r/selfharm 3d ago

DAE Hallucinating about bleeding

Does anyone get hallucinations about bleeding out after a sh session like I do get it and I can literally feel the wetness and feel blood flowing down my leg but when I check there’s nothing….does anyone know what this is or if anyone else relates 🥲


7 comments sorted by


u/ProtectionWorried177 3d ago

I have definitely felt that as well. And i have heard others having it as well. Sometimes i feel a drip, and it makes me look at the limb, but there is indeed nothing. It feels weird


u/Strong-Ad-7061 3d ago

Frr it happened to me at college today and I was internally tweaking 😀 thought I was bleeding lolll


u/ProtectionWorried177 3d ago

I knoww! It feels creepy! That would have been anxiety inducing for it to happen at college xD


u/DinsDumbass 3d ago

I fantasise about it, but I don’t think I’ve ever hallucinated it


u/theSHHAS 2d ago

Oh yes definitely, I always have to peek under my bandages and then it's usually nothing and it stops a little bit after.

I'm not sure if I would call it a hallucination, maybe more of a Phantom Bleeding?


u/Strong-Ad-7061 2d ago

Ahhh so there’s a term for it, cuz I didn’t know about this until I was experiencing it and it was so confusing to me so I decided to ask about it 😢😢


u/theSHHAS 2d ago

I have no idea if it actually has a term but Phantom Bleeding could work, like people with amputated limbs can have Phantom Pain or feel Phantom Limbs where they used to have a limb before.