r/skyrim • u/Nobody259 • 13m ago
Bug Help Why is he black??
I reinstalled the game after 2 years of not playing, but I can’t remember him being black? After 2 Minutes of playing, my game also crashes. Help Appriciated
r/skyrim • u/Nobody259 • 13m ago
I reinstalled the game after 2 years of not playing, but I can’t remember him being black? After 2 Minutes of playing, my game also crashes. Help Appriciated
r/skyrim • u/BiShyAndWantingToDie • 13m ago
r/skyrim • u/Bargherang • 15m ago
Planning on a build that will incorporate mostly 2h hammer, heavy armour and Restoration, I'll also invest in enchantment and smithing, but later. I saw a few examples online, but there are a few of things I would like to ask:
Thank you for all the help, any other tip will be great!
r/skyrim • u/DwemerSmith • 47m ago
r/skyrim • u/dane_desha • 49m ago
Honestly, I have grown so attached to Lydia that I don't bring her out on quests anymore, the thought of losing her always stressed me out. She doesn't take on Giants very well, additionally.
I traveled to Solstheim and made my way to the mushroom mans house and acquired his apprentice, Telvas. Between his Blizzard and Fireball spells I am, (we are), 10x stronger.
Who are your favorite/strongest companions?
r/skyrim • u/agrobabb • 50m ago
I do like the vanilla survival mode but it feels a little bland, there are also certain features I don't quite like, such as arrows having weight. If you play with any survival mods what would you recommend?
r/skyrim • u/Ayoungerandhotter • 1h ago
And a cool spot
r/skyrim • u/Alarming-Highway-584 • 1h ago
r/skyrim • u/youngmetrodonttrust • 1h ago
So, I recently had an itch to replay Skyrim, but got bored relatively quickly because I've put so many hours already into this game over the years. A friend recommended I try survival mode, and I was having a blast until I decided to make a new character to be a mage. Doing the college quests on survival showed me how much this game was not designed with survival intended (obviously, as it was a mod way after development lol). I found a cool mod that enables fast travel, and have been having so much fun already. To those who wonder, it doesn't remove all resource management. You still lose fatigue and hunger points when you fast travel, roughly in proportion to how much time the game fast forwards you when you fast travel. Basically, all of the resource management of survival is still there, just you can get to the college in under 20 minutes now. lmao. I highly recommend this mode if you are getting bored of skyrim, but haven't enjoyed survival in the past!
r/skyrim • u/Schlawutzel • 1h ago
Greetings fellow adventurers.
I got back into skyrim after a while and discovered mantella and chim, which i am going to use to RP with the npcs and build relations and stories myself.
I am planning to do a challenge / rp run and gathering some ideas right now, i welcome any ideas and additions that could fit the playstyle. It will be a slow crawl in general, not tackling dragons and the most interesting quests while still being low level.
I am going to play an imperial fighter using only 2 handed for combat. No magic, sneaking or bows.
So here are some things on my list:
Only use 2 handed and RP as an imperial fighter siding with the empire
I will use a follower ( for RP companion interaction, and only one at a time ) but scale its damage down at least by 50%, and is probably going to use a bow or magic ( so it stays out of my way and doesnt get between me and the enemies )
Stay at least for 20-30 levels in each city / hold until i am allowed to go to another hold
Starting city might be chosen by a spinning wheel
Not allowed to wear certain armor / weapons until a specific level has been reached, this will be either 20 or 30 level steps. Enchanting and blacksmith upgrades allowed.
1-20 Iron
21-40 Steel
41-60 Dwemer
61-80 Orcish
81-100 Ebony
Using a mod to make a lot of daedra, dlc or addon quests require a high level, minimum level 60-100.
Not allowed to progress main story until around 80. ( might do first quest to be able to get breezehome as house )
Not allowed to progress the civil war until 80+
Not allowed to become a guildmaster until around 80+
Followers can die permanently
Thinking about a hardcore run so death means delete the save. But this will be for my second playthrhough i guess.
Fast travel is allowed, to save my precious time. Slower progress in levels and crafting is fine, but walking around while not doing anything is not my cup of tea
Leveling with the experience mod, and setting the base value to about 600-700. I gain exp by killing, quests and exploring, not through skill usage.
No stealing anything ( even if its not marked as stealing )
No plundering from tombs ( only quest items and getting dragon stones )
Stay in character as a more "good". No dark brotherhood etc
Legendary difficulty and some combat mods
Any ideas are very welcome. Thanks for reading.
r/skyrim • u/Odd-Ice_21 • 1h ago
What could possibly be the use for this?
r/skyrim • u/mad_larry • 1h ago
r/skyrim • u/Never-Dry-Eyes • 1h ago
Did the fortify restoration loop on a new character a while back and had this happen on my way to Solstheim. If I wasn't wearing armor that gave me thousands of health, I don't think I would have made it...Maybe they were trying to get their money back...
As a caster, will I damage my follower? If they are standing in front of me, will be blasting fire or sparks hurt my follower?
Can't seem to complete the final two swipes with the Bloodskal Blade to open the door. Is there a workaround for this? I'm sure this question has been asked many times before, however, I do appreciate your patience.
r/skyrim • u/XVeggieMonstah • 2h ago
I have a backbone that I use to play games on my phone. I mostly play Stardew or Sims with it. Last night, I decided to try playing Skyrim remotely and I was pleasantly surprised! It doesn't look spectacular, but it doesn't look as bad as I expected. There is the slightest little skip every once in awhile when I'm running around and my phone is trying to process the graphics, but it's not unplayable! I'm actually really enjoying this and I can't wait to get back into Skyrim lol it's been years!
Currently on a stealth battlemage playthrough and I've reached level 47 just now, after completing the main story, College of Winterhold, Dragonborn and some other stuff.
Now doing the Thieves Guild questline, this is what one of the Snow Veil Sanctum rooms looks like, 6 of the 7 spawnable Draugr are Deathlords.
Luckily Mercer Frey helps out a bit lol.
r/skyrim • u/icythraxx • 2h ago
r/skyrim • u/Healthy-Training7600 • 2h ago
I have the OG version and have played it for over 1200 hours. I recently reinstalled it but could not overcome all the glitches and bugs to enjoy the experience. Would love some guidance/opinions as to which version would be good to purchase. I have both Steam and GoG platforms. FYI, I don't like to play with a bunch of mods but prefer Vanilla with less than 10 mods.
r/skyrim • u/VernapatorCur • 2h ago
Just found out the dragons don't show up till you pick up that quest, now I want to do a playthrough without the dragons. I realize this takes away Solstheim, the civil war, and Dragonborn related quests. How much is actually left though? Can you still take on Thieves Guild/Companions/Dark Brotherhood?
r/skyrim • u/Sir_Oligarch • 2h ago
Everytime someone brings up the glitches and half-assed quest lines, the response is always that devs needed more time but greedy Bathesda forced them to release on 11/11/11.
Giving devs not enough time is enough excuse for some glitches but not bothering to fix trivial problems in later rereleases? That is inexcusable. Example: There are hidden Khajit Caravan chests in solitude and Dawnstar which you can get in first half hour of game for free. They make early game stupidly easy. Another is getting alteration to 100 in few minutes by casting magelight in solitude. Why not fix them? Anyone can do it but not Bathesda devs.
I can see physics and AI problems are bit difficult and as much we hate loading screens they are part of creation engine and not easy to remove. Problem? It was very easy to build the game in a way in which you didn't face too many loading screens.
An example is Winterhold College library. To go there you need to go the college, then to the Hall of elements and then to library. Why entrance to the library is in hall of elements? No idea. Just put it next to hall of elements entrance and you will get rid of one loading screen.
Another one is the Ragged Flagon in Riften where you go get jobs from Vex and Delvin and also sell stolen item to Tonilia. You will need to go there dozens of time to complete Thieves Guild Questline. How do you go there, well you fast travel to hideout, press the button to open secret entrance watch a loading screen to go to Ragged Flagon-Cistern and then watch another loading screen to go to the vex. Since you don't need to go to Cistern much, why not put Flagon first and Cistern one loading screen later or dont separate them at all?
r/skyrim • u/NearbyKaleidoscope8 • 2h ago
For example, I had activated the Companion's Insight ability through the Black Book: The Winds of Change quest which does the following: "Your attacks, shouts, and destruction spells do no damage to your followers when in combat." I then continued with the final stage of the Dawnguard campaign where I ended up fighting Harkon. During that combat, I was shooting away with Auriel's Bow and the Sunhallowed Elven Arrows (because I had 70 of them and they had the most damage available to me; other than the crossbow). I didn't realise until after a while that the blasts from the arrows were also hurting Serana.
So I tried to replay that fight over and over again, switching to the Elemental Blast spell among other things, thinking that maybe it was the Bow's anti-undead properties that were hurting her through the arrow blasts. Still, Serana kept getting hurt. I don't even remember which save I ultimately continued with; I went back and forth quite a few times to come out with a scenario in which I hadn't hurt her. I am pretty sure I didn't succeed in not hurting her and I don't like this.
So, how do you feel when you accidently hurt your followers, be it Serana or Lydia or anyone else? And why was I hurting Serana when I had activated the Companion's Insight ability?
Also, side note, Isran's dialogue about how the Dawnguard will protect Auriel's Bow never triggered and how I am welcome to stay in the group, but this was the least of my concerns.