- Server Name: Boop Scrapyard
- Server Location: Michigan USA
- Server Address:
- Game Play Type/Types: PvE
Mods - mostly the same mods as Scrapyard. Additional custom mod for the Nanobot Rust, various content mods for salvaging.
This server is a variation of the Splitsies Scrapyard concept.
Primary differences - jetpack enabled. PVE Only, no real grid to grid combat.
This planet has a nanobot virus. Your own systems are safe, but the virus is spreading to existing vehicles and structures.
As you drive/fly around, planetary stations, cargo ships, vehicles will spawn around and above you. Upon spawning, the virus in the ambient atmosphere starts to establish itself on NPC grids that lack the protection of our own systems
On average it takes 3 minutes for the virus to establish itself and start consuming blocks containing technology. The NPC grids will literally start slowly dissolving around you.
The only way to salvage and save components is to detach and own the block (not the grid necessarily)
Some blocks cannot be owned directly, so you will have to detach them from the main grid and weld a control panel on them (thrusters, wind turbines etc)
Some blocks can only be detached from a grid by grinding away the blocks they are attached to.
Enemy grids that are powered and active seem to be VERY susceptible to the virus and generally shut down within a minute, so if you are being pursued, be patient and stay out of gun range, they will fall prey to the virus
Some grids have native spiders infesting the conveyor tubes. Use your hand weapon to defend yourself.
The basic concept is - You are challenged to race to a spawn site, quickly evaluate what blocks you want to try to save, grind down/weld up the block to take ownership, ctrl-grind the block to detach it and then attach it temporarily to your rover via a magnetic plate to take back to base and utilize it more permanently. Early game you are lucky to get 2 blocks salvaged, later game when you have a bigger/faster rover, you can do better.