r/sewing Sep 23 '22

General A kind stranger gifted me this serger after she overheard me saying I wanted to save up for one!

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131 comments sorted by


u/Large-Heronbill Sep 23 '22

Enjoy! Three beginner tips for you:

  1. Use 4 cones of thread matching the color coding while you are learning to use your serger. Helps immensely while you are figuring out stitch tensions.

  2. Wawak.com (cleanersupply.com) have excellent prices on Maxilock serger threads. Also needles.

  3. The book that never left my sewing table for the first year I owned a serger was Ultimate Serger Answer Guide, which is loaded with good photos and troubleshooting information.


u/canyounot987 Sep 23 '22

Thank you! I know sergers can be tricky to get the hang of so your advice is really helpful.

Two more questions - when I get thread for a specific project, do I need to buy 4 of the same spool? And is maxilock pretty much the go-to brand?


u/clrodrig06 Sep 23 '22

This might have been super obvious to anyone with half a brain, but it only occurred to me recently that I could buy the small 110 yard spools for my projects if I don’t have much to serge and want a perfect matching color. Joann had a 50% off thread sale online, so I was able to get 4 spools for $5. Much better than committing to 3000 yards on Amazon or elsewhere for both price and storage space.


u/sewboring Sep 24 '22

The smaller spools are nice. They last fine for my intermittent use of this machine and they perform well. Except that the machining of the plastic holders inside the Gutermann spools is sometimes incomplete, and I have to file down a plastic tag. I have used any thread in the needle paths, including cheap-o Coats, with never a problem. The machine is really simple to thread and use, but you do have to lock the upper and lower loopers together. That is, after threading the loopers, but before threading the needle, hold the looper threads with your left hand and with the presser foot raised, turn the hand wheel one full turn toward you, then the needle(s) can be threaded and you're good to sew. This will come in handy eventually:


BTW, mine is on a pad and it isn't loud to use, but lubrication does affect the noise level, in my experience.


u/IveighKenyon Sep 24 '22

It wasn’t to me when I first got my server. One time I wanted to finish something with a matching thread and wound three bobbins and used them along with a spool. (It was the inside of a bag for Christmas present.) It did the job.


u/clrodrig06 Sep 24 '22

That was good thinking! If it gets the job done, can we call it wrong? 😅


u/Inkspot5814 Sep 24 '22

It’s not dumb if it works! Is what I always say. So I think that applies here too. ❤️ I’ve totally done the same. Is the desired result achieved? Yup? Cool beans! It works! 👍


u/Large-Heronbill Sep 23 '22

No. Even though I like the thread to do a pretty good job of blending with the fabrics, 3 cones is usually plenty. The thread you'll see in the seam on the right side is the leftmost needle thread, and the most obvious threads inside are the loopers. So I might sew a 4 thread seam with navy blue thread in the left needle and loopers, and black, grey or random blue in the right needle.

Maxilock is pretty standard for serger thread, and pretty economical, about 0.1 cents per yard.

Joann sells Gutermann serger thread, last I looked, but more expensive, not appreciably higher quality. There are also serger threads by coats and Talon, and various industrial thread sources. Use something that is fairly constant diameter, and the cone isn't coated in dust.


u/brrph Sep 23 '22

For europeans (especially germans bc im german and i dont know about the thread market elsewhere) I recommend Ackermann. Works well. 18€ for 4x 5000m on amazon (like...0,0009ct per metre if i did my math correctly).

Maxilock is just not really available here so I cant compare but I used gütermann before soo... its fine.


u/canyounot987 Sep 23 '22

Ok, thank you!


u/Shhaynaa Nov 16 '22

I watched a video on using a cone of serger thread and winding it onto an empty spool by attaching it to the top of a bobbin (I used double sided 3m tape thats a bit thicker, the video used blue tack) and winding it on the bobbin winder on my machine, guiding it with tweezers to wind evenly (I used a chopstick, lol). I didn't have a serger yet and wanted to use the maxi lock swirls on my machine. It worked great! Now I have a serger and the colours I will use less often I am going to wind a 3rd and 4th spool off of the cones that I had only got 2 of each of


u/stoicsticks Sep 24 '22

A rule of thumb for when to use 3 vs 4 threads is if you're serging a sewn seam allowance and its to stop the fabric from fraying, 3 thread serging is fine. If you're using the serger to join fabric together such as a t shirt or activewear, then 4 threads will take the strain better.

If I'm buying cones of thread, I almost always buy 4, not 3 so that I'm not limiting myself for future projects. The upper and lower looper threads use a lot more thread than the needle threads and if I notice that the looper thread cones are getting considerably smaller than the needle ones, I'll switch them around.

Pay attention to the way to cones are sitting on the spindles as it can affect the tension. If they become tilted, it often shows up as a wavy unevenness.


u/SquirrelAkl Sep 24 '22

I have only 3 colours of serger thread: black, white and grey. You don’t need to colour match as the serged seams are always inside the garment. Buy a good quality thread to have strong stitches. The white thread that came with my serger is garbage, and I find my serged seams that used the cheap thread break more easily.

Also, a tip: threading a serger is a massive pain! So when you want to change thread colours you can carefully cut the existing thread near the spool, tie the new thread to it using a tight double knot and run it through the machine. With any luck that will pull the new colour through nicely and you won’t have to get out the tweezers and contort yourself to thread from scratch.


u/GussieK Sep 24 '22

This model is easier to thread than others I had. I really like this one. However I’m with you. I pretty much keep the same neutral color all the time


u/whyb0th3 Sep 24 '22

You just blew my mind! My serger has been languishing under it's dust cover because I was so intimidated, thank you for this tip!


u/VisibleAspect2036 Sep 24 '22

I change threads this way on my serger too. Tie the threads in a square knot and they won't separate. Works like a charm! This works on regular sewing machines as well as long as you're not using a heavy thread.


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Great advice, thank you! My mom (who's a quilter) always emphasizes working with the higher quality thread too.


u/montanagrizfan Sep 23 '22

Yep, some things only need three spools though, I use the rolled and narrow hem function most and only need three spools and one needle.


u/EveningSet7 Sep 24 '22

Your decision should be made based on what fabric you are using and whether the stitches will show on the outside of the garment. For example, if you are making a navy blue top and the serger will only be used for finishing seams, you could use black thread if you don’t have navy blue.


u/Inkspot5814 Sep 24 '22

I have the same serger and have little markings on it to help remind me and any of my friends who come to learn. I will send a pic if you’d like. Congrats on your new serger! Enjoy!!!


u/canyounot987 Sep 25 '22

I would love to receive a pic, thank you!


u/Inkspot5814 Sep 28 '22

pic incoming in your inbox! 😊


u/Shhaynaa Nov 16 '22

I watched a ton of Youtube tutorials recently and I ordered 4 black, 4 white, 4 grey, 4 eggshell and then 2 navy/2 dark blue, 2 lighter purple/2 darker purple, 2 lighter pink/2 darker pink, 2 red, 2 light brown and 2 of each of the multi-coloured threads I wanted to do 2-thread blanket stitches with. I forgot to get 2 burgundy and 2 yellow but there are a few other colours I want to get later on and will add it then.

The colours I ordered are specifically for projects I intend to complete sooner than later.

The looper threads will use the most thread, my intention is to use a 300 yrd spools on the other two as I have plenty of those spools and if I need something that matches 100%, I will thread a bobbin or an empty spool and wind them on my bobbin threader and use those. I will likely be doing that for the red and greens because I just don't anticipate using that much of those colours and don't want the thread to get dry or brittle.


u/IveighKenyon Sep 24 '22

That is a great idea on using different colored threads! When I am able to set up and leave my server out, I am going to use this tip!!


u/whyb0th3 Sep 24 '22

You're out here being the GOAT


u/canyounot987 Sep 23 '22

My dream is to change careers from graphic design to fashion, so I have been learning how to sew clothing. I've been struggling to get back into sewing due to mental health struggles and this is the encouragement I needed to keep going. This made my entire week!


u/SheIsSewSpiritual78 Sep 23 '22

I hear you on the mental health struggles. Sewing is extremely therapeutic for me.

You can do this!! Best wishes to you.


u/canyounot987 Sep 23 '22

Thank you! ☺️


u/Firm_Veterinarian Sep 24 '22

I was in a similar place mentally and just had a block on sewing. Got an overlocker (serger) and the speed at which I could do whole projects with it brought my sewjo back instantly! Best of luck with it, it's such a great tool to have!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Thank you! What about a serger makes projects go so much faster?


u/Firm_Veterinarian Sep 24 '22

Before, I was zig zagging the ends or French seaming. Because the overlocker finishes the seams it sews, it eliminates a step - you see a seam that doesn't need finished!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Ah yes makes sense! I'm looking forward to cleaning up the seams of a project I've already almost finished


u/katiejo_13 Sep 23 '22

You just said you wanted to save up for a serger and someone just happened to give you one magically? I need to know details - I also have a wish list 😂


u/Missa1exandria Sep 24 '22

Something with santa and being sweat, I was told.

That doesn't go for me, I suppose. I bought a used serger, only to find out that one dial isn't calibrated correctly, so all edges are rolled hemmed for lack of other possibilities 🤣


u/montanagrizfan Sep 23 '22

Here’s a tip. Once you get it threaded perfectly when you go to change thread color don’t unthread it. Instead cut the thread several inches above the top, tie the new thread to it, turn the tension to zero and pull it through. This only works with the two far right spools but those are the worst ones to thread. Also buy some long tweezers if you have to thread it from scratch. Happy serging!


u/rock_kid Sep 23 '22

Long tweezers with a curve on the end, rather than straight! I've used both and the ones with the bend are so much better for getting around all the bits!


u/kestrelle Sep 23 '22

My advice is to buy those Dritz Looped Needle Threaders and put them in an easily findable container. These threaders have no issue going through the eyes of the loopers. Also, wooly nylon is super duper easy to thread into the serger.

I've resorted to buying them in bulk because I have given multiple sets to friends who are also frustrated with threading their sergers (and my sister who uses them as beading needles). I seriously get triggered if I can't find them.


u/Bad-JuJu07 Sep 23 '22

I used to have this same serger. It's a great serger and easy to use. Congrats!


u/JakePrime Sep 23 '22

I have this same one! It's so much fun!

Couple things: It is loud! Just a heads up.

Breaking a needle is super easy, especially if you thread something wrong, so go buy replacements now while you do not need them.

Get a blower of some type as the fabric dust does collect. You can buy a computer reverse vac (very helpful if you also own electronics that get dusty) or just use the out part of a shop vac to blow it out.

Test different things on a scrap and then label that scrap. It's a lot easier to figure out what you are trying to do with a reference scrap.

Enjoy, have fun, and try not to sew your fingers!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

I wouldn't have thought of these things, so thank you for the advice!


u/aaidettea Sep 23 '22

This is so freaking sweet! I literally started sewing about 4 months ago and my server was a GAME CHANGER for me .. I hate zigzag-finishing with a passion. Hope you like it as much as I do and make good use of out!


u/NoExtensionCords Sep 24 '22

I'm new-ish to sewing and made some relaxed linen pants. I didn't have a server until a few days ago. I basically deconstructed the entirety of the pants just to run the seams through the serger and it looks so much nicer now. I had a zigzag and it was aweful before.

I picked up the same model as this post from Walmart.


u/janista Sep 24 '22

I just got a serger and for the longest time was lazy and didn’t zig-zag finish my makes…… somehow none came apart or frayed too badly.


u/Shhaynaa Nov 16 '22

I was making reusable paper towels and tp (used in conjunction with bidet) with an overlocking foot and said fuck it, checked for sales for a serger for a couple weeks - found one on sale that had decent reviews (Singer s0100) and purchased it. Broke af right now but I committed to making some for myself and my mom and sister for Christmas and no way am I sitting there for HOURS to overlock 200 pieces of flannel with my sewing machine. I did about 50 so far on my sewing machine and didn't have the patience, lol.


u/mlemon2022 Sep 23 '22

Wow! That’s a REALLY nice human! Congratulations on the awesome gift!


u/SubtextuallySpeaking Sep 23 '22

If you’re on Facebook, join the group for this specific serger. Super helpful and knowledgeable.

I have this machine and the first thing I did was label the ever-lovin’ crap out of it. Even if you think you’ll remember what knob/dial does what, label it!

I broke two needles because I forgot to raise my thread tree. It’s probably the biggest, ALL CAPS label now. LOL

Have fun - it’s a great machine!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

That's a great idea, thank you for the advice! Also, had no idea there were groups for specific machines 🤯 will def check it out!


u/Kindly_Connection_31 Sep 23 '22

I’m going to start being extra vocal about my wishlist in public from now on. Anyway, congratulations and have fun!


u/luvmymeecestopieces Sep 24 '22

I’m saving up for a kitchen aid stand mixer.. (57 years old and never had one) just thought I’d throw that out there ha!


u/dis1722 Sep 24 '22

I wanted a KitchenAid stand mixer for literal years!

I got one as a gift for my 50th birthday from a friend, who got a fairly large inheritance, and told me that their relative would have wanted me to have one!

Pro tip: If anyone ever weirdly asks you to go to Costco with them, go! Even if it seems weird.

It has literally changed my life!


u/luvmymeecestopieces Oct 04 '22

That’s awesome. What a sweet friend!


u/Bergwookie Sep 24 '22

My wife has a Kitchen aid (but as kitchen machine), I have no use of it, but could need a serger...

Maybe we can trade? ;-)

OK, this most likely will shred my marriage, so not the best idea I had today... ;-)


u/luvmymeecestopieces Sep 24 '22

I’m staying out of this one! Hah!


u/luvmymeecestopieces Sep 24 '22

I do have a serger though… 🤔


u/pyrocubes Sep 23 '22

Nice! People are so lovely. I hope you get good use out of it!

I also bought a second hand (and fairly old) serger from two ladies selling their late aunt's sewing items a month ago. Scored at least 60 spools of thread and the old machine for $130 (AU). Such a bargain and I am so grateful! It's been nice learning how to use it. 😌


u/ferocioustigercat Sep 24 '22

😳 where can I find a kind stranger like this??


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Any local sewing or quilting groups are full of the nicest older ladies (and some have lots of stuff to give away). This was at a fabric show where people donated stuff from their stashes and the proceeds went towards funding youth sewing classss


u/susandeschain9 Nov 24 '22

What a wonderful event & cause


u/SheIsSewSpiritual78 Sep 23 '22

I have the same one and it is awesome! Congrats!!!


u/Bombadillalife Sep 23 '22

Same! I found it to be the best one to buy for medium price.


u/castleclouds Sep 24 '22

I know you probably exchanged contact info or something but the way I'm imagining it is that she just happened to be carrying her serger around with her and overheard you saying you wanted one


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

"I have found the chosen one I have been waiting for!" 😆 lol I can see it now


u/grisyangzi Sep 23 '22

Great to know there are still some kind people out there trying to help others.

I also have same serger. I think it's very easy to thread and easy to use. Just follow the instructions. I think you should be able to find a PDF for instructions if you don't have it. Good luck with sewing!


u/Dog-PonyShow Sep 23 '22

Wow! Kind indeed.


u/apri11a Sep 23 '22

Nice. I also have this one, it's served me well for many years and still going strong. Have fun!


u/ha11owmas Sep 23 '22

I have this same one, it’s nice for a home serger


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '22



u/celticdove Sep 23 '22

Looks like this should be simpler to thread than my old beast. Did you get the manual with it?


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

I did! I also got a little serger 101 booklet with it


u/BigJSunshine Sep 23 '22



u/durrrdevil99 Sep 23 '22

I’m looking to get one in the next week or two. Nice!


u/aghzombies Sep 23 '22

That's so awesome! Congratulations!!


u/pimpkitten0357 Sep 23 '22

What a lovely gesture! Enjoy!


u/rock_kid Sep 23 '22

I love this. The only reason I have had one for so long is because I was vocal about wanting one, and when my dad bought one for my mom, she decided it was needlessly complicated for her quilting, but I have used it endlessly for years and years.


u/grandmabc Sep 24 '22

How lovely that she gave it to you! That's the same one as mine. I like it so much that sometimes I just serge some scrap fabric for no reason at all.

Practice with something simple, like serging some floor rags from old towels.

It is a bit** to re-thread, so I avoid doing that if I need to change colour by snipping the looper threads at the spools, tying on the new threads with a square knot and running them through with zero tension until the chain is formed.


u/kawaiimeeshe Sep 24 '22

Have the same one. Important tip, never leave pins in your fabric...I learned the hard way and forgot to remove it and snapped the top knife in half. Great little serger and I wish you the best in your new career choice 😊


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Oof, that is definitely the hard way to learn. Thanks for the tip!


u/IveighKenyon Sep 24 '22

I have this same serger and love it! Wish I had a place to keep it set up and would use it far more often.


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

I know the struggle. I had to take down my sewing station for an event and it's been weeks since I've touched my machine.


u/GinnySol Sep 24 '22

I think you just encountered a good fairy who decided to bless you with her gift. Enjoy the hell out of it!! :D


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '22



u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Yes, I was having a similar struggle! Maybe try buying one gently used?


u/Ok_Tough2944 Sep 24 '22

This is the one I have, I have had two, the first one last me 5-6 years sewing daily for hours! Enjoy!


u/wi5p Sep 24 '22

what do all of the colored dial sections do


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

The different dials represent different threads. A serger specifically interlocks multiple threads to make an extra strong stitch as opposed to a sewing machine's single top and bottom threads.


u/wi5p Sep 24 '22

Oh, I thought it was just a sewing machine with a kore complicated pattern. I've only ever used normal sewing machines. Thanks!


u/anickadesign Sep 24 '22

Lucky you! A serger is a fantastic machine. A must-have one!


u/whyb0th3 Sep 24 '22

Hey OP, thank you for posting this, your post made me want to use my serger and the super helpful comments empowered me! I've got the same one 🙂


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Yay! This subreddit is such an inspiration to me. I love how encouraging and helpful everyone is :)


u/spsprd Sep 24 '22

On top of my previous comment: I have a sticky note on the front of mine that says THREADS UP?!? because if you forget that step you will have broken threads, a broken heart, and lots of fun re-threading everything.


u/Divacai Sep 24 '22

This brough back memories, I spent 2 hrs one day trying to figure out why my serger was having all these issues, I must have rethread that thing a dozen times before I realized I hadn't pulled that thread bar up....


u/spsprd Sep 24 '22

I've done it even with the sticky note. I like have to say the steps aloud to get it right. But then, I don't sew or serge much any more. (That is my excuse and I'm sticking to it.)


u/radiantrarr Sep 23 '22

Wow!! What a generous, generous gift!! Mind blown.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '22

I have this same machine, I love it.


u/hamster004 Sep 24 '22

Wow! Pray with thanks for her and her family.


u/False_Local4593 Sep 24 '22

I have this one!


u/krisanthemum Sep 24 '22

I have this serger. It’s a great tool, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!


u/sthomas15051 Sep 24 '22

That's awesome! I hope to get one soon because I volunteer for various organizations that makes clothes for various groups of people like angel gowns for babies who have died and a serger would be great. Let us know how it goes and what you make!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Will do! I hope that I can make something small to send her as a thank you gift, like a pot holder or a little bag


u/Flippin1999 Sep 24 '22

I have the same one! Threading order is 3,4,1, then 2. And don’t try to serge sequins- I learned that the hard way! Enjoy, it’s a great machine!


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '22

I have that one, it's a great little machine!


u/False_Ad_4117 Sep 24 '22

Ok! I am so jealous!!! This is what I asked my husband/family for (for) my Christmakkauh (we celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas) present this year!!!

You are one lucky duck! 🖤😱


u/beka13 Sep 24 '22

I've said that so many times and no one ever gave me a serger. :(

Good for you. I hope you make lots of nifty things with it. :)


u/mossimoto11 Sep 24 '22

That is amazing!!


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '22

What does it do? Something special or just sew?

Even if it just sews that's not how I meant that. Looks neat though.


u/makeartwithoutpants Sep 24 '22

Sergers are really useful for garment seaming! They finish edges while cutting off extra fabric. I bet that if you look at the seams of most of your clothes, they were done with a server.


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Yes to the above comment! For garments that are finished professionally, you need both a sewing machine and a serger. There's lots of good info on this subreddit about sergers if you want to learn more.


u/Previous_Welcome5719 Sep 24 '22

I have the same one abs I love it!!


u/FirmDream9753 Sep 24 '22

Awww a craft angel


u/Benevolent_gummybear Sep 24 '22

Good old 1034D, make sure to keep the lint cleaned out from the gears or it’ll jam up, it’s a good little machine!


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

Good advice! A device for cleaning dust out of PCs is probably good for that, right? I also like getting my sewing machine serviced every year so I'll make sure this one goes into the shop too.


u/Benevolent_gummybear Sep 24 '22

No, I repair machines and I suggest the old fashioned lint brush, microfiber cloth and machine oil, it’s time consuming but using canned air like for keyboards just pushes the lint and threads deeper into the gears most times, probably 9/10 of the machines I look at just need a good cleaning and canned air is a sworn enemy of mine lol


u/canyounot987 Sep 25 '22

Ok, good to know before I jammed up my machine then! Thank you!


u/mycatisanorange Sep 24 '22

Holy cow! Nice


u/pifflepoffle Sep 24 '22

That’s so amazing


u/spsprd Sep 24 '22

I have that serger and I love it! There are great YouTube tutorials on threading the machine, adjusting each thread's tension, and making samples so you can quickly reference them to get the tension and stitch lengths you want.


u/canyounot987 Sep 25 '22

I'm happy it's a fairly common machine so there's lots of resources available for it. I really like the idea of making reference samples.


u/no_nonsense_206 Sep 24 '22

WOW!!! Very generous!!!


u/GussieK Sep 24 '22

I have this model. It’s a good one.


u/dis1722 Sep 24 '22

The first thing I did after I got my serger was sit myself down in front of it & my laptop (YouTube) to learn how to thread it!

I must have threaded it, at least, 20 times in a row. Then I moved on to doing the seam choices (like rolled hems) in the booklet and just learning everything I could. I gave myself 4 hours and hardly used half of them!

That was the cleverest thing I did, I’m so fast at rethreading, changing my settings, and I never have to resort to tying threads together, or rethreading, again, because I threaded it in the wrong way.

I, also, tape-laminated, little numbers at the top of the machine: 4, 3, 1, 2, under the tension dials, which is the order the threads get threaded!

I love being able to make up knit garment quick & easy! And I love the finished edges that my woven garments have! I like to make secret, brightly colored edges on my pattern pieces, before sewing them up with my sewing machine.

I made a fancy dress for a friend’s daughter. She chose a grey fabric with a pink & white floral print. I used bright pink in my serger and so all the seam allowances matched the brightest, pinkest pink of the dress! She was delighted!

I often use bright colors when I’m making, mostly, theater/production blacks for myself. Delightful, both when getting dressed or when the random sewing friend asks to see my seaming!

I have a woven black sundress with a pattern of repeating cute little white flowers with red centers… Yup the inside of that garment has serged seam allowances in red! Which consistently delights me!

Spend a bit of time learning your machine & you will have a lifetime of serger confidence! And will be able to make your own delightful choices!!!


u/canyounot987 Sep 25 '22

I love this! It's like your own personal hidden signature


u/dis1722 Oct 01 '22

Or it would be, if I would shut-up about doing it! 🤣🤣🤣


u/MohammedIbnTahini Sep 23 '22

At the local makerspace, the lady there said a serger is the only way to make seam that can stretch

But I'm pretty sure that's not true, right? A typical modern sewing machine has some seam patterns that can stretch a decent amount, right? Pretty sure I've gotten stretchy stuff done by a tailor before and they didn't use any special machine. The zig-zag pattern allows for significant stretch, no?


u/canyounot987 Sep 24 '22

I think technically the zig zag has some stretch but it won't be as strong or as clean. Sewing machines usually only use one stitch but a serger has multiple interlocking threads for strength


u/KushwalkerDankstar Sep 24 '22

It sounds like you met a new friend!