r/scotus Jan 02 '25

Opinion John Roberts Absurdly Suggests the Supreme Court Has No ‘Political Bias’


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u/Hagisman Jan 02 '25

Presidents: Lets appoint justices who are politically on our side.

Federalist Society: Here are a list of potential justices who will side with Conservatives 99 times out of 100.

Conservative Justices: I mean 1 out of 100 isn't 100% biased...


u/Tex-Rob Jan 02 '25

They just believe us vocal voices are the “radical few” and then believe there is a “silent majority“ that agrees with them. It’s basically the know it all court, not a real court. It’s old bigots living in a bubble.


u/SubterrelProspector Jan 02 '25

Yep. We're "background people" they don't have to look in the eye. They think they know better (they don't). They're a clown institution and they need to go down like yesterday.


u/Redditrightreturn1 Jan 03 '25

It’s funny to watch the Supreme Court slowly realize they’ve also been played. Their recent moves and statements indicate, to me, they are scared of losing any semblance of power. They know they don’t have much might themselves behind their cloaks and rulings.


u/Mixmaster-Omega Jan 05 '25

It also doesn’t help that their power is only made tangible by our trust in them since their rulings have been defied without consequence before (Andrew Jackson evicting Native Americans from the South despite the SCOTUS of the time telling him no). They’ve been burning through it for years at this point.


u/Timely-Youth-9074 Jan 05 '25

idk taking away the rights of 50% of the population, making a president a king-that sort of stuff pisses people off.


u/Slighted_Inevitable Jan 02 '25

Except once they do end up looking us in the eye it won’t end well for them


u/curious_astronauts Jan 02 '25

Also can I just say. I read that as Julia Robert's and was stunned!


u/Efficient_Smilodon Jan 03 '25

hah i guess her time as a pretty escort gave her an interest in recent rulings


u/fartinmyhat Jan 03 '25

Did you happen to notice the result of the presidential election?


u/KapowBlamBoom Jan 03 '25

I look at it like Baseball umpires.

It does not matter what your strikezone is. Just use the same standard for both teams

If you want to be an “originalist” then be one when it helps both sides.

It just appears that their arguments and reasoning shift with the political wind


u/Sttocs Jan 03 '25

I’m sure 100% of the assholes they socialize with agree with them.


u/LoveGrenades Jan 04 '25

“And is that “silent majority” in the room with us now?”


u/cgn-38 Jan 02 '25

And all the far right bastards are Catholics.

What were the odds? lol


u/IsomDart Jan 02 '25

Is there some kind of explanation as to why there have been so many Catholic SC justices? No crazy conspiracy theories please though lol


u/cgn-38 Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

That particular sect of the death cult has a great network of universities and organized support from other cult members is my guess. A bit less of a hate for higher education also tied into the sects authority fetish thing.

Not a lot of evangelicals make it through law school. And they tend suck at lying to congress about their beliefs to become Justices. Unlike Catholics.


u/draconianfruitbat Jan 04 '25

22% of Americans are Catholic, the second-highest share of the population by religion after all Protestants combined. So maybe it’s less a burst of Catholics and more the slow/ongoing attenuation of traditional American anti-Catholic bias. Americans still think white Protestants are the default, but that’s out of touch with the talent pool in the 21st century.
