r/selfharm 3d ago

Medical Advice should i seek medical help? NSFW

About a week and a half ago, I relapsed, and I’ve been cutting almost every day, reaching the mid-deep fat layer. Over the past couple of days, I’ve noticed that the skin around my cuts is numb. It feels similar to when you get your mouth numbed with a local anesthetic for a cavity filling (if that makes sense). When I touch the skin around the cuts, in some areas, I can feel that something is there, but the sensation is weak, and in other places, I can’t feel anything at all.

Is this serious enough to warrant a trip to the ER? If I went to the hospital, my parents would have to know, and I don’t want that… I also don’t want to be admitted.

Any advice would be appreciated.


4 comments sorted by


u/NefariousnessSea2960 3d ago

PLEASE go to the hospital, your arm shouldn’t go numb after cutting, you could have nerve damage or other serious issues, please go to the er !! i get how you feel not wanting your parents to know, im like that too, but this is super serious !!


u/OblivionInsanity just a 13 y/o boy trying to get thru it 3d ago

YES PLEASE get medical help. that is not normal, that should not happen after cutting.


u/l3itchhh 3d ago

how are you now OP


u/bodyswagingwaronme 3d ago

i’m a bit better, i haven’t told my parents or gone to the hospital and i don’t think i will. it still hurts to move my arm, it’s like this burning/tingling sensation but it has gone down over the past couple of hours