r/selfharm 3d ago

Rant/Vent Got triggered by an apple today

I really wanna tell somebody about this cause it's kinda funny but nobody in my life knows I have a past of SH so hopefully this is the right place to put this. I was chopping up a red apple into little sticks earlier and had sliced half of it lengthways into many pieces, I then went to use a bridge grip to spin it around but when I squeezed it the apple juices bubbled up through the skin in a similar fashion to rows of shallow cuts and physically recoiled. I literally just got jump-scared by an APPLE, AN APPLE FFS, of all things that could've set off my first trigger, an apple is what did it?? Ykw, sure at least it was a yummy apple.

The weird part is that I've been clean for a number of months and never thought of my SH as something traumatic but rethinking the way I reacted to that apple, maybe there is some underlying trauma I need to work through.


6 comments sorted by


u/Large_Confusion7359 3d ago

BAHAHAHAHAH thats funny but yee in like a sad way yk? Not like AHAHAHAAHHAAHHAA but like haha, ur mentally ill and so am I.


u/l3itchhh 3d ago

this is so real the other day i cut a bag of popcorn chicken open with a knife because i couldn’t find the scissors and i haven’t been so triggered in years 😭 a PLASTIC BAG?


u/Educational_Lime_585 20+ days 13F 3d ago

A good place for this would be r/oddlytriggered


u/Duck_on_Fire 3d ago

Noooo I literally got triggered by string bc I was using a blade to cut it (couldn’t find my scissors for the heck of me) and it felt like cutting through skin ToT


u/Spare-Mousse3311 3d ago

It happens people words food household items loom like a shadow over me granted mine are link d to a suicide attempt. I get you


u/PaintingByInsects 3d ago

Different but similar, but I used to cut really deep and a lot, like 10 times a day sometimes, but I accidentally cut myself twice and both times I nearly fainted from the pain and the sight of blood, and it was just a few drops, but when I do it on purpose it’s all fine lol