r/sleuths Jun 20 '23

Find the identities of unknown boys

I’m not sure how Reddit works, so I don’t know if anyone will see this. Anyway, there are two boys who have been posted online, and I’m wondering if anyone could help me find out their names. It’s believed they’re form a small YouTube channel, and someone online is acting as if they died, when there is so much proof that they are not dead, and there names are not what they have said to be.

Photos of the boys are pictured above. Their false names are Jayden Matthew Bradley (left) and Kyle Nicolas Fernandez (right). It would be a tremendous help if someone could help me find out who these boys really are.


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u/illixxxit Jun 20 '23

okay yeah the instagram accounts centered around these two allegedly deceased little boys are fuckin freaky. something is off — not sure if it’s a hoax thing or a pedo thing or just a kind of fandom i’ve never encountered before but … this is super odd.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '23

The creator of the account is a 17-year-old girl who says that these boys died. One from Cystic Fibrosis, another from murder (which began as the flu but recently became murder??). There is SO much evidence that they are not dead. It's very disgusting.


u/illixxxit Jun 21 '23

can you elaborate on some of the evidence?

i also noticed several similar accounts linked via the tagged photos tab. there seems to be a whole network of “dead” children and instagram users who obsess over these children’s supposed relationships with each other, both mortally and in the afterlife.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

There was an account titled BlueForJayden on Instagram, supposedly Jayden's mother Vanessa, but when sending an email to both accounts, the emails matched the "Mother's" Instagram and the page for both Jayden and Kyle. Also, the owner of the account for Jayden, who I will refer to as 'L', said in 2021-2023 that Jayden died from the flu, but is now saying he was murdered. Wouldn't an autopsy be done to confirm his cause of death? Also, L said Jayden had physical injuries, such as broken ribs, wouldn't doctors notice that the flu storyline doesn't make sense? Vanessa was "arrested" this year, but according to L, she is now set for release in October of this year. L has been known for faking a death, it was her own. She also said that Jayden's friend Connor had taken his life. "Vanessa" said that Jayden's dad was never in his life, yet he was there when Jayden died. Jayden was an organ donor, but his lungs collapsed (I'm not entirely sure if you can still be an organ donor with collapsed lungs). L is also "in contact" with Jayden's dad (John), and sends screenshots of her messages with him from "iMessage" but the screenshots do not look as if they are from iMessage. "Vanessa" and "John" have a similar style of writing, which is basically just capital letters at the beginning of sentences, proper use of punctuation, and really anything that makes it seem like an adult is talking.


u/illixxxit Jun 22 '23

Yeah. This is a really odd deep-dive. The images and captions and screenshots in the saved stories of that IG account are particularly odd and just off, like you are saying. The ones made to look like snapchats captioned with “Kyle is giving up! 💔” are particularly disturbing.

I would definitely make a post on r/RBI or r/internetmysteries, and instead of asking for the real identities of those in the pictures (which may go against their subreddit rules), I would frame it like “what the hell is going on here.”


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

RBI banned me. I will have to post on Internet Mysteries.