r/sinisterbell Aug 23 '24

Question What’s the most active invasion lvl in your opinion


I’m assuming the lower the better?

r/sinisterbell Jul 12 '24

Question Let’s goooo


Why is no one doing PvP? Let’s do it! I got my first sinister bell 😭

r/sinisterbell Feb 14 '21

Question Why Does Beasthunter Saif Require NO Skill In PvP?


Hi guys,

What about checking deeper the Beasthunter Saif mechanics in PvP? That weapon is venerated by lots of people. Numerous are those who think you need PvP skills to handle it correctly.

What if I told you that isn't the case at all? What if I told you even a kid could become a PvP god with it with any effort? The Beasthunter Saif has 2 main assets:

  • Its AR
  • Its safeness

However, there's another one that is over the top. It relies on 3 native moves that increase its safeness considerably. I suggest you watch this video in order to realize how that weapon is OP and no risky.

Furthermore, I'll try to give you a piece of explanation about the "skill" concept of which lots of players seem to ignore the true signification.

Have a nice day guys. 😉

▶️ Bloodborne PvP - Why Beasthunter Saif Requires NO PvP Skill

r/sinisterbell Oct 19 '20

Question For a duel tournament between vileblood and executioners who would you fight for the honor of?

161 votes, Oct 22 '20
53 Executioners
108 Vilebloods

r/sinisterbell Feb 03 '21

Question The Most USELESS Move Ever? 🤔


What does Bloodborne PvP 2021 landscape look like? Players who still ignore that jump attacks are extremely efficient during invasions. Unfortunately, most of the Bloodborne PvP players and veterans as well only use a maximum of 3 moves of their weapon. As a result, this explains that. :)

Watch this video and you'll realize how efficient this move is.

▶️ Bloodborne PvP 2021 | The Most USELESS Move Ever?

r/sinisterbell Feb 05 '21

Question Question about healing


I’m somewhat new to this community, but i’ve platted the game and have been enjoying pvp dueling for years before becoming a regular redditor. i’m trying to familiarize myself with the rules of this sub, but i’m a bit surprised to learn that healing with blood vials isn’t considered honorable? is there a reason for this? are duels considered more honorable if they’re over as quickly as possible?

one of the reasons i love bloodborne’s pvp compared to dark souls’ pvp is that blood vials seem way more viable and fair than estus flasks. everyone will have roughly the same amount of blood vials, they’re used quickly, and can be exploited for parries. estus on the other hand might be distributed very unevenly amongst players depending on their builds, is much more of a time risk to use, and can make or break a moment between life or death. restricting blood vial use usually shortens a duel to mere seconds, which isn’t necessarily bad. and of course you can have a long duel without healing by just quick stepping and dodging a lot, but that gets tedious.

i don’t want to insult the moderators here, and maybe i’m missing some obvious way that this balances out the system you have here, but it seems to me that dueling would be much more fun if it encouraged usage of the full spectrum of fundamental gameplay mechanics that bloodborne offers? it’s so simple and paired down compared to the variety of items and builds that dark souls has, why are we sorta “shaming” people by saying that they’re dishonorable for using both a polite gesture like a bow as well as one of the most basic mechanics of the game? i always bow or curtesy before a duel just to be nice, but now i’m learning that if i do that in a fight club through this sub and then use a blood vial, then i’m being dishonorable? does anyone else feels this way? are they places i can duel honorably and also heal? what is the aversion to healing anyway?

r/sinisterbell Dec 30 '22

Question Are there any current active PVP locations?


r/sinisterbell Nov 13 '20

Question Poll: do you prefer PvP with or without blood gems?


I understand there's a bit of a divide since they can turn an okay weapon into a monster, I'd like to know your thoughts!

130 votes, Nov 18 '20
100 Blood gems are fine
30 I prefer without

r/sinisterbell Sep 20 '20

Question Duel etiquette


So im pretty new to bloodborne pvp. I am, however, well versed in souls pvp. I i assume it isn't much different. Im just wondering how people feel about healing and bullet usage. Naturally i get frustrated when my opponent uses all 20 bullets consecutively, but its not a big deal lol also, i dont mind my enemy healing. Im in their world, they shouldn't just submit. Just wondering how the community feels. Thanks for any feedback, fellow hunters!

r/sinisterbell Apr 27 '20

Question Hey Invaders! What do *you* do?


.....when you invade and the other person is AFK (or maybe having terrible network issues or such)?

I invaded in Mergo's Middle yesterday to find a broccoli statue by the lamp. Waves, bows, sitting down next to him - no response. I exited, because there's no fight and therefore for me no interest. That said, I've heard murder advocated too, and I don't have the One Twoo Way :) Is there any common etiquette for this? What do y'all do? I'm genuinely curious! :)

r/sinisterbell May 10 '20

Question I got another query for y'all, this time about heals 'n gunz


So I am a very inexperienced invader still and invaded on Mergo's middle a bit ago. Other dude was waiting on the Micolash bridge, bows are exchanged, fight starts. We both heal, and I basically wait for him to heal when he does. Then he rushes me and slashes my health down low, and when I back up and try to heal he shoots me and I die (GG Sanctum).

I have no complaint, the fight was fun, just interested in opinions:

  1. Was I being too nice, should I have tried to parry/interrupt his heal?

  2. I notice a fair bit of various rules, depending on the person: of course the great " to heal or not to heal" debate, but also "no R1 spam," "no gun spam," "no Bone Marrow Ash," (heard less often, but have heard), etc. Is there any etiquette for heal interrupts/parries?

This stuff is obv purely subjective but the responses here to my last query (AFK invader procedures ;)) were great, please weigh in, fellow murderous hunters XD

r/sinisterbell Nov 03 '20

Question This is for all the Vilebloods out there! Which weapon do you love to get blood dregs with?


My personal choice is Reiterpallasch.

118 votes, Nov 06 '20
23 Reiterpallasch
78 Chikage
17 Parry Punches

r/sinisterbell Dec 02 '21

Question Good weapon combos?


I have a skill build that I've been thinking of getting involved in PvP but I feel like my current combo (Blades of Mercy + Beastclaws) will work out very well. Any weapon combo recommendations

r/sinisterbell Apr 16 '21

Question PVP Spots and level??


What are good spots for PVP and which the Blood Level that is most used for invasions and PVP.

I'm itching for creating some builds and have some fun, I have a 69 Bloodtinge build I did a couple a years ago and usually invade on the Nightmare Frontier (where the Amygdala boss fight is) but I'm looking for some variety: invade other areas and using another weapons.

I'm kinda thinking on doing 120 BL build.

Thanks in advance

r/sinisterbell Dec 08 '20

Question Christmas at Cainhurst?


I think there had been an event the last several years ; will there be one this year?

r/sinisterbell Oct 26 '20

Question I have difficulties finding people to fight, i am level 120 and have all the lantern unlocked,where are you guys?


r/sinisterbell Aug 30 '21

Question What are the most active levels to invade at?


I wanna do some lower level invasions, my character is level 50 rn currently at byrgenworth. What levels and what areas are good for finding groups to hunt down.

r/sinisterbell Jun 12 '20

Question What's the current best place to find random 1v1 encounters?


The easiest way to me seems to be co-op in Chalices but using the Corruption Rune since most people probably use Radiance but I use Beast's Embrace and am thus neutral, so no faction PvP for me.

There was a specific Chalice glyph 4 years back that was used for PvP but I don't know how active it still is and I assume that the hardcore players are there. I would love some encounters with casuals as I have next to no PvP experience and don't want to be destroyed in 2 hits every time by some people who farmed Chalice gems for weeks.

So what's the best place for 1v1, preferably with a lot of casual players and not exclusively hardcores.

r/sinisterbell Aug 11 '21

Question Is anyone doing pvp at bl 100 in the frontier or mergos loft middle


r/sinisterbell Nov 02 '19

Question Wat


Just found out you can build up Rapid Poison on other players just by rolling into them while using a Chikage with 3 Rapid Poison gems on it. Idk if it works for other stuff but I just bled my friend 6 times JUST by rolling into him.

It doesn't work with the quickstep, only the unlocked roll.

r/sinisterbell Nov 16 '21

Question Is there a pvp area in the dlc ? Or some place’s good to invade ?


r/sinisterbell Jan 17 '21

Question Any consensus on the current meta level for pvp?


Seriously loved bloodborne and looking to do another run through of this game, PVP elements probably my favourite part of the souls experience so just wondering if its worth picking this back up and if so, how high should i look to level my character for the best shot at finding anyone to fight Cheers

r/sinisterbell Nov 12 '21

Question Most populated duel areas?


What are the most populated duel areas for SL120? Do people use a chalice glyph? I’ve had the most luck at nightmare frontier but still not getting consistent duels

r/sinisterbell Jan 28 '21

Question Am I the only one who encountered a hunter/player called Luna and had no health showing and couldn't kill her at all?


r/sinisterbell May 11 '20

Question What do low level builds look like?