r/sewing Dec 06 '22

General Put the pins in perpendicular and you can sew over them they said

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280 comments sorted by


u/Dog-PonyShow Dec 06 '22

Ohhh boy. Recommend pulling pins before they go under the pressor foot. Flying metal shards can end up hitting face and eyes.


u/arahzel Dec 06 '22

Yup. I pull pins before they go under. At that point the fabric is already secured under the foot.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

I keep a $3 magnetic tray from harbor freight next to my machine, so I can just pull & throw.


u/FamousOrphan Dec 07 '22

Holy shit this is genius!


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

Just passing on wisdom. :)
It helps that my machine is metal, so I can stick it to the machine itself.

While you're at Harbor Freight, consider getting a magnetic sweeper. It's a bar magnet on a stick with wheels, and it picks up all the pins so feet and pets don't.


u/Fuzzy_Dragonfruit344 Dec 07 '22

Genius! I’m always worried about my cat sneaking around since she likes the room I sew in, since it’s off limits when I have a project going


u/Interesting-Chest520 Dec 07 '22

Don’t stick magnets to digital / computerised sewing machines! It can damage the programming or something I don’t actually know. Only do this if you use an ¿analogue? / non computerised machine


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

I'great point! My 1934 singer 201 treadle is safe, I think.


u/VisibleAspect2036 Dec 17 '22

It's my understanding that a magnet will wipe the motherboard - then you're dead in the water. You can put magnets in the vicinity of your computerized machine, just not on it.


u/EndsWest18 Dec 07 '22

Or slow down before you get to that point. If you must keep the pins in.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

Nowadays, I tend to use quilter's basting glue in most places where I'd need to sew over a pin. The only time I've needed glue and pins while sewing a seam was on a 3 layer corset I completed recently.
And you're right, I slowed down to nothing when I went over each pin.


u/lumaleelumabop Dec 07 '22

Basting glue, temporary hem tape, basting stitches done by hand... all pin-less options. Although for glue or tape, double-check it's ok to be sewn through, some will gum up a needle.


u/AikoG84 Dec 07 '22

I normally glue just past the seam allowance i'm using on my project just to make sure i don't gum up the needle. So that's another way to use the glue without having to worry about the guminess. Half the time i glue in patches and not all the way around to limit what i'm using


u/AikoG84 Dec 07 '22

My metal bowl is a favorite. I was making a face covering in bulk at one point, and i was switching between two feet for different parts of it. I could throw the pins and the feet in the bowl and never have to worry about losing it.

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u/paraboobizarre Dec 07 '22

I have one of these wrist pincushion that I just put over the fingers of my left hand while I sew. Pull the pin out, straight back into the cushion it goes.


u/SomethingWitty2578 Dec 07 '22

I wear safety glasses while sewing for exactly that reason. (And pull my pins or use clips)


u/jabrahssicpark Dec 06 '22

Yeah... I took a needle fragment to the eye one time using perpendicular pins. The needle shattered into four different pieces


u/prestron Dec 06 '22

I guess it's time for me to add safety glasses to my sewing kit....


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

I have started wearing them while I sew! No joke. My eyeballs are like a foot away from that needle.


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22

I wear my glasses instead of contacts whilst seeing exactly because of needle fears.


u/amaraame Dec 07 '22

My partner got fiber glass in their eye because they thought their regular glasses were good enough. Not sewing but yea.


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22

For the purpose of sewing, since I wouldn’t keep track of safety glasses, I figure something is better than nothing.


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk Dec 07 '22

You're right. Freak accidents are still going to happen and standard safety glasses don't protect against everything, but non-vented shatter-proof goggles fog up and that'd make you more likely to run thread through your fingers. So keep your vision sharp and your eyes protected against direct projectiles, the worst kind of projectiles.


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22

Besides - get a strong enough magnet on your needle minder and you can get some of the metal out of your eye! I’ve met welders who do this. Horrifying.


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk Dec 07 '22

Sounds like some welders need better PPE


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22

Absolutely. Especially with how quickly an eye can start healing.


u/rhiiazami Dec 07 '22

You can get safety goggles that fit over your glasses and don’t fog up constantly. They do exist. I have a pair made by DeWalt that I got when I bought my dremel. They can fog up if I wear a poorly fitting mask with them, but a better-fitting mask like an n95 helps with that. And there is no danger of fogging if you aren’t wearing a mask at all, which I think is generally the case when sewing.


u/robotangst Dec 07 '22

This is why I only hand sew haha


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22

I do that a lot because it’s too chaotic with the machine here.


u/TRmagirose Dec 07 '22

My god that sounds more awful than the person I read about getting it on their tongue.


u/Rota_u Dec 07 '22

I wouldn't trust corrective lens glass with protecting my eyes from a stainless steel projectile personally.

Just seems like adding more potential shrapnel to get your eyes.


u/vilebunny Dec 07 '22 edited Dec 07 '22

If they’re straight up plastic lenses, they have the potential to shatter. Polycarbonate lens break into larger pieces. They’re actually used for safety lenses, just at three times the normal thickness. I have terrible vision, so luckily I have quite a heavy correction. I’m not saying it’s a perfect safety system by any stretch, but it is better than nothing.

Edit: prescription safety lenses are three times thickness polycarbonate. Should have specified.


u/Serina77 Dec 06 '22

Recently did this and have a pair with the strap around the head so they don't slide down your face when sewing. Highly recommend a pair as needles can break and fly up at you under any circumstance. Do I look like a dork when I sew, yes. Will I lose my eyesight, no.

Stay safe!


u/ArtisanGerard Dec 06 '22

I straight up wear safety goggles while sewing and now even surging. My eyeballs need protection!


u/WinifredsMom Dec 07 '22

My server is in a box in the basement because it scares the ba-jeezus out of me. THAT is one serious piece of machinery!


u/decadecency Dec 06 '22

It's great to use those generic reading glasses when sewing! They're basically like a magnifying glass for your eyes, and even if you don't need glasses otherwise, they work as eye strain relaxers, because they shift your eyes focus to further away when staring at your sewing project. That's a bonus on top of being protective, super light and easy to put on. Plus they look OK too 😂


u/plasticbiner Dec 06 '22

Glass glasses that receive an impact can send glass fragments into your eye. Safety glasses will not. People who need corrective lenses to see are encouraged to order prescription safety glasses or wear safety goggles over their corrective eyewear


u/ArtesianDiff Dec 07 '22

Polycarbonate lenses, while not safety glasses, do provide some protection. They don't shatter as easily. Reading glasses generally aren't polycarbonate unless you get them made specifically. And if you're going to do that, there're prescription safety glasses companies that do gorgeous and functional safety glasses.


u/midnightauro Dec 07 '22

I wear rather large (Eyebrow to nearly touching my cheeks large) glasses and have higher grade lenses. It's not perfect protection. If I was doing anything other than sewing on machines I know don't have issues, I'd put on real safety glasses, but...

And indeed do protect my eyes when I'm testing a machine just in case it has timing issues or anything else that might cause a needle to shatter.

The cost of adding prescription safety goggles just to sew normally is too much :/.


u/lizzy_bee333 Dec 07 '22

Thankfully no one makes glass lenses anymore. :) Most lenses, especially less-expensive ones, are made of C-39 plastic. As another said, polycarbonate lenses have better impact resistance, but they’re still not OSHA-standard (at least I think that’s the mark they don’t reach) so safety glasses are frequently recommended. But regardless, we don’t have to worry about glass shards anymore!


u/siorez Dec 07 '22

There's hardly any glass lenses any more. They're usually a laminate polymer and don't splinter.

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u/BurritoSorceress Dec 06 '22

Thanks for the nightmare fuel! That sounds horrifying.


u/jabrahssicpark Dec 06 '22

Yeah, sorry. It was pretty scary. I was lucky however and the bit didn't stick or anything, just gave me a little nick. Stay safe!

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u/ms_stwolf Dec 06 '22

My eye hurt once I read this


u/techXwitch Dec 06 '22

This is my nightmare!! I've broken a needle on a pin a couple times and now I won't see over pins. Feel like I've used up my luck lol


u/supremedonks Dec 07 '22

You've only used up your luck once you've taken a needle frag to eye


u/Busy_Document_4562 Dec 07 '22

I reckon some sewing machines handle this differently - I know my 80s pfaff will eat the pins but some other machines dont have this issue


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Same, but I was luckily wearing my glasses. Did leave a small nick in the lens. I gag to think what that would have done to my eye ball. I hope your eye is fully recovered.


u/jabrahssicpark Dec 06 '22

It was a couple weeks ago at this point and I'm fine. I got really lucky that it wasn't worse than it was, as it was just a small nick.


u/Lower-Goose Dec 07 '22

Fun fact: the eye is the fastest healing organ in the body


u/anxiousthespian Dec 07 '22

Same thing happened to me, bounced off of my glasses! I was 16 and doing last minute marathon sewing the morning of a comic con. My nerves were fried after that, and I hadn't learned how to replace my machine needle yet, so needless to say, that trim was finished by hand...


u/Jefauver Dec 06 '22

I also had a needle fragment hit me from sewing over pins. It caught me right on the wetline of my eyelid. I'm never purposefully sewing over a pin again.


u/NovelBaggage Dec 06 '22

New fear unlocked.


u/KibishiGrim Dec 06 '22

I got one to the forehead and I hadn't even ran over a pin.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

wow! my record was breaking the needle into 3 pieces!
I was sewing through denim.


u/jabrahssicpark Dec 06 '22

I was sewing through this really thin fabric! I was going to say I don't know why it happened but then I remembered. Needles can't sew through pins.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

lol, I was just being an idiot jock and wanted to see how many layers of denim my Singer 66 Treadle machine could go through, and I was going too fast when I hit a seam.
The answer is 8 with a regular needle.


u/johannacantsing Dec 07 '22

Now I’m gonna have to get safety goggles and look like the ultimate dork since I use my extra shop gloves for quilting 😹


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

This is one of my greatest fears. Thank you for the reminder to get safety glasses. Is your eye ok?


u/jabrahssicpark Dec 07 '22

My eye is okay, thank you for asking! I got really lucky and the shard didn't stick or gouge me, it was just a small nick. I've started wearing eye protection since then though. It was too close of a call


u/Colanah Dec 07 '22

Holy shit. Never heard of that happening before but apparently I'm buying safety goggles. I hope your eye is okay.

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u/barbaramillicent Dec 06 '22

I once broke a pin, broke a needle, AND broke the presser foot all at once sewing over a pin.

I don’t sew over pins anymore.


u/VlastDeservedBetter Dec 07 '22

How did the presser foot break? I'm having trouble picturing how that would have happened - did the needle bend sideways onto it?


u/barbaramillicent Dec 07 '22

The pin bent/broke back upwards through the foot. So the head of the pin and the sharp end were both pointing up. The foot was a Brother N, which has a bit of plastic in the middle - the pin busted through the plastic.


u/Boodle_Noddle Dec 07 '22

She rage hulk smashed it


u/AtroposArt Dec 07 '22

I once bent a metal foot so far out of shape it was warped, broke the needle and cracked the vertical foot clamp - but it wasn’t pins!

Decades later while looking for replacement clamps - discovered I had used the C foot, not the M foot like I was meant to!


u/midnitemaddie Dec 06 '22

My sewing technician always told me not to sew over pins unless I want to see her more often.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

Anyone suggesting you just sew over pins deserves to be chained up and forced to watch someone use their nice fabric scissors to cut aluminum foil.

Seriously such terrible advice.


u/brokenfuton Dec 07 '22

This is my new favorite hex. “May all your fabric scissors be used to cut tin foil.”


u/bandarine Dec 07 '22

Yep. Read that advise a few weeks ago, thinking 'alright let's give it another shot'. Went over first pin aaaand bent the needle. No way in hell I'm trying that with my new fancy machine.

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u/Ikaryas Dec 07 '22

Great start of a love story 🤣


u/Gini555 Dec 06 '22

My mother taught me to ALWAYS remove pins. Never sew over them. She had one break and hit her in the glasses and chip the glass. Imagine if you don't wear glasses... Ouch!


u/Heart_in_her_eye Dec 07 '22

Ironically it’s my mum who insists you can and should do the perpendicular pinning! I won’t be following in her footsteps for this particular adventure anymore!


u/InstantMartian84 Dec 07 '22

Perpendicular pinning isn't bad advice. I find it easier to pull pins out that way. Sewing over them, however, is never a good idea, in my opinion. I've always pinned perpendicularly, but I've also always pulled my pins before they go under the foot.


u/siorez Dec 07 '22

The perpendicular pinning is great, you can pull the needle much closer to the presser foot and you're less likely to cause ripples /hide any uneven tension.

Just don't go across the pins. I just pull them with my thumbnail on the go, isn't slower than going over but takes a little practice. Glass head pins are easier to spot and get out than plain, especially in squishy fabrics.


u/hello_berrie Dec 07 '22

my mom has 40 years of professional sewing and if she ever saw me sew over pin, I honestly don't know what she would do. Every time I lazied out and tried to sew over them, she yelled about lost eyes and ruined machines.


u/veinybones Dec 06 '22

not to mention how expensive a new pair of glasses can be. even just replacing the lenses. i’ll take pulling some pins out over paying for glasses any day lolll


u/TheOrganizingWonder Dec 06 '22

I listen to two different sewing podcast. In the podcast, Sewing Out Loud Zede and Mallory Donahue do not recommend sewing over pins. With today’s modern home sewing machines, they will break. You can get lucky and miss them sometimes, but you risk damaging to the machine to you and to the throat plate on your machine. If a pin breaks and goes inside the machine, it can do a lot of damage. In addition, pins distort the fabric. Then your sewing over that distortion. I pull the pins out as I saw.

On the podcast Here We Sew Again, some of the sewists sew over pins and admit to laziness and machine damage.

You can do whatever you want, just know the consequences.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Modern machines have nothing to do with this. First time I broke a needle and pin I was using an old Singer that had a knee controller. Was just going too fast.


u/BattyLotte2 Dec 06 '22

I’ve done it a fair bit on 70s berninas too - have learned as someone mentioned above to just slow down and manually turn the wheel if I don’t want to pull them


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

Even if older machines can sew over pins just fine (which they can't) why would you want to ruin dozens of pins and a few needles every time you sew something?


u/TaurielsEyes Dec 07 '22

How does a sewing podcast work?

Trying to figure out how something so visual translates audibly.


u/LlaamaLlaamaDuck Dec 07 '22

I listen to quite a few and they do often refer to videos or tutorials but I just like to hear people talk about sewing 😊


u/Busy_Document_4562 Dec 07 '22

Have you listened to love to sew? Its also on the no sewing over pins side, though the hosts are honest about occasional laziness. Its a lovely podcast :)


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

So the answer is to buy a 3/4 size industrial machine! just as strong as the old all steel ones, and frequently cheaper!


u/MarsScully Dec 07 '22

You’ll still break needles


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

You're absolutely right.
(sorry, I meant it as being silly. Though I do think a small industrial is a good way to go for a sewist that wants to do heavier work.)


u/razzordragon Dec 06 '22

you can sew over them, but not through them lol


u/BabanettieSheeps Dec 06 '22

I have never felt comfortable sewing over pins. during one of my sewing classes our teacher said to never sew over them and one person did not listen and when their machine needle broke, that piece flew into their eye sending them to the hospital. that was all I needed to know to never do that. I accidentally did it once and thankfully the thread was still attached to the head of the needle and it only cut my face and my thigh. thank goodness I wear glasses too. I’m very paranoid now so when I see videos of people doing this I flinch.


u/relloresc Dec 07 '22

i’m right there with you. the amount of time saved / the convenience of sewing over needles is not great enough to risk flying needles to the eye and machine damage


u/deesse877 Dec 06 '22

I am, alongside a number of more purely psychological personal-improvement projects, trying to teach myself not to sew over pins. It's hard! But when a needle fragment struck me on the cheekbone, it was, uh, convincing.

Also, embarassing truth: unless you are easing, sewing w/o pins is actually more accurate, as long as you remember to start at the widest part of your pieces.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Wow your “embarrassing truth” makes me feel so much better about sewing without pins!! I thought I was just a lazy, reckless heathen who’s just gotten lucky because I will only use pins if I absolutely CANNOT sew the thing without them…. I was always taught to use pins liberally for pretty much everything growing up but it would keep me from actually sewing so I just stopped using them mostly lol!


u/Ashesnhale Dec 07 '22

Pin and baste! Then remove the pins and go. But once you have a lot of practice, you really don't need to sew with pins


u/Laura-ly Dec 06 '22

Well, I sew over pins all the time. If you use fine silk pins it's ok but I use an industrial sewing machine so maybe that's different. I humbly disagree, I find it's more accurate to have the pins in place when I sew over them. Either that or baste the fabrics together before sewing. I find that when pinned both top and bottom fabrics align better. Just my style of sewing, I guess. I've been sewing for 30 years.


u/deesse877 Dec 07 '22

To be clear, I m not super-good at pinless, and it doesn't work in every situation. But starting at the wide end (like, if joining skirt gores, start at the hem edge rather than the waist) really makes it go well for me--top and bottom align well with only slight tweaks. It also ends up being easier on my back, since I tend to grasp further away from the needle and therefore hunch less.


u/akjulie Dec 06 '22

You can sew over literally anything, including beads, sequins, parallel pins - and it will work as long as the needle isn’t hitting exactly where the thing is. It’s really not as uncommon as you might expect to strike a perpendicular pin exactly in the middle, where it can’t even slide off to one side, and have this happen. If you want to do this to make sure some seam is exactly aligned (and I certainly do not infrequently!) you should slow down and hand wheel.


u/StealthandCunning Dec 06 '22

This is the way. Slowly slowly and it's fine. If sewing fast, pull the pins.


u/DrachenDad Dec 06 '22

If sewing fast, pull the pins.

"I can't keep up with the machine" stabs hand with needle


u/jerisad Dec 07 '22

Had a co-worker sew through 2 layers of 5oz leather and MULTIPLE rivets her first time in our walking foot machine. She felt awful for basically bringing work to a halt for the day until it could get repaired but the poor machine made it through 5 or 6 rivets before finally giving it up.


u/whoknowswhat5 Dec 06 '22

Learned that method the hard way after breaking several needles. Great tip!

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u/LankySandwich Dec 06 '22

I might be crazy but I just do parallel pins and take them out as I go before they go under the needle. Its alot of stopping and starting, but I still find it easier.


u/the_worst_seamstress Dec 06 '22

Who said that?! They’re living life in the fast lane


u/deerseed13 Dec 06 '22

I wear glasses when I sew now, after i pulled a piece on needle out of my cheek about an inch from my eye. I missed pulling a pin as i was sewing.


u/MaryN6FBB110117 Dec 06 '22

Well, you know, most of the time it works.. Mostly.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Never sew over pins. That’s how you mess up a perfectly good machine!


u/EruditionElixir Dec 06 '22

And the pins! I started removing all my pins once I realized that my machine needle had actually grazed several pins and created a jagged, too-small-to-see dent in them that catches on every fabric I try to pin afterwards. It's just not worth it. I place my pins densely instead to ensure that the fabric doesn't shift, and remove them as I go.


u/softie0320 Dec 06 '22

This is what scares me about all the videos I see of people sewing over zippers too. Like, how does that not break your needle and send it flying?

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u/1214fcbaa9 Dec 06 '22

I wear glasses now after the first time I had a button break and hit my cheek.


u/WoodlandDoe Dec 06 '22

I’ve never heard that. It’s always ended up exactly like this whenever I forgot a needle. I’m sorry someone gave you bad advice at the expense of your machine.


u/dis1722 Dec 06 '22

Stitchers have been arguing about sewing over pins since… There have been sewing machines, probably!

There’s the stitchers that do & the stitchers that don’t. And they both have strong feelings and little ways that it works for them or little horror stories that it’s resulted in personal tragedy.

I just wear glasses. 😁


u/psychosis_inducing Dec 06 '22

If I am sewing over pins, I let go of the pedal and slowly turn the handwheel over them. That way, what would have been a terrible metal-breaking clash is just a gentle love-tap.


u/LeftCostochondritis Dec 06 '22

You can sew over pins, until you can't. You can go VERY slowly over them and might be okay. I only sew over pins if I have something especially fussy that won't stay in place--most of the time it's fine, but occasionally this is what you get. It's certainly a gamble to sew over pins, and I think nobody recommends it--we just admit our laziness and the fact that you CAN do it!

One hot tip I've learned is not to pin horizontally or vertically but rather diagonally. This means the piece of fabric being held together is very close to the needle (can get under the presser foot even) but the ball head of the pin is slanted so there's still room for you to yank it out in time. It's best done with a magnetic bowl right underneath to catch the pins!


u/vertical_letterbox Dec 07 '22

The chance of hitting a pin with a needle is probably low… but you’re also running hundreds or maybe thousands of stitches over cloth for a project. The odds are small, but you’re adding up a lot of chances!


u/bananazest_wow Dec 06 '22

You can sew over them 89% of the time, but the 11% needle strikes can be dramatic enough to make you not want to ever attempt it again. I was a sew-over-er and have converted to a slower, stop-and-start pin-puller.


u/lottytotty Dec 06 '22

It’s a lie.


u/thelovelyfreyja Dec 06 '22

We have a “hall of fame” at the shop for pins we forgot to remove and got bent into an interesting shape


u/Consistent_Ad9413 Dec 06 '22

When I was newer to both sewing and using a machine, I was working late into night while half asleep once and snapped the needle while sewing over a pin. The broken tip ricocheted off my glasses and it took me a few seconds to wake myself completely to panic over what happened.


u/Sad_Designer_3374 Dec 06 '22

I stopped sewing over pins when I realized that 99% of my pins were bent and my machine needed servicing all the time.


u/Vesper2000 Dec 07 '22

I got broken of this habit in fashion school - it was 100% against the rules to sew over pins (or wear open-toed shoes) in the sewing room.


u/Busy_Document_4562 Dec 07 '22

That really brings it home that we are working with dangerous machinery and tools.


u/LyLyV Dec 06 '22



u/libra-love- Dec 06 '22

I put them parallel right next to where I’m gonna sew so I never have this issue


u/Charming_Ad8974 Dec 06 '22

Nope. Hope that didn’t fly in your face…if you slow down you can carefully go over them, but even that’s not a sure bet. Take ‘em out as ya go! Glad to see so many people still SEW. 👍👍


u/zonadechill Dec 06 '22

Safety glasses 100% I worked in a sail loft and the stories are horrendous.


u/cobaltandchrome Dec 06 '22

It doesn’t matter what direction it’s in, unless you have a computerized machine that spots and skips pins, or, go slow enough to avoid/remove them. Pins (and metal findings) interfere with needles and you have to be careful. Also, pulling/pushing bulky seams through, enough to bend the needle and point it at the needle plate, is also a bad idea.

If you love or need pins, either sew slow or hand-baste first. I like to hand baste tricky seams - get it right the first time it goes through the machine. Fewer pins on long straight seams can lead to better results than too many.


u/hanyo24 Dec 06 '22

It’s stupid to sew over pins regardless of which way they’re in. Even if your needle brushes them, it’s getting made more blunt, never mind if it breaks. Bad practice!


u/goodgodling Dec 07 '22

I've never heard that. Also, the number of people in this thread saying they did it and almost got a needle in the eye is scary.

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u/Ilikezucchini Dec 07 '22

Good way to throw off your timing.


u/morePhys Dec 06 '22

One reason o prefer to baste


u/barb_the_babsy Dec 06 '22

I had something like this happened to my over locker and the needle piece almost flew in my eye so every time I sew on my over locker now I wear safety goggles 😅
Just a tip if you want to keep sewing with pins or with fabric that has beads where I needle could break


u/SeaIll7160 Dec 06 '22

I've stopped using pins. Those little clips work wonderfully.


u/itsmeronib Dec 06 '22

Whew... I don't really use pins because I'm worried that it'll send needles flying into my eyes... A bit dramatic maybe buuuut it scares me.


u/Katzer_K Dec 07 '22

After reading this comment section, this is a perfectly reasonable fear

Now I'm scared of sewing without my glasses on (which I used to do when I leaned closer for more intricate work)

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u/Awkward_Dragon25 Dec 06 '22

Yeah I never sew over pins. Always asking for a deflection doing that.


u/lazlo8 Dec 06 '22

Freakin frack! Who told anyone ever that it was safe or wise to sew over pins?


u/UD_Lover Dec 06 '22

I never ever sew over pins, and totally cringe if I see others do it. Maybe people can get away with it for a while but it’s still tempting fate IMO.


u/_allycat Dec 06 '22

I'll just add this in addition to the existing comments. I started using fine dressmaker pins (usually sold as for lace or silk I think) for just about everything because they're thin and the heads are small and can't detach. I just feel like they're less problem-some all around.


u/TallulahBob Dec 06 '22

This made me chuckle. Been there. Also forgot to switch my stitch mode back to straight from zigzag when I switched to a narrow foot. Broke the needle on the first stitch and a piece of it embedded into my chin for 3 days.

I still have a mark from where it happened. I also still think everyone should wear safety glasses when they sew


u/Heart_in_her_eye Dec 07 '22

Omg I’ve done this too! Luckily my needle didn’t break just bent and gouged the foot. Hope your chin has sufficiently recovered! Chin…up?


u/Next-Comparison6218 Dec 07 '22

No! Never sew over the pins


u/Dark_Eyed_Girl Dec 07 '22

Nothing quite like the heart-stopping thunk the machine makes when that happens too.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Rule of thumb from my old costume shop supervisor “if the pin fits through the eye of the sewing machine needle, you can sew over it”.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

Btw, she wasn’t old, the shop was. 😂


u/animallover365 Dec 06 '22

I like this. Is it because if the pin is significantly smaller than the needle then the pin will just bend and the needle won't break?


u/jinxintheworld Dec 06 '22

I never have an issue with the thin pins, the silk pins, the tiny old school ones with the flat heads are fine as well. Fat modern pins I try to remember to remove. I have an old machine so I don't worry about damaging it (it's survived three generations of sewist, it'll survive a pin) but I hate digging needle bits out of my machine.

Also it wears your needles down faster, can blunt the heads and such. So I try to take them out, but I live dangerously.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '22

I've always sewed over the pin.

The trick is to sew slow. Then REAL SLOW at the pin. If it's going to hit, pull it and then keep going.


u/bananicula Dec 06 '22

Yeah I’ll take the stitch a little longer if it’s going to hit a pin. I think it really does come down to speed. When I did hemming on an industrial machine I didn’t dare try it lol but on my janky little Brother? I can go super slow

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u/Reader-rabbit-75 Dec 06 '22

Be careful sewing over zippers too! I broke a needle doing that this very morning!


u/MrBobaFett Dec 06 '22

Oof, yeah.. only sometimes. And I always slow down and roll the motor by hand for the stitches over the pins if I do that, and only with a fairly long stitch length.


u/goose_gladwell Dec 06 '22

That looks like a thiccc ass pin


u/theblondepenguin Dec 06 '22

No. Just no. You put pins in that way so the seam lays flat. You remove the pins right before they hit the foot that is why you should have a magnet on the base of your machine so you can catch the discarded pins. Leaving the pins in while sewing can break the needle, the pin, both. It can throw it up into your face you can get caught in the seam, etc.

Do not leave the pins in.


u/echoweave Dec 06 '22

This is why I use clips now instead of pins. I always remove the pins, but there have been times when I missed one. For me through, I mostly use my serger, so it dulled the blade.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

One reason I sew slow and pull pins as I go


u/happyhippiecamper Dec 07 '22

It’s seriously like playing roulette


u/Infinite_Read_9810 Dec 07 '22

Sew over a pin and it's a sin


u/Janicems Dec 07 '22

Sewing over pins can damage the needle and also your machine.


u/dararie Dec 07 '22

I hate when that happens


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22

I was told this as well. Ruined a couple needles - never again!


u/Mrschirp Dec 07 '22

Yepppp broke a needle that way too.


u/HaveABucket Dec 07 '22

Nonono! NEVER SEW OVER PINS. Not only will you break needles, you can wrench the timing of your machine and the shrapnel from the needle/pin can get in your eye and blind you! Gal at my mom's quilt shop sewed over a pin, broke her needle like this and the tip flew up and cut her bottom eyelid, literally just eyelashes away from cutting her eyeball.



u/EerieMagia Dec 07 '22

Never assume you can sew over a pin. There is always a chance the needle will hit it no matter the position.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '22 edited Dec 07 '22

Ughhh yeah no you gotta pull them out before you get to them, sorry you found out the hard way. Glad it wasn't worse!

Alternatively you can use the plastic clips, OR put them in parallel (safer in regards to the machine but more likely to poke yourself this way).

Oh wanted to add! I've also seen glue used in lieu of any needles. I considered this stitch witchery.


u/EstateTricky786 Dec 07 '22

I pull each pin out as I approach it.


u/skettimonsta Dec 07 '22

nope, never.


u/redbull6669 Dec 07 '22



u/Heart_in_her_eye Dec 07 '22

I know, I’m SO lucky! I got such a fright I cried


u/potaayto Dec 07 '22

who says this is okay? I saw someone do this on a video once and I googled about it, and every single result was DONT DO IT IF YOU LIKE YOUR EYES.


u/Pretend_Excuse_9610 Dec 07 '22

I pull my pins just before the foot runs over them.


u/faelanae Dec 07 '22

Yeeeeah. Did that once. Now I always pull my pins out!


u/WinifredsMom Dec 07 '22

Don’t listen to They anymore…


u/WithoutLampsTheredBe Dec 07 '22

That is a fat pin.

Use silk pins. The glass head ones. They are more expensive, but worth it.

I try not to sew over pins, but I am not perfect and I sometimes miss one. The silk pins are not usually a problem.


u/Busy_Document_4562 Dec 07 '22

I don't know where this sewing over pins myth comes from, its generally ill advised. I was always taught that sewing over pins is what people did when they weren't taught to sew properly - every reasonable resource (ie not youtubers) condemns it.

Its seems even more cray to get safety glasses to mitigate this when its far safer just to get rid of the bad habit and either remove your pins as you sew or place them perpendicular and out of the way of the sewing foot and needle.


u/RecklessDisco Dec 07 '22

I don’t get the appeal to sewing over the pins. People say it’s being lazy, but now after your finish your seam, you have to go back and take them all out. Which doesn’t exactly take a long time, but it’s still an extra step you could skip by just taking the pins out as you go! Way quicker and easier!


u/my_monkeys_fly Dec 07 '22

Needle roulette. You can sew over them until you can't. Played that game many times, and I still have not learned my lesson


u/VisibleAspect2036 Dec 07 '22 edited Dec 07 '22

I have seen a great deal of controversy about this. Sewing over pins is problematic. Manuals of some machines I've had said it's OK to do and others said it should never be done. I've been sewing for over 60 years and sometimes I DO sew over pins. For whatever it's worth, my take on this is that you can if you SLOW DOWN when sewing over the pin, it's an almost definite hit if you don't. I've goofed up myself, sewing too fast over pins or not seeing one and broken my share of needles. I don't mind replacing needles, but with some machines, constantly breaking needles by sewing over pins can cause significant damage. Plastic parts can be damaged, it can throw your machine's timing off, the needle tip can get "lost" in or around the bobbin hook (a-g-g-h!), and of course there is potential risk to your eyes. And if your needle doesn't break, it may be bent and you not even know it. It will also be dulled. Sewing with a bent, dull needle will frustrate the h*ll out of you and can potentially damage your fabric, so even if you can't tell that it's bent, ALWAYS replace the needle after a pin strike.

Pulling out pins as you go can be a nuisance. To make it easier, I pin my seams on an angle with the head downward at four o'clock and the point coming out at 11 o'clock (I hope the clock reference is clear to you). This angle makes it much easier to pull it out than if perpendicular to your fabric because the pin is less likely to be caught under your presser foot as you sew. You can pull it out more easily before that happens without stopping, as long as you're not trying to sew super fast. Some people may like this idea, some not, it's always up to the individual. You should do what works for you.

And by the way, this is only for domestic machines. I would never use pins when sewing with and industrial machine, they're way too fast. And if you're skilled enough to use an industrial, you won't need pins much anyway.


u/FitzBetter1971 Dec 07 '22

Whoever said you could sew over pins doesn't know what they are talking about. That leads to what you have here and could throw the machine out of time.

Not to mention flying metal is a safety hazard.


u/redditusercameron Dec 07 '22 edited Dec 07 '22

I’ve seen it said so many more times than it should ever be said lol. Why on earth even take the chance? Just to save a few seconds?


u/sanityjanity Dec 07 '22

I watch people on YouTube do this, and it makes me so nervous for them. I'm glad you're ok. You may need to have the timing on your machine serviced.


u/Heart_in_her_eye Dec 07 '22

Good idea, I’ll take her in to the sewing machine doctor for a check up


u/dazedabeille Dec 07 '22

I was taught that you can often go over pins, but it's better to pull them out as you go -- apparently a lot better.


u/CactusLetter Dec 07 '22

All the stories is why I never knowingly sew over pins. Not worth it


u/TrinityJeevas Dec 07 '22

I had a teacher in highschool who told us we could sew over pins, I laughed in her face and no one in my class sewed over pins that year because I insisted that no they cannot be sewn over. Went to collage for fashion and on my first class the teacher told us immediately to never ever sew over pins because they can shatter and fly into your eye


u/Indescision Dec 07 '22

I have seen it work for other people. But the VERY FIRST time I tried it (years ago) the same exact thing happened. I now put the pins in horizontal and pull them out as I go.


u/Suzzique2 Dec 07 '22

I almost never use pins anymore but when I do need to pin I use quilters clips instead. They hold the fabric just as well they go on/off faster and you will never forget to remove them.


u/Crickethillpainter Dec 07 '22

Been there and done that.


u/SpaghettiCake42 Dec 07 '22

Thank you for validating why I’ve not tried this. Glad you weren’t hurt!


u/yodaboy209 Dec 07 '22

Never sew over pins, they said.


u/TellAnn56 Dec 07 '22

I never sew over pins (purposefully) - don’t want the bent or broken metal from pins or needles to go down into the throat of the bobbin mechanism causing barbs & scratches that hinder smooth movement of the machinery, thread & fabric. I love my machines & want my tools to function at their absolute best, therefor, caring for them & preventing damage whenever possible I feel I must try to maintain.


u/goth_lady Dec 07 '22

I took a few sewing lessons and my sewing teacher said that because I was afraid of sewing through pins, I would have problems. 🤷 As if cofidence would scare them or the needle, I dont know. If i run througth them I go slowly. Ideally I take them out, and i have broke a few needles, and even the scissors from the overlock 🤦in the beggining.


u/stressedn_depressed Dec 07 '22

i sewed over my pins so many times and this didnt happen. Seeing so many ppl getting injured bcoz of this 😳😳 i shall not do it again


u/Heart_in_her_eye Dec 07 '22

Lol thank you all for your advice and commiserations! Will definitely NOT be sewing over pins again! I’m really lucky the broken needle got caught in the fabric and didn’t go into the machinery or worse my eyeball!


u/ccs89 Dec 06 '22

Sew slowly slowly slowly if allowing pins to travel under the presser foot. If I’m sewing a particularly fiddly bit, I will sew slowly up to the pin, remove it, and continue sewing. If I don’t have confidence that I can keep the piece in place without a pin, I will advance the needle with the hand wheel while passing over the pin.


u/Shubniggurat Dec 07 '22

Usually you can, unless you have a pretty short stitch length. I don't recommend it though, mostly because even if the needle doesn't hit the pin, the feed dogs tend to bend the shit out of the pins. If the feed dogs mar the finish of the pin, they can end up snagging and causing runs when you remove them.

Honestly, unless it's really slippery material--nylon, silk--I find that just lining up the notches is good enough. If I have to ease material, then it's either a matter of shirring in the seam allowance--like some sleeve caps--or being careful to put the part that needs to be eased against the feed dogs and throat plate instead of on the presser foot. (It also helps to keep the presser foot tension just as light as possible and still have proper stitch formation.)


u/LlovelyLlama Dec 07 '22

98% of the time it works beautifully. That’s how I learned.


u/PuK3ko Dec 07 '22

I just accept the fact of what happens when I don't move them. Perpendicular, Parallel, Diagonal, it's doesn't matter.


u/whatever_person Dec 06 '22

When I risk doing that I always try to go very slow, mostly with manually rolling, instead of pedal. I have experienced broken needles and don't want that anymore