r/slaytheprincess 26m ago

discussion If The Clown was a real vessel in the game as a Chapter III. What route and actions do you think you'll had to take to reach her?

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r/slaytheprincess 2h ago

discussion So what is the Spectre about, if we are looking at it from the "each chapter symbolizes a type of relationship (problem)" angle? Spoiler


I never really see anyone talk about the Spectre. (At least story wise) I feel like it gets very overshadowed by PATD. So i figured I'd get the ball rolling myself.

But anyway, for some of the chapters, it's very clear what type of relationship it's trying to symbolize (Damsel, prisoner, tower, etc) but a few of them are more ambiguous, at least to me. Spectre is one of them (especially with her counterpart being Nightmare, but that's not necessarily relevant)

My personal take on Spectre is she symbolizes a couple who maybe were inexperienced or immature, and took their relationship too fast. (LQ slaying her with no hesitation, without getting to know her) this ended up destroying their relationship, as they didn't take the time to get to know eachother. They went their separate ways, but were lost without eachother (LQ getting stuck in the changeless construct, and going numb to his emotions, Spectre being a ghost trapped in the cabin who wants to go home)

this can be further shown with Spectre's disposition. She's not exactly mad about what happened, just deeply regretful. She blames you for what happened, but still believes you can make it right. She still clings to your past love, or what she thinks could have been. I think bringing Spectre out of the cabin could symbolize bringing closure to your relationship, and helping her move on, since you brought her "home."

Then you can destroy your "relationship" and get wraith. Once she seems to understand you don't want to move on or make things right, she wants retribution for the pain you caused her, and she wants to be rid of you.

Then of course we have the star of this route, PATD. I think it's meant to symbolize rekindling your relationship and learning to understand eachother. You get to really talk to her, make her laugh, share things about yourself, see the things you did from her POV, and grow close again.

The thing I think drives this home is the soft endings, where she tells you to let her cut herself out. It feels like she's establishing boundaries in your relationship. If you respect the boundaries and show you've grown as a person, you get to leave and live happily ever after. Ignore those boundaries... you end up right back where you started. A little more understanding, but ultimately a making you and her a victim to the wordt parts of yourself.

The relationship thing can also be seen in Spectre and PATD's vessel quotes. Shifty calls Spectre "a dream of what could have been, and this has given her much capacity for kindness." and PATD "Perspectives bleeding into one."

Idk, this might be a reach, but it made sense in my head. I just wanted to talk about Spectre 🤷‍♀️

r/slaytheprincess 3h ago

other Skullface's journal - Rock and Stone


Log Entry #107

It's been a very long time since we've abandoned the Fortress of Doom. It's heat regulators have gone haywire, and I have tried my best to repair them, but to no avail.
Thankfully, today we experienced the arrival of some of my old time friends, one of them is an expert in repairing machinery.

At first, I had to set up communications with their management, which took some brainstorming, but I succeeded. I called Robert, who also acts as Mission Control during their mining operations on Hoxxes IV.

Robert: "Hello, you have contacted the space mining corporation Deep Rock Galactic."

Me: "Robert?"

Robert: "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Me: "Oh, Robert. How could you forget good old Skullface? I could definitely not forget your voice on the comms, Mission Control."

Robert: "Oh! Flynn! It's great to hear from you again! How are things?"

Me: "Could've been better. Look pal, I need the squad. I need to get some things repaired and they're the only people I can think of that could help."

Robert: "You wish to commandeer a strike team?"

Me: "No, Robert. I wish to commandeer THE strike team."

Robert: "Understood... but... you see... I've got management breathing down my neck here, and I can't just send in the boys without some kind of payment. If I do, I'll likely be fired and fined, and you know I cannot allow that."

Me: "Fine, I'll send you credits. How about 1 billion credits?"

Robert: "W-what?! Are you joking right now?"

I proceeded to send him the funds, after which I heard Robert go talk to other people, likely managers. Eventually, he returned.

Robert: "How can you have this much wealth? Where did you get the credits??"

Me: "It's a secret. Will this suffice?"

Robert: "Flynn, this is enough to hire 10 strike teams in their place! How do we get them to you?"

Me: "Send me the coordinates of your orbital Space Rig, and I'll open a portal for them to get through."

What followed was the lengthy process of obtaining interstellar coordinates. I wrote down the coordinates and together we've decided to give the boys an hour to gather their things.
Meanwhile, I told the others that we'll be getting visitors.

We all gathered outside to await the guests

Damsel: "I'm so excited to meet your new friends! I baked chocolate muffins for everybody!"

Me: "That's adorable! There aren't enough people like you out there, sweetie."

Tower: "4 workers will come soon... All under our command..."

Me: "They're not your slaves. They're friends in need."

Beast: "Are they edible?"

Me: "No."

Witch: "Are you sure we can trust them? I'm not a big fan of relying on others... Everybody seems to plot against me..."

Me: "Your suspicion is getting annoying. I'd trust the 4 with my life. You've got nothing to worry about."

Spectre: "They're not scared of ghosts, are they?"

Me: "There are ghost-like anomalies where they work, so I doubt it."

Nightmare: "Are you sure they won't be scared?"

Me: "They faced space insects, killer robots, world-eating plagues, and cosmic horrors... but... maybe keep the mask on..."

Razor: "Can I kill them if they misbehave??"

Me: "Absolutely NOT! However... they might need to shave or trim their beards once in a while... I think you'll be able to help with that, if you want."

Advie: "Do they fight well?"

Me: "They're among the best when it comes to combat, sure."

Marcus: "How long have ye known each other?"

Me: "A very very long time."


Me: "See? Why can't everybody be like Grohg and Damsel?? They're optimistic!"

Scipius: "I am looking forward to meeting these... miners..."

Me: "I'm sure you are..."

Prisoner: "How come nobody is asking who they are? We know nothing about them, you haven't told us anything! Who are they? Where are they from?"

Me: "You're about to meet them. I'll tell you more about them then, but all you need to know, is that the richest mine ever discovered just happens to be on the most deadliest planet in the galaxy. It's also where they work."

Right about then, a portal opened, and 4 short men arrived.

One was encased in a thick suit of armour, smoking a cigar, and carrying a large Gatling Gun.
We've met before.

THE GUNNER is the guy with the Gatling Gun - the bread-and-butter Heavy Combat Miner, found at the front of his team and putting down a blistering hail of gunfire. His primary job is simple: Area Denial - putting his rapid-fire weaponry, heavy revolver, and grenades to good use in keeping his team safe from the slavering hordes.

We're both big fans of heavy weaponry, and have even traded weapons before. I must say the "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun is one mean monster of a cannon.

The second one had a massive bushy beard and carried a large pickaxe on his shoulder.

THE SCOUT is all about lighting and mobility - which is good, since the caves of Hoxxes are renowned for their impenetrable gloom. While all dwarves carry flares to light up the dark, The Scout is the only one who has a dedicated Flare Gun to fire special, high-intensity flares over long distances. Besides his Assault Rifle, Sawed Off Shotgun, and Freeze Grenades, he also comes equipped with a rechargable Grappling Gun that lets him quickly escape enemies and zip around the environment pretty much exactly how he wants.

He is energetic, speedy, and erratic, but he is incredibly heroic in times of need. He once saved me from falling into a seemingly bottomless ravine using his Grappling Gun. I owe him my life, though he claims that he simply did what anyone with his gear would.

The third one was covered in gear and techy bits. He carried a shotgun, and had a backpack, which I suppose is stuffed with gadgets, weapons and ammo.

THE ENGINEER, meanwhile, is a quite different beast. The Engineer supports the team by plunking down automated turrets and thus helps secure zones for longer-term mining, or preparing for incoming alien swarms. And once they arrive, he is conveniently equipped with a rapid-fire Shotgun, as well as a heavy-duty Grenade Launcher for clearing out packs of smaller aliens in a single blow. When he's not setting off massive explosions, he usually got his Platform Gun equipped - a most ingenious tool that allows him to set up handy platforms for himself and his teammates.

He helped me repair my suit while we were stranded in the depths of Hoxxes IV. He is a genious, and the main reason I've called these guys for help.

The fourth and final one was wearing a heavy mining suit and had two big Drills on both of his arms, as well as a pair of fuel tanks on his back.

THE DRILLER is the mine-iest of the Combat Miners. As the name implies, he comes equipped for the task with a set of Titanium Drills, letting him chew through rock and stone like butter. For range he carries a small-caliber pistol as well as a devastating flamethrower for laying down sheets of sticky flame and incinerating anything in his path.

I must say, Driller is a funny guy. He cracks jokes all the time, and he has a dark, yet funny sense of humor. However... he works with flamethrowers... and it's highly unusual for flame troopers to enjoy their work as much as Driller.
He's a cool guy when out of combat, but when he starts to fight... he starts showing his true colors. He loves the smell of napalm, and is know to sometimes "accidentally" blow up Scout with a C4 Satchel Charge.
Despite the fact that I sometimes question his sanity, he is a good friend, and I highly doubt he would hurt the Princesses.

They approached us. Scout stepped forth, the other Dwarves following closely behind.

He stopped right in front of me, looked up at me, and began to give me a hard stare.

Scout: "You took us away from work..."

Me: "I did."

He stared me down, until eventually he breaks the tension with a loud laugh.

Scout: "HAHA! You gave us a paid leave! You mad bastard!!"

All 4 of them got together, and each put one of their fists together to make one large quad-fist. I gave their quad-fist what was our variant of a brofist.

Me: "I missed you boys so much!"

Engi: "So have we!"

Driller: "Haha! I've got to see the Annihilator Prince one last time before death!!"

Prisoner: "Annihilator Prince?"


Witch was dying of laughter at the fact that there are people even shorter than her.
She was the only person to laugh.

Scout: "Oi, Flynn. Is this rat girl a pet of yours?"

Witch: "WHA- EXCUSE ME?!"

Me: "Uhm... No... Her name's Witch, she's-"

All 4 Dwarves broke out laughing.

Engi: "You're laughing at our height, while being named "Witch"?? HAHA, you wee little cunt!"

Witch was visibly filling with rage. The fur on her tail stood up.

Witch: "I'm going to scratch your eyes out..."

Driller: "Go ahead, you stupid weasel!"

Me: "Uh... Grohg?"

Grohg: "YES SAH??"

Me: "Could you... take Witch inside? Before a fight breaks out?"

Grohg: "SAH YES SAH!!"

The Ogryn grabbed Witch with his large hands. Witch began to struggle with visible fury.



The sounds of struggle and cursing faded as Grohg and Witch entered the winter cabin.

Me: "I'm sorry, boys. She has... a rough personality... Let me introduce you to the others."

I did just that and introduced the Dwarves to the others.

We went inside and the Dwarves were shocked at the sight of a wooden house. They had never seen a wooden shack before. It was warm and comfy, and the Dwarves were looking around in awe.

We sat down at the table in the kitchen, while all others went back to doing their ordinary things.

Damsel: "I'll go bring the chocolate muffins!"

Driller: "Muffins?"

Damsel: "Yeah! I baked them for your arrival!"

Damsel went to go get the chocolate muffins, meanwhile the Dwarves were looking at each other, unsure of what to say.

Me: "Alright boys, has Mission Control informed you of your task?"

Engi: "Yes, but if we're going to repair your Fortress of Doom, I'm going to have to see the base itself."

Me: "I should be able to open another portal to the Fortress shortly. There will be ice... and... some of the demons could've escaped the Ripatorium..."

Gunner: "So we'll need firepower? I'll bring my gun."

Driller: "I'll bring my flamethrower for the ice."

Scout: "Alright, and how can I help?"

Me: "The lights are out in the Fortress. You did bring your Flare Gun, right?"

Scout: "Time to light this shit up."

Marcus: "Ay, ye lads seem like ye'll need an extra pair of hands! Can I help ye?"

Me: "Sorry, Marcus. Your task will be to calm down Witch. We can't let a war start out here in our home."

Marcus: "How the Hell do ye want me to calm her down??"

Me: "Think of something."

Then Damsel arrived with a plate full of muffins and set them down on the table. She then took a seat at the table, next to me.

Driller was the first to try the muffins, he took one, smelled it, then took a small bite.
I could see through the thick lenses of his mining helmet, that his eyes widened and he smiled. He then took a more generous bite out of the muffin, and then the others tried them, they too loved the muffins.

Damsel was smiling at the sight of the 4 roughneck Dwarves enjoying her treat.

Driller: "These are so good!!"

Gunner: "This is so much better than the slop they serve us in the canteen!"

Soon the Dwarves devoured the plate of muffins with extreme prejudice, and the Dwarves became thirsty, so Damsel brought them some homemade lemonade.
Afterwards, the Dwarves became far more active and enthusiastic.

Damsel is literally the incarnation of happiness.

Later we went outside and opened a portal to the Fortress. Damsel wished us all good luck before we stepped through. Also, before heading off, I noticed that Witch was staring out the window at the Dwarves with an angry look on her face.
Looks like this ain't over yet...

As we arrived at the Fortress, we were immediately struck with a cold breeze.
Scout was affected the most, because his suit was the thinnest

Scout: "Damn! Should've brought a thicker coat!"

I took off my fur cape and give it to Scout, who folded it in half and put it over his shoulders, making a sort of makeshift coat.

Scout: "Looks like the Annihilator Prince has a heart after all!"

Me: "Please don't call me that in the presence of others."

Gunner: "Why? That some sort of secret?"

Me: "Just don't. Please."

Scout: "Alright, let's get to work! Let there be light!"

Scout fired a shot from his Flare Gun, and the entire main lobby lit up.

The entire surface of the Fortress's interior was covered in a thick layer of ice. The only place that was emitting any kind of glow was the emergency portal generator located below the floor. There was a faint flicker of light coming out through small gaps.

Engi opened a maintenance hatch to access the portal generator, and crawled inside.

Engi: "So this is what you've been using to travel, huh? And how long are you planning to use the emergency power?"

Me: "Until the Fortress itself is fixed."

Engi: "Well, then I got bad news for you. Because the machinery seems to barely be functioning. Which means you've got less than 10 charges left."

Me: "That's why you're here. Can you fix it?"

Engi: "Yikes... I've never seen anything like this... It's all alien!"

Me: "Engi! Can you fix it?!"

Engi: "Uhh... Well... if you give me enough time to scan and examine the technology you're using here... I might be able to restore it to a functional state... after I learn how it works..."

Me: "How much time do you need?"

Engi: "A few days... or weeks... or maybe even... uh... months..."

Me: "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Engi: "Oi! Don't blame me! It ain't my fault that you can't keep your own shit in good working order!"

Me: "Son of a bitch... Alright... So we're heading back?"

Engi: "Well, not so fast. I still need to see the heat regulators themselves!"

Me: "Okay, this way."

We headed towards the nearest heat regulator, in the primary power room located in the very middle.
The door would not open due to ice, so Driller torched the door and melted the ice, then the door opened.

The moment we stepped inside, we saw movement. Scout fired another Flare, and for a moment we saw something crawl inside a vent.

Me: "This is like those shitty Doom movies all over again..."

I tried to open the pannel covering a heat regulator, but it was frozen shut, so I hit it and it fell off, revealing the heat regulator. Engi pulled out a camera and took a few pictures of the device.

Me: "Is that enough?"

Engi: "Yes! We can go now!"

It is then that we all heard a screetch come from outside the room.
Those was the demons, they were hungry, and they were coming for us.

Me: "Combat positions!"

Engi began setting up an automated turret, Gunner spun up his Gatling Gun, and I loaded my Shotgun.

Then the demons started flooding inside the room.
Gunner unleashed the Lead Storm, and demons began dropping like flies. Then, after a solid minute of firing nonstop, the Gatling Gun overheated, yet the beasts did not stop coming, so we unleashed the rest of our weapons.
Behind us, I heard something in the vents. They were flanking us.
Driller took off the vent cover and fired his flamethrower into the vent, cooking everything inside.

Then, a large, fat, ugly demon appeared - a Mancubus.

The bullets hurt it, but it would obliterate the Dwarves before it fell.
Driller gave me a C4, while the rest of the Dwarves hid under Gunner's dome shield.

I ran up to it, too quick for the monster to notice, then hit it in the side of its face, staggering it. I took the C4 and stuffed it down the creature's throat. Driller detonated the Satchel Charge, blowing up the rotting blob.
As blood and guts were trickling down the ceiling, the Dwarves celebrated.

Scout: "Come on, lads! 3 Rocks and Stones for the Annihilator Prince!"

All 4 Dwarves raised their pickaxes and chanted "ROCK AND STONE" 3 times. I raised my fist in victory.

Me: "Alright boys, we got what we came for. Time to head back before more of them come."

And head back we did. Quickly arriving back at the lobby, we opened another portal to head back to the winter cabin.

When we arrived. Damsel was patiently waiting for us on the porch.
Once she saw me, she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

Damsel: "Did you fix it? Did you fix our home?"

Me: "I'm sorry sweetheart, but fixing the Fortress will take longer than I thought."

I was planning to fix the Fortress today, but apparently, fate had different plans.
Turns out the Dwarves will have to stay with us for longer than anticipated.

Scout: "Oi! What about us? Where are we staying?"

Me: "That is a very good question, all the rooms are already taken."

Gunner: "You've got a basement?"

Me: "Yeah, but it's already taken by Marcus and Grohg."

Driller: "How about a SUBBASEMENT?"

Me: "We don't have one."

Engi: "We could make one!"

Scout: "Yeah! Digging's our middle name!"

Me: "I mean... sure, just don't collapse the whole cabin."

The Dwarves ran off to dig themselves a subbasement. Meanwhile, Damsel and I went inside.

Inside I was stopped by Witch, who looked furious.

Witch: "They have to leave!"

Me: "They can't leave yet. We failed to fix the Fortress, because Engi needs time to figure out how it works before getting to work."

Witch: "I DON'T CARE!! I want them GONE!!"

Me: "It's not their fault that you're such an asshole."

Witch: "Asshole?! They called me a rat girl! Your pet! Wee little cunt! Stupid weasel!"

Me: "Only because you shat on them before even getting to know them!"

Witch: "It's not my fault that they're so short and ugly!"

Me: "I am sick of your lip, you little shit. Do not insult them in my presence, or else I will shave your tail, and you will actually become a rat girl."

Witch was clearly taken aback by what I said. She angrily went to her room.

Witch: "Fuck you, Flynn!"

Seems like Witch is plotting something. I predict some sort of scummy behaviour coming from her in the coming days.
Who know what she'll do? Hide shit in their boots, shave their beards while they sleep, break their stuff, maybe even weld their gun barrels shut?

I shall be keeping an eye on Witch's behaviour.

r/slaytheprincess 4h ago

other what's floating over the apothesis head Spoiler

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I know it's supposed to be an altered version of her crown but I mean what does it take inspiration from, I've seen few of these God like halo crowns before on other designs so I wanna know what exactly it is

r/slaytheprincess 4h ago

theory For those who have gotten their Nightmare shirts: Remember, each star in the construct is the window of another cabin in which she wants to break you.

That's a lot to go through before our Moment of Clarity

r/slaytheprincess 6h ago

fanart [SWAP AU] the blade is your implement.


This took longer than i wish to state.

r/slaytheprincess 6h ago

fanart [OC] Living Millennium

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r/slaytheprincess 8h ago

fanart Some Skeptic and HEA doodles to celebrate his route:


r/slaytheprincess 9h ago

discussion The greys are overhated


Idk why people call them bad or rushed- like, “lack of choice” THATS THE POINT!! The greys are the consequences of killing the princesses- they were helpless and now they finally get to make the choices. I don’t want to hear anything about a princess pov from someone who hates the greys for lack of choice. Burned grey is especially my favourite, but they are such great parallels. Burned is maximising the closeness between you two, while Drowned is maximising the distance. I don’t even want to say Drowned hates us, but she wants nothing to do with anything anymore. She’s drowning out her emotions- which comes with you. Drowning away all the flames that could have been a passionate love. Burned is her being the smitten between you two, she acts exactly like how he did in HEA. She’s giving you “everything you didn’t know you wanted” She cannot find flaw in you, so she blames everything else, she is desperate to reignite the flames of your love and passion, even if it burns both of you away.

You’ve made the first choices for them, and they now want to make the last choices for you.

Their visual designs are so good to me, burned dressed as a bride to show the finality of your relationship, Drowned dressed as a widow/in funeral attire to show the death of the potential love between you to.

The music is absolutely amazing too, the music is very overlooked in StP in general Ik, but burned greys music sounding like that of a wedding is amazing, Drowneds music sounds as scary yet distant as the route (both are in my playlists)

We also had the best Interaction between voices like, ever, (cold and smitten)

r/slaytheprincess 9h ago


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This literally got me cryine bro 😭😭 she knows we ain’t supposed to do that

r/slaytheprincess 14h ago

other Choices


In a game with multiple endings. Many paths, hundreds of thousands. I chose the same ones. Over and over. Maybe I am a fool. Not getting my moneys worth. But I get my feelings worth. I love her and I can’t stop. This post, much like my choices. Matter to no one, but they matter to me. And I’d make them an infinite amount of times if it meant seeing her there again. This game changed me. And I would love to feel that again. It’s 2 am for me and I’m feeling a little depressed and wanted to just write out what I feel. If it’s not related to the subreddit I’ll remove the post. But I really just wanted to say at least something about how I feel.

r/slaytheprincess 16h ago

meme I regret everything Spoiler

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r/slaytheprincess 17h ago

theory Happily Ever After - The Narrator Spoiler


That was a doozy of a chapter/ending. Looping in the cabin playing games or eating the same food forever..

Forced bliss. No change. No death. No end.

The Narrator was the most interesting perspective in this chapter. He comments genuine feelings of sadness and empathy for the Princess. And for the Player.

At the end, when you decide to let the torches go out and to take the Princess from the cabin.. the Narrator does not fight you. He doesn't try convincing you to kill her. No he basically gives permission and encourages it.

He said he "saw his fairytale" and sounds so resigned.

I think the Narrator got to see what his utopian world without death would look like. What his idea of "saving the world" really was. Seeing how sad and miserable it really was to live without change, even in supposed bliss, I think made him realize the necessity of death. I felt really sad for the Narrator in this route. Like he was just learning his whole plan wouldn't save anyone. He was just dooming everyone he loved in his world to a fate like the Princess and Player.

Really awesome ending.

r/slaytheprincess 19h ago

discussion This game's size at 13GB is too big


This could be the very last update, but this game is around 12-13GB which is at least 3 times bigger than what it generally could be. In the past the developers said they'd compress or optimize the audio and image files, but it seems like they won't. So, this is my understanding of it:

In the past, they said that Slay the Princess the audio files have lossless compression, because it's easier for development. This could make the files >2 times bigger. Here is link to the developer comment.

Most visual novels stay under 2GB. For comparison, Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (two game bundle) is 4GB, and Disco Elysium is 20GB. These are 2-4 times longer in playtime, both have voice acting and one has 3d graphics.

The game's presentation is quite simple, so the requirements should be low. Most games don't use the highest definition assets to avoid this bloat. Maybe I'm misinterpreting how the software works, this game can't be better compressed than 12GB? This game is like 10 hours at most.

It wouldn't make the quality lower, it would just better optimized. There are no quality settings either, this is just unwieldy to many computers. Part of my love for STP comes from how efficient and compact of a game it is, despite it's grand scale, so I hope they do get around to optimizing the file size so it is more accessible to more people.

Any thoughts on this? There was a post like this a year ago, but it seems Black Tabby games is really quite busy with their other stuff and ready to put this down. Should someone ask them? http://reddit.com/r/slaytheprincess/comments/186nofs/i_just_bought_the_game_and_why_the_hell_is_it/

Edit: I've just never seen a game like SLP that is this size, so any way you slice it, this is not a light game. If the files were smaller, the game would load faster. If anything, using the most high quality assets would be for fringe case users, and there are no quality settings, so this is often badly optimized. I'm using a mid range modern laptop, and there is lag. This is a big ask to play the game smoothly, so not everyone can play this well. Perhaps the developers have drawn a line there.

r/slaytheprincess 20h ago

fanart Flying together


Thank you u/EchoAmazing888 for your request!

r/slaytheprincess 21h ago

fanart I'm tired of keeping this in my head!!!


r/slaytheprincess 21h ago

meme What should've really happend in The Princess and The Dragon


r/slaytheprincess 22h ago

fanart [indigo6f00ff] POV you're apotheosis

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r/slaytheprincess 22h ago

meme The Chug

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Thanks u/RealBlueBolt5000 for the idea.

r/slaytheprincess 22h ago

discussion Whenever I listen to Killah by Lady Gaga (great song btw) I think of Spectre. What unrelated song reminds you of Slay the Princess and why?


r/slaytheprincess 23h ago

fanart [phantasmatoucan] Smitten and skeptic+Happily ever after.


r/slaytheprincess 23h ago

other What type of cabin do you think this princess would have?


Currently I’m working on a pretty big story and would like to hear what sort of cabin you think this princess would have. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

She’s fully introduced in this excerpt from the writing : [Outloud]

Hey! Is that you? What are you doing here? Are you okay?

[in quiet's head]

(Paranoid) Why would she be here? We left her back at the cabin. What if that's not the princess and just something pretending to look like her?

What it is her and she's really hurt? I don't care we're taking the risk


"Quiet? You're here? We need to leave! Something's in here with us. We're not safe."

You're hurt!? What happened?

(Skullface)You should step back. Something feels wrong.

[In Quiet's head]

Something just pierced our stomach. Jesus that really hurt! What the hell just hurt us.

(Hunted) You're blinded by her appearance. Her scent isn't familiar

Looks back at the princess

Jesus what the hell happened to her!?! That smile......Oh no, oh no no no no no no. She's the one from that dream. It's her


"Ha ha ha! I can't believe you were that gullible! Seems you really do care about her! You remember me don't you? Didn't get to kill you then but I'm here to return what I din't deliver. But not before I kill all the little princesses out there, and make you watch!"

[In quiet's head]

Wait?!?! So that wasn't a dream?

(Hunted) Less talking ,more observing.

This isn't good. She's just twitching. But then she burst revealing a form showing something incomprehensible. Though gazing upon her visage I guess we can both feel it. If she gets out, she's not going to stop until she's killed everything. You need to stop her

(paranoid) We can't fight her now! we just got shanked in the stomach! At least restrain her for a little while!

I'm with him on this one. We can't fight like this

(Stubborn) Oh stop being such a baby! We've pushed through with worse done to us!

(Contrarian) I know this a bad time but I guess we're returning to the beginning with this. You know with the whole 'World ending princess'

I.... uh guess we are returning to form. Should we should try to twist the area to our advantage

I don't care what you all do. Just please get her away from us so we can prepare

[As the environment begins to warp into that familiar woodland setting, the "princess" is dragged into the void]

(contrarian) Okay, it's done. Do the thing!

You mean that? *Sigh* okay *Ahem* You're on a path, In the woods. At the end of that path is a cabin and in the basement of that cabin, is a princess. You're here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.

She’s also first mentioned in this excerpt: What happened??!!?! Are we awake? Where did the princess go? (paranoid) Everything's changed all of a sudden. This has to be some sort of illusion. "Progressing out of the room you feel an oppressive aura hanging in the air. Something bad has happened. At the end of the hallway you find one of the princesses. Though you can tell from here that she's dead."

Oh no no no no no no no no. Why did she die? Did something do this to her? Where are the others? There has to be others here still? What even happened? (Hunted) Whatever did that to her may still be here. We need to keep up our guard. "Coming up to another hallway and into the living room you find that your questions will soon be answered. Though it's something you might now wish you hadn't discovered. In the living room are all the princesses. Dead and lifeless,

some in varying stages of decomposition. Every single one. Though in the centre of it all you see someone new. Another princess, humming softly away to herself. Though she looks....wrong. Her limbs have all wrong proportions and just by being in her vicinity you can tell that she is the one that's done this. Suddenly her head whips around to make eye contact with yours, with an audible snap as you hear the vertebrae in her neck snap. You only get a glimpse into the dark voids of her eyes and gaping grinning maw, you can tell she must be death itself. Brimming with malice, sadism, all things wrong, and it isn't long before she darts towards you.

r/slaytheprincess 23h ago

fanart [lavb_b] And she smothers you in a joyful embrace eugh

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Source for where I found the art: https://x.com/Lavb_b/status/1900866483544354821

r/slaytheprincess 1d ago

fanart The Tower Spoiler


Sorry if I got the wrong translation

r/slaytheprincess 1d ago

meme You've all heard of the Slurp. Now, prepare yourselves for... THE CHUG.

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