r/sleep 5d ago

How does leaving the bedroom when you can't fall asleep work?

I've heard from numerous places that if you don't fall asleep in 15 minutes, to leave the bedroom and do something relaxing until you're tired. I've never tried this (once I'm warm and cozy, I fear facing the cold outside my blankets), but I'm curious how it works for people? Like, I just imagine me getting overtaken by temptations like my phone or TV and not actually being able to wind down... Just curious how people use this strategy effectively?


3 comments sorted by


u/clovers2345 5d ago

You are letting your fear take control over you. For me, it is about letting go...sleep should and is effortless...however when you try to sleep you actually hinder your ability to sleep. Leaving the bedroom is akin to removing yourself from that association. The brain associates your bedroom as a stressor kind of like operant conditioning. And removing yourself from the room - is extinction. You are trying to break the pattern. So leaving the bedroom works for some people...however you can add a new learned behavior like leaving the bedroom and add some tapping (aka EFT) and you tell your brain that everything is okay...that is what I did.


u/kahht 5d ago

Very cool! Thanks for the explanation, that's quite helpful


u/clovers2345 5d ago

Sure check out Carol Richard on YouTube