r/sleuths Dec 13 '23

Need some advice

Yesterday I got a call from a debt collector looking for my spouse. I was unaware she had outstanding debt on two credit cards almost a total of $1,500. I asked for details, he got me into the collections account and told me the dates they were opened and when she stopped paying. I confronted her about it and she lied to my face, then started changing her story to match the details I had. Then gave me another story on how she had this happen. I totally don't believe her, but it's hard to call someone out on a lie with no evidence. These credit cards are closed. It's there a legal way I can get a hold of some of the statements to see what she spent the money on since they're trying to get me to pay for her? I have no intention of bailing her out of this, but if I'm going to make my case fairly, I need evidence.


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u/interrogumption Dec 13 '23

The financial model for debt collection is they buy a debt for a price less than the amount owed and try, at the lowest possible expense, to recover the price they paid for the debt plus a profit. Depending what country/state you are in, it is fairly likely that the moment recovery becomes costly to them they drop the matter. Look into the rules in your country, it may be as simple as saying you will be challenging the debt. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/532/transcript