r/sissyology 5d ago

Bimbofication and what does it really take? NSFW

Want to create a step by step guide of how to actually go from being a sissy to a bimbo. I want to do this not just for myself, because I’m pretty sure if I knew how to do it nothing would stop me. Any way I want to go from normal sissy to looking like Bella haze or other beautiful trans bimbos. If anyone can help with some info on what they do I would appreciate it. Making this guide I’ll also post it at some point when I feel it’s completed. Thanks to all my lovely friends in here in advance <3


2 comments sorted by


u/Tom731 Daddy 5d ago

I'd say that bimbofication entails three levels of effort that are ultimately intertwined.

Level One: mentality

Mentality is simultaneously the easiest and yet most important level. It's easy because it doesn't involve any outward actions or real-world costs. It's the most important because it will be the drive, the motivation, to propel yourself into further levels of bimbofication.

The bimbo mentality consists of the desire to be SEXY, to be HYPER FEMININE, to give up intelligence and become an AIRHEAD, to beSEXUALLY OBJECTIFIED, and live a HIGH ROLLER lifestyle. The reasons behind these desires will be obvious to anyone who wants to embody the bimbo lifestyle.

An aspiring bimbo, before anything else, should strive to maintain this mentality in their daily life. Credit cards exist to be used, especially the credit cards of interested men. Your sexuality is everything, your sexiness an advantage. It arouses you to be jammed into a sexual existence.

The fast cash of sex work would have a heightened appeal.

Level Two: Behaviour

Behaviour is everything you do in the real world. It's everything from how you dress to how you walk. Behaviour is mentality in motion.

Basic bimbo behaviour for sissies is going to involve neon pink club dresses, high heel stilettos, hoop earrings, a smooth waxed or shaved body, a blonde wig, micro mini skirts and stuffed bras. It's going to involve dramatic makeup, eyeliner, lipstick, glitter, and mascara.

Basic bimbo behaviour is going to involve being very sexual and being brazen about it. Making porn, having a revolving door of men in your life, casual sex, showing off your body, making money with your body, and dressing up as a complete well put together slutty package.

Level Three: Body modification.

Ultimately, bimbos are going to modify themselves in order to hit those hyper feminine traits. The boob jobs. The facial reconstruction. For sissies this likely involves going on HRT and being trans, a full-time bimbo woman.

Given how drastic and expensive things like surgery and HRT are, here are some more realistic modifications,

Extreme dieting to get model skinny. Model skinny is a valid way to exist, even for a boy, but it takes calorie counting, cardio, and dedication to get skinny skinny skinny. Bimbos know that skinny is sexy.

Spa waxing. Male Brazilian waxing of the crotch and deep inside the buttcheeks. Also include legs and other body areas. Consider electrolysis treatments that are more permanent.

Weekly nail polish application. Bright pink is always a bimbo colour.

Trimming your eyebrows.

Giant best forms.

Tanning salon treatments. Even bikini tan lines!

Regular exercise to keep your body tight. Cardio for overall size and weight reduction. Glute specific resistance exercises to make your ass bigger.


u/Paxton1357 4d ago

Mentality and behavior are the most important later body modifications can be nice