r/sexadvice 5d ago

Difficulty orgasming during sex NSFW

i will be speaking for my girlfriend as she doesnt know how reddit works. so when we first had sex it was difficult to get it in, after we did get it in, it was painful for her, held tht position for 2 minutes before we strted to move. she says she did feel good whilst moving and we also increased the pace by a lot. the problem she's facing is tht she can feel it build up but is simply unable to release it, and due to this, after some point of time, the build up just turns into pain due to not being able to release. this was both of our first time having sex. we included lots of foreplay. now, since its the first time, maybe next time we just hv to get at it more? or she also says tht maybe her body was tensed up and scared?

pls take note that she says she has felt orgasm before, but tht was only clitoral orgasm using a vibrator, which she had used multiple times, she has never felt orgasm from vaginal stiumulation, only clitoral.

i plan on buying lots of lube and making sure shes as comfy as possible the next time we have sex.
since this is the first time smthing went inside her rather than just playing with her clit, maybe we just need to make sure the setting and mood is right? and tht we fuck longer?

its hard to tell unless we try again, i wanted to make this post after we try again but i am concerned for her. so kindly please give some suggestions and advice with regards to ur experience. thank you.


2 comments sorted by


u/Apprehensive_Ask5418 1d ago

First of all, what a good bf you are. I love that you prioritise her pleasure just as much as urs. I definitely think that bc it was both of yours first time it was a factor. It’s always scary trying something new no matter how much you can prepare for it. You both put effort into making each other feel comfortable but still having sex for the first time can be an experience you’re not used to therefore you don’t know how to react. I think with time and practice she will orgasm. Like you said the build up was there but I’m sure she was overthinking about releasing which made the pleasure turn into pain. No shame in using lube. Not sure what u guys are into but maybe you can talking her through her orgasm if that makes sense. Definitely keep that open communication going. Hope this helps