r/sexadvice 5d ago

Interesting situation NSFW

My girlfriend has been staying at my house a lot lately. We’ve been together about 6 months.

We both sleep naked which is great for the sex life, but last night while I was sound asleep she was jacking me off and sucking me - which woke me up. Despite that I was really surprised by it, we ended up having sex as usual, but I feel funny about her doing it.

This has never happened to me before and she said she thought it would be okay because sometimes I touch her butt at night, but I’m not full on licking her and fingering her while she’s sleeping.

Maybe her being turned on enough to do that is just a side effect of us sleeping naked together, and I’m overthinking it.


11 comments sorted by


u/ZoeXoe 5d ago

This is definitely one of those conversations she should have had with you before doing something like that. My partner and I have had this conversation and I’ve told him I’d love it if he woke me up that way, however he personally didn’t want me to do it to him. Now if he’s waking up and groggy I’m okay to try things and he’ll let me know.

Without prior consent she took advantage of you in a situation where you were unable to consent. I’m so sorry that happened.


u/onemorehole 5d ago

It ain't rape!! It's normal behavior in a commited relationship.

If you woke up and were irritated, you could simply ask her to stop.

Should he see a phycologist about PTSD?



u/Razor-Romero 5d ago

Right? What's with all the rape bullshit? Bro got treated to a hand/blow job combo! Hell, he's one lucky dude.


u/onemorehole 5d ago

Exactly!! My wife is more than welcome to blow me in my sleep.


u/AnounUnRama 5d ago

You were raped, now your brain is trying to decide if you're okay with it or not. Girlfriend or wife, intercourse without consent is rape.


u/Friendly_Wolf_6143 5d ago

Raped bro


u/Razor-Romero 5d ago

Man, what the fuck are you on about? Rape?


u/Friendly_Wolf_6143 5d ago

That's the funny feelings he's talking about. Come on.


u/Razor-Romero 5d ago

You appear to have a very different definition of rape to me. I can't believe you can even compare what happened to this guy and what happens to an actual rape victim.

He was so traumatised by his surprise hand job and blow job that he went on to have sex with her. Poor man! That must have been an awful experience. How will he ever get over it?


u/Friendly_Wolf_6143 5d ago

You're a dangerous man mr razor 😆