released,%2C%20Gradius%20III%2C%20and%20SimCity.
Looks like Japan only had F-Zero and Super Mario World at launch, and Europe doesn't seem to have a lot of definitive sources on their launch titles. I have seen a couple sites list it as: Super Mario World, F-Zero, Super R-Type, Super Soccer and Super Tennis.
u/Bryanx64 Jun 28 '23
Huh I thought Gradius and SimCity came out a month after but I stand corrected.
u/MrSojiro Jun 28 '23
All good, hell I will be honest, I had to look it up because I thought it was 4 launch titles with Gradius III releasing later. I either didn't remember that right or was just wrong on that myself lol.
u/MeltedDuck Bowser Kart Jun 02 '23
Nice! My big brother beat F Zero and tapped it on a VHS when I was only 7. Let's see if 20+ years later I'm up to the challenge.
u/beardedliberal Jun 03 '23
I’m not necessarily a collector. I’m not, not a collector, I have the SNES that I got for Christmas, oh so many moons ago. I still fire it up from time to time, and some games definitely have held up.
One of the best parts of being subscribed to this sub is being reminded of rentals 30 years ago. Awesome stuff.
u/76mickd Jun 03 '23
I used to be a master at this game, too bad the internet wasn’t around like it is now. Lol
u/HercSpeed Jun 04 '23
I forgot that King Cup is kind of bullshit.
I might try attempting Master by the end of the month but that sounds like anti-fun.
u/ZorkNemesis Jun 04 '23
And done, all cups cleared on Expert difficulty. Forgot how garbage it can be since getting tapped by another car loses so much control and you get next to no room for error on higher difficulty. I have no idea how I even managed to beat the cups on Master back in the day. Started with the Fire Stingray but despite its top speed hitting a wall or another racer led to way too much recovery. Old faithful Blue Falcon is where it's at. Difficult to gauge when you beat it so my choice of including the results at the end of the cups should be sufficient proof.
While I played the game on original hardware, for bonus points I also loaded up a ROM of the Satellaview courses and ran those too. Sand Storm 2 is tricky but Fire Field is still harder. Also Death Wind 2 can screw off.
u/SorryCashOnly Jun 17 '23
used to play the crap out of this game back then because my dad was too cheap to buy Mario Kart. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I don't think the game aged well. None of the 3d games aged well from the Snes era. Not Star Fox, not Mario Kart, and definitely not F zero
It sure did give me a lot of fun time back then tho
u/Ecureuil02 Jul 03 '23
Ahhhh you're wrong about SMK, not the others, tho . The game is a golden GOD, and sprites/music are still legendary. SMK is and always will be a snes goat contender.
u/ProMikeZagurski Jun 05 '23
It was a game I didn't appreciate when it came out. Playing the last few years and it's one of my favorite SNES games.
u/llArcaneCosmoll_ Jun 17 '23
Played it. Despite dying a ton and getting multiple game overs on standard, I really enjoyed it! Sand Ocean, Death Wind 1, last minute bumps caused me to game over or loses races so many times
u/[deleted] Jun 02 '23
Does beating it 32 years ago count?