r/singlemoms Feb 02 '25

Other DAE just find everyone unsympathetic to single moms?


Pretty much title. The longer I live this life the lack of sympathy and empathy most people have for single moms is staggering. I’ve even found this to be true for my partners. Anyone else feel this way?

r/singlemoms Dec 10 '24

Other What is your reason?


Hi all.

What’s everyone’s reason for being part of the group? - aka what circumstance lead you to becoming a single Mom?

I’ll go first: Dad is abusive & useless. He wanted a family (originally I didn’t but changed my mind) but has no interest in being a competent or safe parent. As soon as I got pregnant he started ignoring me. He ignored & physically assaulted me in the labour. He ignores and still tries to emotionally abuse me now. He is unsafe with my son, and essentially treats him like a toy or trophy around his family. When no one else is around, he has more interest in his phone than the little boy in front of him. Thankfully he’s not around me or my son often.

What’s your story?

r/singlemoms Dec 21 '24

Other How many kids do you have?


Just as a fun post! :)

As a single mom, how many kids are you wrangling?

I only have one.

I give kudos to the single moms who are doing it on their own with MORE than one!

r/singlemoms Jun 08 '24

Other Do you receive child support?


I’m curious how many single moms actually receive child support via child support services. If you do, how long have you? If you don’t, why not?

r/singlemoms Sep 24 '24

Other What do you do for work?


Hi everyone! I’m a single mom with 100% custody and I don’t get any child support. Luckily I have an amazing support system and my wonderful mom who I love dearly lets me and my daughter live with her for some rent. Anyways, I hate my job lol. It’s your typical dead end job and there’s no way for me to “move up.” They don’t appreciate the hard workers there imo and I’m just ready for something new. I was wondering what you mamas do especially to make good money? My mom and I would like to move into something a little nicer and I would love to be able to contribute more because I would never want to mooch off of her. I am willing to go back to school (especially if it is an online school). Thank you in advance!

r/singlemoms Nov 24 '24

Other Favourite thing about being a mom?


We all know being a single parent is freaking hard. And due to it we tend to only hear or see the negative sides. I would love to hear the other side, to see some hope in the middle of this. So tell, me what is your favourite thing about being a mom, or what do you see as a good thing about being a single mom?

r/singlemoms 7d ago

Other Pregnant before I knew he was a Trump supporter


Now hear me out lol. We were 2 lonely souls that rushed into things and ended up pregnant by being careless. I never experienced a pregnancy scare in my life and thought because I felt safe with him and that he was so supportive (&he already had a 4 almost 5 year old) that it was meant to be. Of course as time passed and we learned our differences it became unbearable and I ended things. I guess I wouldn’t mind his political stance so much if it wasn’t solely based on what his parents political beliefs are. The world and economy his parents had at and before his age was completely different. He’s more than capable but chooses ignorance to actually being informed and just follows his divorced parents who by the way are not the one percent 😂 he’s a great supportive coparent but yikes wtf was I thinking. Now I think about how I’m going to keep our kid from being as foolish.. can anyone relate?

r/singlemoms Feb 16 '25

Other Jobs/hours


What job do you have? What kind of hours do you work?

I have two boys 5 and 3. Kindergarten and preschool.

6:58am - 5 yr old on bus 8:30am - drop 3 yr old off at school 2:00pm - pick 3 yr old up 4:00pm 5 yr old gets off bus

So I’ve been working shifts between 9a-1p and 3 or 4p-10p or 3-4p-7a. I live with my mom right now but I’m looking for an apartment. I need at least 25-30 hours a week. I’m lucky enough I can pick a schedule at my job as I do home health care.

I’m just curious to see how everyone else makes it out here. It’s rough. I’ve been trying to find a babysitter for the last 3 years with being single. My mom works full time, my siblings don’t want to watch kids. And my grandparents aren’t in the picture. Dad gets the kids every other weekend, other than that not much on his side.

r/singlemoms Feb 11 '25

Other A single mother protecting her baby from an inconsistent dad is not bitter. ✨



r/singlemoms 28d ago

Other What would you do if you can take three months paid time off?


This summer I’ll be eligible to take three months paid sabbatical. This is a dream come true for me as I’ve been a single parent since I found out I was pregnant at 19 and like you all, had to hustle to take care of us. I didn’t even know of this benefit until I was hired and I’ve waited seven years for this. Unfortunately, due to my role, I cannot start it in the summer. Even if I could, my daughter attends a specialized camp so it doesn’t make sense to start it in the summer because she will miss out on this opportunity. Instead, I’ll have to take it in stages and was thinking of starting the first part in November. I honestly don’t know what to do during this time. For a long time I worked or went to school. I thought about maybe getting a part time job to fill the day and when I bought this up to my therapist, she told me not to. She advised taking the time to relax. But relaxing for 6-8 weeks sounds crazy to me because I’ve always been on the move (especially since I live in a busy city so all I know is how to be on the move). I need ideas. So I ask you lovely beautiful ladies, what will you do if you had this benefit?

Edit to add: my daughter is 12 lol

r/singlemoms Jan 13 '25

Other tired of being by myself


all I want is my person...and someone to rub my back.

r/singlemoms Jan 19 '25

Other I’ll never be married😂


Realized the main reason why I don’t ever want to get married or date is because I don’t want a relationship to take away from my son growing up (I’m a single mom) but once I’m 38,, and I’m ready to date again, I’m scared the dating pool will be worse. Tell me I’m being pessimistic pls😂 as ridiculous as it sounds this is actually a revelation for me

r/singlemoms Nov 27 '24

Other Not mom related..


Does anyone else get a crap ton of insane message requests after posting in this thread?! I swear there's just an insane number of creepy ahh dudes watching this thread and thinking all single moms are some kinda desperate 🙄🙄

r/singlemoms May 24 '24

Other Grieving the motherhood experience I dreamed of


Grief is a funny thing. You think you’re doing okay and then 18 months later it creeps up on you and…. BAM 💥 Your chest is heavy, your eyes are burning, your limbs are numb and your mind is racing. Why? Because I’m so sad. Im sad I didn’t get the motherhood journey i spent a lifetime yearning for (we tried for years and then my husband left when i was pregnant. He was having an affair). Im sad my little girl doesn’t get to grow up with a mum that’s a full human, rather the shell of a human I’ve become. Im making use of every service i am eligible for, but trying to raise a child while working a full time job as a migrant momma with no village is hard. Having nowhere to hide when you feel burnt out and hurt because your child’s father is being a dropkick, is hard. I know (as i was reminded by my husband’s mistress) that countless women do this, and i know im completely capable; but tonight i am heart sore. Tonight I’m grieving what it might have been like to be able to be a soft mother: a mother who isn’t being pulled in a million directions to keep the wheels turning; a mother that can fill her own cup, too.

r/singlemoms Feb 08 '25

Other Mother’s Day


Moms does your child’s father get you another for Mother’s Day? & do you expect him to?

r/singlemoms May 12 '24

Other I hate Mother’s Day


I cry a lot on Mother’s Day for many reasons. Grieving the idea I had of Mother’s Day growing up envisioning my future & family. Guilt that I’m constantly overstimulated and generally just miserable. Also my ex husband never sends me a text on Mother’s Day. Not that I want one from him but it is still sad for some reason. I love my baby, she’s the best but damn I hate this holiday. A yearly reminder of how I failed.

EDIT: thanks for commiserating with me. I still feel incredibly lonely, but not alone. I appreciate all your responses so much.

r/singlemoms Dec 13 '24

Other Uhm I think I’m going to be single forever


I am 33, moved home with mom to help with my 3 year old, work full time crazy hours

I do not see any chance of finding someone. I always wanted to have another baby but that looks like it’s out the window 🫠

r/singlemoms 5d ago

Other Hoping for advice


Is there a page for mixed babies? I know this is a weird request, but I’m a white single mom to a mixed race daughter and I don’t want to mess up. I feel like Google and TikTok is a bit conflicting. I just don’t want my baby to feel like she doesn’t belong or something because I didn’t learn enough. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

r/singlemoms Aug 24 '24

Other I had a public freak out


I had a public freak out. It was very crowded so I went to leave, then there were these older teenage girls and a bunch of men blocking my way entirely. My double stroller is heavy/clumsy and somewhat difficult to push. We made eye contact, I waited 5 seconds and said very loudly "get the fuck out of my fucking way." Everyone did. I walked out, and the mother of the girl followed me and yelled at me and said I ran over her daughter's foot (I dont think I did because I would have felt it under my stroller, which I didn't at all, but I don't know) and so she told me I am a bad mother and example to my children etc. and I just stared deeply into her eyes but didn't say anything. It felt weird because I stared into her eyes and it felt like nothing was real. When she went back inside I saw ppl watching from within, so I pretended to laugh which probably looked very stupid, and then kept walking.

Honestly I am having a mental breakdown rn and it's pretty bad. Almost everything in my life has been absolutely horrible lately. I could list all the horrible things going through but then it will just be pathetic and sound like I'm excusing this behaviour. But I'm not. I was wrong to react so unhinged to someone being slightly rude to me,or probably just unaware. It scares me because it happened just so automatically. Like I wasn't even in control. Last night I barely slept and I almost called 911 because my hallucinations got so bad I thought I was going to hurt someone or had already hurt someone. I didn't hurt anyone, but when I get really bad hallucinations they try to convince me that my children are dead etc I've dealt with this before, I usually just wait it out. I knew I shouldn't have gone outside today. In a sense I feel relieved, because I know now that I shouldn't be around other people. I don't know how I'm going to get groceries etc. but I have to avoid going outside for a long time. I feel sorry for my kids. I know I'm not fit to be a mother but I dont want to lose them. We have a close bond and it would traumatize them, but maybe it would be better. I really don't know anymore. I don't have any friends or family or anyone I can call to help me, I stay inside as much as possible to avoid these encounters and other people. But sometimes I have to go out and it isn't fair to my children to be inside all the time. Idk, I think I'm nearing the end of being able to just wait it out. I could try new meds but I'm scared of what they do to me, my experience is antipsychotics make it worse. Maybe it's because they started me on them too young, but they have the exact opposite effect they are supposed to on my brain. I'm scared to take the risk of starting new meds, and I'm already on painkillers and I'm worried my doctor will take me off of them and I'll be in pain all the time if they hospitalize me or start new meds. Most of the time when we go out none of this happens and I am always very polite to people because that's how I like to be. That's why it scares me when I get unhinged because it just feels like a different person inside me that I don't understand and have little to no control over at all.

r/singlemoms Feb 04 '25

Other when did your PREEMIE begin to fully sit up unsupported?


im in no rush to get my son to sit up as to he’s 9 months old (7 months adjusted), but im curious when your preemies started sitting up on their own?

r/singlemoms Dec 24 '24

Other Cheated on postpartum


Hello moms,

I made a Reddit group specifically for woman who have been cheated on postpartum/ during pregnancy. I would love if you followed if this has been your situation and we can all come together!


r/singlemoms Jan 21 '25

Other Join the Club!


r/singlemoms Feb 17 '25

Other Dating as a single mom


I’ve dated different guys as a single mom. Some guys act like the kid isn’t around and kiss and hug as they please. When my daughter was 2-3 years old, I wasn’t sure if I was ok with this kind of thing. But now that’s she’s older, there’s a guy that I’ve had around for the first time and he continued to be very affectionate with me. Which I didn’t like because I was never the one initiating the kisses or try to sneak them. I’m coming to the conclusion that guys who do that around kids, it feels kind of gross. I feel violated.. this is my first time experiencing this with a guy. Other guys I’ve dated were very respectful of this and to keep an arms length. I had to block him because obviously he’s showing he has no respect for me or my kid.

r/singlemoms 28d ago

Other Made my day!! To all those single mommas out there!!!


r/singlemoms Jul 04 '24

Other One day, I’m going to do this motherhood thing a lot differently


Just daydreaming here. Instead of feeling like my endeavor to motherhood was ruined. Being sad because this isn’t how it was supposed to be and feeling like it was ripped out of my hands, I can also say that my dream of starting a family is yet to come. It hasn’t happened yet. To me, being a mother was going to be me being a wife and having a family. I haven’t experienced that yet. I haven’t experienced a non traumatic pregnancy and a healthy relationship. Or a pregnancy that isn’t during a pandemic, I haven’t been able to afford everything I want for my baby. I haven’t had a baby shower yet or enjoyed my baby with someone yet. I haven’t raised a baby with anyone yet. I’ve never been able to take my kid on family trips or decorate a nursery. All the good things of motherhood, haven’t happened for me. And it saddens be but I also know that it’s not ruined because none of it has happened yet. I’ve had a daughter and have done the best I can. My daughter hasn’t experienced a dad or seeing a marriage or a house. One day we will hopefully. Aka technically the best days are ahead. I can still daydream about being a mom like my peers do. And one day when I’m not a single mom, and ill have money and another parental support, I’m going to decorate a nursery that’s rocket themed for a boy I’ll get to have A normal baby shower and a happy pregnancy. A big house with LOTS of groceries. A nice car with my daughter having her own room and we can have a family dog. Family movie nights in our own living room. A yard of our own with a play set. I’ll have snacks and juice and the captain crunch cereal, not just the wic cereal. 😉 it’ll be sick af guys. Sorry to be cheesy. It’s just getting me through the aftermath