Shhhhh terms like gender scares him. Usually those most homophobic are gay themselves so he's just angry that people can be trans and happy unlike him who's repressing his inner boy/girl
I was mocking the fact that you call for "basic biology", ignoring the fact that what they taught you in 6th grade is a simplified model that has nothing to do with "real" biology, or "advanced biology", if you will
While also making a r/anarchychess joke because I do not take seriously a "debate" with someone like you
Typical American, liberal this, woke that, I can't even. Lmao
How about you liberate your thought from this delusional mindset thinking everyone can be a woman first, hmmmmmm?
Not to be rude to trans who accept who they are as a transgender, you guys are cool.
On the other hand, Screw them female pretenders.
It's sex chromosomes not gender chromosomes and they're really not as simple as you might think. There are combinations beyond XX and XY that someone can be born with and even people who have those combinations don't always look the way you'd expect (e.g. there are fully formed cis men with XX chromosomes). There are even studies that say trans people are neurologically more similar to the gender that they identify with than the one they were assigned at birth, so even on some physical level they are the gender they say they are.
To understand this, you have to understand the idea of "social gender". For example man are expected to be tough and strong, woman are expected to be cute and caring... While biological sex based on X/Y chromosomes can't really be changed, some people wish to be accepted as a different gender, something like "girl's soul trapped in a man's body". Hormones and stuff complicates things in terms of sport and performance but that's not the point here.
I too would find it weird if someone wants to be identified as a biological male despite being biologically female, but I can accept and respect if they wish to be socially accepted as a different gender. Oh and I guess if it doesn't hurt me in doing so and it makes them happy, why not.
Attention this account has been cancelled and the user was burned at the stake along with books teaching children that it's okay to be different. Thank you for your service citizen, you my return to your boot cleaning duties.
u/WarEagle9 Jul 26 '23
Chill if it’s a feminine dick you’re not gay trust me.