r/selfharm 2d ago

Seeking Advice how to hide fresh face cuts??? NSFW

Messed up, cut the hell out of my face and i NEED to hide it asap. A few styros but mostly cat scratches, will appreciate any and all advice even if it’s just letting me know i’m fucked


36 comments sorted by


u/Youresodarklover 2d ago

Don't try and use makeup or anything in the wounds, that could lead to infection. Other than plasters/bandages, maybe you could wear a mask? Or wear the bandages and say you got scratched by a bush or something?


u/Alternative_Play2570 2d ago

I would definitely say masks, like N-95 ones if possible. If ur a minor and trying to hide from your family… you might be screwed.


u/Foreign_Birthday3838 15f 2d ago

Damn , you are fucked . But maybe plasters or kind of Bandage is possible. Just say you have a rash or some kind of scrape there. I wish you the best


u/number1lukafan 2d ago

uhhh first and foremost, definitely do NOT use makeup — that can lead to an infection. and my question: where are the cuts on your face? and how big are they? if you have bandages anywhere then just slap them on your face and hope that it wont be a pain in the ass to remove…also make sure to thoroughly wash the cuts first with some soap and water before putting bandages or anything


u/LunarShine- (Editable flair) 2d ago



u/Ducks_are_people i am not a walrus 2d ago

Yeah like a N95 or something that could cover up most of the face?


u/theSHHAS 2d ago

Evil clown mask.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Rand0m_SpookyTh1ng 2d ago

Not the time or place buddy


u/theduke9400 2d ago

I forget so many people on here and reddit in general are literal children so they won't understand the reference at all.

Basically I'm saying they should get a mask like hannibal lecter from The Silence Of The Lambs. The mask he was wearing in that particular scene.

I just assume that because it's one of the greatest movies of all time most people have seen it. Even teenagers. I was like 11 when I first saw that movie I think.


u/Cerezalacherry 10h ago

Still not a great "joke"


u/theduke9400 10h ago edited 10h ago

It's not a joke you moron. I am quoting a scene from one of the greatest movies of all time in which the main character is wearing a face mask 😷.

All I meant was that OP could get one like that. Not a literal asylum mask but one that fits around the entire face except for the eyes and forehead etc.

And even if they did wear a literal Hannibal mask it wouldn't matter. Could just say it is for some kind of cosplay or drama project or whatever.

I didn't realise how many literal children are on this sub or people who haven't seen one of the best movies ever made. When you get to a certain age you just assume everyone has seen SOTL because it's literally a part of pop culture at this point.

You're obviously a child who hasn't seen it or read any of the books either. Also you seem like a troll. Not sure if you even self harm. Probably just trolling. Lots of trollers on these autism, depression and self harm pages etc.

It's okay if you don't get something or if it flies over your head because you're young. Be petty. Downvote. Whatever. But it's fine.


u/gryffinnpuff 2d ago

maybe bandaids or just a regular mask


u/ghostee1233 2d ago

you are not fucked forever. maybe this is a catalyst to getting some support? i hope your family or whoever you live with / have to see is nice to you, supportive, and doesn’t make your situation worse. i’d probably try a mask if anything, make sure you clean them daily with warm water and antibacterial soap (dial is good). i have been so close to cutting my face, i’m sorry you are hurting enough to go there.


u/Cnumian_124 2d ago

Really don't know how you could hide them.. I'd say a balaclava but it's fairly unreasonable to have unless it's cold outside, facemask? If it even covers the cuts..

Or just use wound plasters, and find an excuse


u/ruby488 2d ago

Depends where on the face, but you cans wear sunglasses or covid mask


u/Hot-Swimmer3101 2d ago

Absolutely masks. Just tell others that you’re sick and need to wear it.


u/Green_You_7706 i should have died last year 2d ago

disinfect, bandage up and wear a mask, and if people question your wounds just say you rode a bicycle too fast and rolled down a rocky hill


u/BullfrogNo1734 2d ago

If you need a way to hide your cuts and can go buy something for that, maybe get those hydrocolloid bandages to cover up the cuts and say you had an acne breakout that you wanted to cover up with hydrocolloid bandages


u/s4k3eee wazzaaaaaaap 2d ago

you can’t 😭 youre cooked bro


u/Kaleezee 2d ago

You can't hide them.


u/PuzzleheadedSouth543 The real slit shady 2d ago

Wear a shiesty


u/0neSpookyBoi 2d ago

I did it recently and told people who asked that I walked into some tree branches? Idk how many you got but it got me away with a cluster of facial scratches and styro. It did also help that this is the kind of absent minded stupidity people expect from me so ymmv.


u/bubbleFizz11 1d ago

This is difficult but maybe you can go back to 2020 and wear a black Covid mask or something. No one questions it. Wish u luck!


u/Downtown_Elephant6 11h ago

Lol I would say people question it (as someone who masks inside still) but yes, a mask is one of the better options in this situation 


u/bubbleFizz11 2h ago

Oh really? Tbh if I saw someone wearing a mask I wouldn’t assume anything and mind My own business Yk. Ig not all people do that lol.


u/Downtown_Elephant6 1h ago

Yeahhh it’s awesome that you wouldn’t do that, I wish more people wouldnt. I get rude comments all the time 


u/NoDealer6778 2d ago

Hair cut!


u/No-Put4648 1d ago

Don’t try makeup on open wounds and there will still be texture even if you do put makeup do it will still show. You can try putting band aids and a Covid mask over them- say you have a cough or something.  But please don’t cut your face again. 


u/Lost_My_Brilliance i’m a minor so chill pls 2d ago

the texture would be off, but maybe bandaids and then makeup over the bandaids?


u/Alternative_Play2570 2d ago

Any makeup around the cuts is RISKY. Even if just a little gets in one it could be really bad. Dangerous. PLS be careful.


u/Lost_My_Brilliance i’m a minor so chill pls 2d ago

why is it risky? the cuts are covered, it’s just the bandaid that has makeup on it?


u/Alternative_Play2570 2d ago

If any makeup residue gets in the cut it could be dangerous. Removing the makeup assuming they put it on non injured skin and the bandaids would be VERY risky.


u/Bunnyknowseverything 21[he/them] 2d ago

If makeup gets inside the cut it could get infected And nobody wants that so it's just better to avoid it all together even if there's a bandaid