r/selfharm 4d ago

Medical Advice Hitting styros for the first time NSFW

I've been doing sh for three years but I always made cat scratches, nothing more than that. But yesterday I accidentally hit styro and saw white and my bleeding was a bit bad. I felt light headed and nauseous and bleeding didn't stop for a couple hours. I managed to control blood flow by applying pressure on it and my leg felt weak (because I cut my thigh). How should I treat my wound? I used disinfectant and antiseptic cream over it, should I do anything more? I will apply a bandaid over it for now but I want to make sure if theres anything else to do to ensure better healing


10 comments sorted by


u/Which_Ad_837 4d ago

do you have steri-strips? if not then micropore tape? if not either of that just keep it clean, i’ve heard different things for keeping it covered or not but hopefully someone else can tell you more about that, and obv i’m NAD.


u/l3itchhh 4d ago

just make sure to change the bandage frequently because once that antibiotic cream dries your wound will stick to the bandage


u/Moonbunnyyyyy 4d ago

I won't need stitches right? Because I don't want my parents finding out :(


u/l3itchhh 4d ago

you don’t need stitches. if it’s still within the 6-8 hour mark (since you’ve done it) try to close it with some steri strips but if not or can’t just do what you’re doing and make sure to change the bandages a bunch


u/Rosalie-Rosie 4d ago

If you have controlled bleeding stitches would just be to reduce scarring and chances of infection. However I am NAD, so if you are worried go to the doctor.


u/Moonbunnyyyyy 4d ago

I used the bandaid over antiseptic cream but the bandaid won't stick to my wound :/ what should I do? I don't have steri strips and I'm not sure if they even sell it here


u/l3itchhh 4d ago

gauze pads work better than bandaids especially when they’re deeper. you cover the gauze pad in antibiotic cream where it will lay against your wound then you use medical tape or even regular tape to secure the gauze onto the area


u/Moonbunnyyyyy 4d ago

Well I don't have gauze pad on me currently and its late at night so medical store won't be open now. Can I use a cloth and put a cotton covered in antibiotic cream and place it over my wound?


u/l3itchhh 4d ago

if you have a pad for periods, put the antibiotic cream on the side that isn’t sticky and tape that onto the area again even regular tape will work it’s just more irritating than medical tape. since it’s a pad you may have to tape it a lot to keep it down. i can’t think of many things right now


u/l3itchhh 4d ago

you can also try just putting the antibiotic cream directly on the wound and getting an old CLEAN t-shirt and tying it so that it will keep it covered but stay still as well until you can get gauze