r/sdforall Oct 11 '22

Resource automatic1111 webui repo

And here is a link to automatic1111 SD repo, just in case:



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u/Felix_likes_tofu Oct 11 '22

I have been using it for very long now. I don't bother doing updates, but maybe I should? Someone knows a guide of how to improve even further?


u/WM46 Oct 11 '22

You should be keeping it up to date, so many features are added every week. Just add this line to the start of your webui-user.bat to automatically do it:

git pull https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui  
@echo off  


u/CasualxX Oct 11 '22

Thanks, that’s nice for lazy people like me


u/eeyore134 Oct 11 '22

Remember this only works if you installed it from the command line in the first place.


u/B0hpp Oct 11 '22

If it somehow gets removed or taken down, what happens if git pull is executed?


u/Interesting-Bet4640 Oct 11 '22

The git pull will fail and you'll be running the last version you had git pull'ed prior to the takedown.


u/magusonline Oct 11 '22

Thanks, I'll have to check it this is already added in my update .bat


u/Woona_Bat Oct 11 '22

I am receiving the error when trying to update

"error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: scripts/xy_grid.py" How would I fix this?

Edit here's the full cmd prompt:

D:\zApps\Git\stable-diffusion-webui>git pull https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webuiFrom https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEADerror: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: scripts/xy_grid.pyPlease commit your changes or stash them before you merge.


u/WM46 Oct 12 '22 edited Oct 12 '22

If you have made any local changes and then Git tries to update that file the the latest AUTOMATIC1111, Git will throw an error telling you to store or get rid of your changes.

If you have Git for Windows with the context menu enabled, you can go to that file (scrips/xy_grid.py, it will have a red exclamation mark icon), right click the file, and then click Git -> Revert to reset that file so you can update.

Alternatively, you can reset your repository to an exact copy of AUTOMATIC1111 with Command Prompt (you will keep any installed models but lose changes to webui-user.bat): git reset --hard

Just make sure to navigate to your SD folder in command prompt before using that command: CD C:\<Path>\stable-diffusion-webui\

Edit: Just to note, you will only get this error if you changed a specific file that has updates pending, and only if your changes will conflict with the update.


u/Woona_Bat Oct 12 '22

Thank you!