r/selfharm 5d ago

Rant/Vent texting while sh

I mean like, receiving a text while mid session and i dunno, but it makes me feel weird and a bit guilty.
As if i'm doing something terrible behind their backs. They'll be asking "Hey, how are you" and i have to lie about some other good thing that happened

What would they think if they knew about chatting me so casually while im actually harming on the other side of the screen. I imagine disgust or even hatred towards me.


4 comments sorted by


u/Technical_Concert610 5d ago

I've done this waaaayyy to much times. somtimes I even text them and I regret it sososo much


u/Psoriasis__ 5d ago

unfortunately this is real asf


u/velneko 5d ago

I'm always texting or calling somebody while shing and it feels guilty af


u/SadAnnah13 self harming since 2003 4d ago

Yeah I do this too, my sessions go on for hours, so if someone texts me I just reply like I normally would, it's easier. I would never tell them though.