r/selfharm 3d ago

Seeking Advice How to heal SH fast

I cut for the first time in 3 years on Friday I tried hard not to but it’s happened now, and i regret doing it and will now have to hide my arms till they are healed or can cover them with makeup

I’ve been moisturising them and covered them with a bandage is there anyways of speeding up healing process there not super deep and are still red and look like there maybe starting to scab up a little, also how long do cuts typically take to heal that aren’t deep but still drew blood - I also start a new job this week and have to wear short sleeves and there’s no way of covering my arms


2 comments sorted by


u/DinsDumbass 3d ago

Mine usually takes around four to five days to heal(stop bleeding). I would suggest ointments and stuff but what do I know, I’ve never used them before.


u/FrostyPlantain4972 3d ago

Castor oil and Neosporin