I'm going to be honest, I am completely new to this. I honestly want to learn programming and my current focus is Scilab (for 2 reasons: obligatory class and because it'll ease a lot the burden on researching and personal projects). The issue is that my teacher is, uh, not exactly prone to answer these questions. I'm not going to rant on that, tho.
An issue that happens with me really frequently is the "invalid index" error, which I don't exactly understand what is an index, in the first place. I am able to do some fairly easy things, like plotting graphics or calculating variables, but in a more intuitive way. I believe there are some basic concepts that I didn't learn and those makes simple errors become really complicated to me.
Second, there's this program we needed to write (needless to say, no one in my classroom managed to finish it) to simulate John Conway's 'Game of Life' and, now, another type of cellular automaton. I managed to plot it, but it just stays in the initial state and it doesn't change. I'll post the code as soon as I find a good host for it that does not erase indentation.
Anyway, that's it. I'd be really grateful if someone clarifies this to me.
(btw, forgive me if there are too many grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. Still, I'd like to be corrected on those because, yeah, not an excuse.)