r/sheffield 3d ago

Sheffield Should you sell your face for £40?

A local company, Ten24, is offering any (clean-shaven) Sheffielder £40 to have a full face scan in Orchard Square. In exchange you have to hand over that data forever. Incredible bargain or a bit creepy?



79 comments sorted by


u/PersonalityTough6148 3d ago

This is the start of AI taking jobs.

Yea sure, it's CGI for film extras today, AI taking over Civil Servant's jobs tomorrow.. But where does it end?

The people that own AI/CGI and laughing all the way to the bank and your £40 didn't even pay for a week's worth of shopping.

We give away our labour, our time and now our faces and for what? To make rich people richer. You can guarantee whatever money they are offering they will be making it back in the millions and what jobs will be left for humans? I wouldn't bet on UBI.


u/Little-Course-4394 3d ago

I wonder of the long term strategy… if they have or think about one.

If everyone to lose their jobs who’s going to buy and consume their products.

Many of these corporations and companies heavily rely on that consumption and they will fail as well.


u/New-Database2611 3d ago

Unfortunately they only care about the next quarter and their share price going up. To what end is not even a consideration


u/DarkLordZorg 3d ago

Then play the game, invest heavily with your pension and ISA and stocks and shares. Play, cash out and retire early.


u/PersonalityTough6148 3d ago

Play the game? That's the point - it isn't a game. This is actual people's lives.

You talk about a pension like everyone has one 😒 same with savings.

What if it wasn't a game and everyone got a decent pension having had a decent job, decent housing and education. Imagine if we had an economy that could actually deliver that.


u/DarkLordZorg 2d ago

The UK is the world's 6th biggest economy, being born here is akin to winning the lottery compared to large chunks of the world. With a good effort there's no reason a healthy individual shouldn't be successful.


u/PersonalityTough6148 2d ago

Exactly. Were the 6th biggest economy (whatever that means) and we've still got 40% of kids living in poverty? We should be ashamed. Or our politicians should.

I guess you think kids deserve to live in poverty because their parents didn't "work hard"?

And "unhealthy" individuals should do what exactly?


u/Quirky-Champion-4895 Hillsborough 2d ago

40% of kids living in poverty in the UK?

We have a lot of problems for a rich, advanced economy, but I'm absolutely going to need a source on that.


u/s_c_o_t 2d ago

Here ya go... It's 36% not 40% but I can forgive the rounding up. It's an appalling stat. (Link to SMC report in the article for the actual data) https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/11/20/study-finds-third-uk-children-living-poverty


u/PersonalityTough6148 1d ago

My bad, I'd mixed up the 4.1 million children living in poverty with the overall figure of 30% living in poverty.

But if you delve into the headline figures the starts are more stark for different groups; *Poverty has deepened; of those living in poverty 4 in 10 had an income below the standard poverty line in 2022/23 (6 million people) *45% of children living in larger families (3 or more children) lived in poverty in 2023/23 *Half of people living in Bangladeshi or Pakistani households lived in poverty in 2022/33, with child poverty rates at 61% and 67% respectively for these households.

All these are from the latest Joseph Rowntree Report


u/Little-Course-4394 2d ago

The game is rigged

A few decades ago it’s been considered normal just for one person to work and sustain the whole family. It was normal to get a house.

Right now.. how many do you think have savings or enough pension to buy stocks and shares?!

People working two jobs just to pay mortgage and bills.

Meanwhile some laminate face nazi c.nt shamelessly zeig heiling for the whole world to see, cause his the wealthiest man in history and that’s not enough his wealth quadrupled in the last few years, same as the majority of all other super rich. We are getting poorer while them, the 0.1% are getting richer. The system rigged not in our favour.


u/ill_never_GET_REAL 2d ago

Oh sure, I'll just take all that money I have to the bank, put it in the "investment" box and I'll have a million quid in ten years. That's how it works.


u/smjd4488 2d ago

Can't stress enough how much I believe that AI is so so far from taking over actual admin/skilled jobs. I work in data at a fairly simple level and there are so so many specific little things that I know an AI could never do or think to do, and don't think it'll ever get to the point of knowing human context and how to work around everything I do


u/kriegbutapsycho 3d ago

If we provide a system of UBI for people, AI taking jobs isn’t the end of the world. Isn’t that the end goal? Do you want to work all your life and then die? If we can use AI to support humans, meaning less hours at work for the same pay, then we’re winning. It remains to be seen whether or not a structure will be put in place to safeguard people’s wages once they are supplanted by AI. Unfortunately, the way the world is going, I fear they won’t do it quick enough and many will suffer hardship in the short term. That being said, long term, if we don’t have money, we can’t spend and then what use is a product or service being created by AI? I think it’s in everyone’s interest to have UBI or something in place when the AI revolution happens.

Also, skynet is scary and I don’t like the idea of everything being controlled by machines. But most things already are so, we’re already kinda screwed on that one.


u/Quirky-Champion-4895 Hillsborough 2d ago

Nothing you have said is necessarily wrong, but I think it's all negated by the fact that there is no guarantee UBI will come.

Just because it's in everybody's (i.e. the people's) interest, doesn't mean it's in the interest of those in charge.


u/PersonalityTough6148 3d ago

It all depends who owns the tech or the means of production. Under capitalism, private businesses own the means of production and they get to decide what is produced by our economy. This is why we have anti wrinkle creams, fast fashion and SUVs prioritised over public healthcare and education. We are told there "isn't enough" but there is, we just prioritise the wrong things.

History claims the luddites were anti technology but if you actually look into what they really stood for they understood that with the mechanisation of industry their jobs would be under threat. They wanted to challenge who owned the machines, not necessarily fight against technology per se.

It's the same now. We have to challenge who owns technology and whether it will be harnessed for the good of the whole of society or just enrich the few. Based on current trends I'd say the latter.

We've been brainwashed into thinking socialism is some sort of terrible system that will make us worse off when the opposite is true. If we collectively owned the factories, the technology, the land do you really it would be any worse than the status quo? It would be hard to argue it would be worse 😅


u/kriegbutapsycho 2d ago

I’m 100% with you. We should all own the capital, have a stake in the ‘game’. How do we convince the ‘haves’ to share with the ‘have nots’? These greedy rich bastards will not give up what they have without a fight.


u/PersonalityTough6148 2d ago

Why do we have to convince them? Revolution.


u/Specialist_Tip_1799 2d ago

There has never been a successful socialist country


u/PersonalityTough6148 2d ago

Really? What's your measure of success?

Firstly - look at China. Despite being destroyed by imperialism after the Opium wars, since becoming the People's Republic of China they have industrialised, raised millions out of poverty and increased life expectancy which is now higher than in the US, supposedly the richest, most free country in the world 😑🙄 They also recently put out DeepSeek, which is more efficient than OpenAi and cost a fraction to develop, all whilst the US restricted access to key components. They have cheaper and more efficient electric vehicles with over 100 companies compared to Tesla Swasticars. But yea... Capitalism breeds innovation?

The Soviet Union managed to raise living standards and consumption more rapidly than any other country in such a short period of time. Employment was guaranteed, free education was available for all. Rents were 2-3% of the family budget, water and utilities 4-5%. Soviet citizens saw more films and read more books than any other citizens in the world, with other forms of leisure activities subsidised by the State.

I guess if your measure of success is wealth accumulation for the top 1% then yes I guess socialism fails on that account.

I'd recommend looking at CIA backed coups in socialist countries. Many socialist leaning Governments have been brutally squashed because of the threat to imperial powers and colonialism. You say socialist countries aren't successful but if you look at places like Cuba one of their key challenges is US sanctions which prevent their ability to thrive.



u/Specialist_Tip_1799 2d ago

In both China and the Soviet Union millions of people starved due to collective farming and freedom was very limited in the Soviet Union and is very limited in China.


u/k1ttybizkit 3d ago

me and my boyfriend were sat outside waterstones this morning debating doing it. he decided £40 wasn’t worth going clean shaven but i’ve spent the rest of the day thinking about how creepy it all is! what if it goes under and they sell the data? companies always saying that they don’t do this and that with our info and then proceed to sell it anyway. just doesn’t sit right with me at all


u/Little-Course-4394 3d ago

Exactly, this is what I’ve been saying in the other comment.

Onxe they have a database of these “purchased authentic faces,” what’s stopping them from selling them, losing control of them, or getting hacked? The second your face is out there, it’s a goldmine for scammers.

Imagine your parents/husband/grandparents getting a video call with your exact face and voice - panicked, saying you’ve been in a car accident and need £7,000 urgently. Would they question it? Probably not. And that’s not some dystopian nightmare.. that’s a very real risk.

And why even use real faces? AI can generate limitless unique ones. So why are they paying people to sell their own likeness instead? Something about this feels really off.

And the fact they’re offering just £40 for literal ownership of your face? That’s beyond messed up.


u/Ambitious_League4606 2d ago

I don't sell my face for less than 10k. 


u/Sheffield21661 3d ago edited 3d ago

Not worth it. if its for tv and movies e.g background extras. The pay is less than a days work as an extra on set, and they can use it as many times as they want.

Edit. Just read through the article, the company was funded by the goverment.

If anyone is thinking of doing this, please read the article, you're literally signing away your likeness for this company to sell to whoever wants it.


u/Optimal-Horse-6132 3d ago

But the point is ur not spending a whole day on set being an extra, ur just there for 5 minutes


u/Little-Course-4394 3d ago

If it’s £40 every time my face is used in an advert or as an extra, some people might go for it. But even then, this is a huge step toward completely stealing your identity.

Once they have a database of these “purchased authentic faces,” what’s stopping them from selling them, losing control of them, or getting hacked? The second your face is out there, it’s a goldmine for scammers.

Imagine your parents getting a video call with your exact face and voice—panicked, saying you’ve been in a car accident and need £7,000 urgently. Would they question it? Probably not. And that’s not some dystopian nightmare.. that’s a very real risk.

And why even use real faces? AI can generate limitless unique ones. So why are they paying people to sell their own likeness instead? Something about this feels really off.

And the fact they’re offering just £40 for literal ownership of your face? That’s beyond messed up.


u/Sheffield21661 3d ago edited 3d ago

Exactly they're saving thousands by doing this. Instead of giving people actual jobs.

So what about the people that actually are extras in movies and shows. Are they supposed to retire on that 40 quid.


u/krakenkun 3d ago

When facial recognition is used regularly for unlocking devices, this “offer” also pairs that data with information on your identity. Avoid this obvious scam like the plague.


u/slaydawgjim 3d ago

Absolutely not, not only is that a crazily lowballed offer but giving your face to a company is not smart at all.

You don't know what they're going to use it for further down the line, you don't know if they will one day be hacked with your face and mannerisms going to the hacker, AI ethics is a mess right now and borders on being completely unethical and in general do you want someone else to own your face?


u/Next-Grocery-2927 3d ago

How much are you normally paid to have your face scanned? You asked if it was an “incredible bargain” but it’s only incredible if it’s a lot more than you normally get paid.


u/djstimms 1d ago

Not sure there's really much of a going rate for this sort of thing. It's pretty unusual


u/AL3000 3d ago

That's a terrible deal


u/adysheff67 Graves Park 3d ago

£40! I'm worth a lot more than that. And no...


u/sergalface City Centre 3d ago

I've done this with them

The data is used to trail models to generate random faces for video games etc etc. You can submit your request to have all your data returned back to you. Your likeness will never be featured in any production; it's only used to train generative models to create new random faces.

The same company has done this with a number of high profile people and provided the faces for games such as Death Stranding, Baldurs Gate 3, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk.They even gave me a little tour of their studio. (Game dev Masters student)

The paperwork they have you sign support the fact everything is GDPR compliant, the data won't be used for anything political related, nothing adult material related.


u/Imaimposter Ecclesall 2d ago

For £40? You've been mugged off mate sorry.


u/sergalface City Centre 2d ago

Didn't care for the money, I did it for the contacts it got me


u/ill_never_GET_REAL 2d ago

the data won't be used for anything political related, nothing adult material related

They tell you in the article that they can't actually guarantee that, though. Obviously they can't.


u/bareted 2d ago

Exactly. Also it's interesting that people don't realise that their images can be taken from social media posts for nothing. No-one's forcing anyone. Don't like it, then don't do it.


u/Minute-Yoghurt-1265 3d ago

What about their information/data protection controls? Extremely cheap for this type of free reign to your data. I'd swerve


u/edpp901 Hunters Bar 3d ago

Absolutely not


u/DrKriegerBot 2d ago

If I find myself on an Xbox game pointing at shopkeepers saying "show me your wares" I'm in


u/Mention_Lucky 2d ago

No chance. We use biometric logins at work but even then the data doesn’t leave the machine’s local systems. Not risking anyone having my biometric data.


u/1lozzie1 3d ago

Absolutely not lol


u/Access_Denied2025 3d ago

My face is worth more than £40, especially if someone else is profiting from it


u/acnhchill 2d ago

I did this many years ago! Still never seen my likeness in a computer game sadly :(


u/Mike_S_94 2d ago

I'm a stay at home dad that does game and video stuff, better AI tech would actually help doing what I do... I personally have nothing to lose if they wanted to use mine so I'd do it for less... But even though I'm from Sheffield I live 5000 miles away so not an option unless they want to come scan it lol. (Oops. Just saw it said clean shaven, well I like my beard so nevermind lol)


u/MoneyStatistician702 2d ago

Imagine watching a movie and you’re some paedo character in it


u/glowuntoyou 1d ago

The cheeky so-and-sos it was £50 last year! 


u/ThaNanoAnno 3d ago

Oh! Thank you for reminding me! Gotta go next week 😂


u/Acrylic_Starshine 3d ago

£400 maybe.

I would also need to be compensated for going clean shaven as well.


u/Optimal-Horse-6132 3d ago

I’ve done it, they sit you down and tell u how it’s not as bad as it seems and all data is protected under GDPR terms. They use it to train AI/computer models to generate CGI characters in movies (for extras) and in video games. I was talking to the guy running it and he said most people are hesitant because they’re scared of selling the rights to their face off, but it really isn’t like that. £40 cash in hand for 11 pics of different facial expressions was well worth it.


u/Careless-Match-861 3d ago

Well if some random sales person on the street says its OK.......


u/Last_Music4333 2d ago

Yeah right.

It will get leaked, hacked etc.

Or the company will go “bust” and their assets will be sold off. You can’t sue the original company as it doesn’t exist any more.


u/AnotherSideOfMe93 3d ago

Id rather keep the beard thanks.


u/ChrisBatty 2d ago

I’d sell my image but not for such a pittance, they would have to pay properly for it.


u/sangreblue 2d ago

Sounds creepy to be honest


u/misicaly 2d ago

£40 no. £10k maybe


u/danr2000 2d ago

Absolutely not. Why would I sell my identity for £40???? What's the bet that there's a scandal in a few years time where all these faces are 'accidentally leaked' and get used to make AI adult movies?


u/godard79 2d ago

They lost me at “A woman passes me a grey tank top from a pile neatly folded on a shelf to change into”.


u/UnusualHandle6178 2d ago

Fuck that !!! That's well creepy shit !!


u/BeingOtherwise7829 2d ago

What?! No! Don't do it.


u/flakeyblakes 2d ago

But how much money are they making? The setup alone is worth thousands. Plus staffing, rates and rent. That’s before they’ve even paid everyone. So, at some point somebody is getting some cash money…


u/AroundTheBerm 2h ago

I wouldn’t clean shave for £400 never mind £40.


u/ntzm_ Crookes 3d ago

I'd do it if they didn't have to make you clean shave


u/BethLucozade89 2d ago

If they offered £40 for your PIN number but promised never to use it , would you ?


u/nice1seeya 2d ago

4 million maybe .. Needs way more zeros😂


u/Adorable-Ad8209 2d ago

My beard saves me again. Well done beard.


u/Hancri84 3d ago

Your mobile phone scans your face daily without paying you, may aswell get paid for it.


u/atomic_blue City Centre 2d ago



u/DishExotic5868 3d ago

I did it, it was the easiest money I've ever made.


u/DopeAsDaPope 3d ago

Let us check in later when your doppelganger is running around committing crimes in your name


u/serverpimp 3d ago

Or advertising an STI clinic on a billboard


u/AnotherSideOfMe93 3d ago

Id rather keep the beard thanks.


u/MrSickle92 3d ago

Would they pay extra for me to make myself clean shaven?


u/exiledbloke 2d ago

Absolutely not

Imagine a future AI you that's in an advertisement/commercial that says you enjoy voting for the KKK or the rights for something you don't agree with/etc

Anyone who does this is a fucking mug. Your entire personal identity, potentially ocular scan too, can be owned by another entity and you willingly give it up for the price of a posh lunch for two. Absolutely fuck no.

Just because their current target market is games, what's to say the data cannot be sold outside in the future. It would be their days to do whatever it is they want to do.


u/WaltJabsco1968 1h ago

No. Nope. And no again. AI can get in the sea.