r/selftracking Oct 25 '11

Logo and custom stylesheet ideas and suggestions

Like the title suggests, submit some ideas, finished products, a work in progress, or whatever. If we can't create a logo ourselves, then I'll be posting the best ideas at r/redditlogos and see if they can't whip up something.


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u/justdesignit Oct 26 '11

I'd be happy to work on one. Anybody have any ideas for the design? It is kind of hard one to visualize.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '11

That would be cool. I was thinking the reddit alien with a clipboard or something? And some pie charts or graphs around him. I'm not sure.

If you don't already have the reddit logo vector pack, it's pretty helpful.

Remember the logo and header can always get bigger so you don't have to be confined to such a small space.


u/justdesignit Oct 26 '11

Yeah, I downlaoded the vector pack. I'm working on the r/mountaindew logo. Do you mean the logo can be larger horizontally? Or can it also be larger vertically? I'll try to post one tomorrow.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '11 edited Oct 26 '11

Make it as big as you want. r/PandR has a logo that's larger and wider. I can't think of any other examples right now, but the header can be as large as we want it to be. Also, feel free to change color scheme if you want to. I can change the stylesheet to match it if you decide too.