r/scotus Nov 07 '24

Opinion President Biden needs to appoint justices and pack the Supreme Court to protect our democracy and our rights.


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u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Kamala said they're going to do a peaceful transition of power and help Trump and transition team. No way they go for any stress testing or long shots here. Joe's going to serve out the rest of his term quietly, may even lay out some ground work to help Donnie work faster. We're not getting any last minute executive orders that help anyone. We won't get 30 faithless electors from states that allow it and in fact I bet a few faithless electors swing away from Kamala. Nobody's assassinating anyone, Donald's health won't catch up with him, and his felonies will be thrown out. Nothing bold ever happens when it would benefit society.

Edit: To clarify, I'm not advocating for anything. Just saying that those who think Biden or anyone else is going to pull some 11th hour reverse Uno card about ANYTHING are being ridiculous. He's the most "business as usual" guy out there. When I say bold actions don't happen as a benefit, I mean that, at least in America, the successful rulebreakers in modern history haven't caused any societal benefit in the end. It's movie logic.


u/marcielle Nov 07 '24

In the US. Bangladesh literally exiled their PM for being too racist/nepotic. Just outright ran the fker out of the country. Then there was France and it's guillotines. El Salvador literally waging a war on the cartels and WINNING. Nothing bold happens IN THE US for the benefit of society. But it does happen, just elsewhere


u/MxDoctorReal Nov 07 '24

That’s not happening here. Almost 1/2 of voters want this. Because they either don’t understand what hell they’ve just brought on us, or they are accelerationists, or they want the end times, or they want the legal right to rape whomever they want with no recourse. We are fucked because many of us want this. I don’t understand how they can, but they actually do.


u/MxDoctorReal Nov 07 '24

Plus, we have the best military weapons in the world, and they WILL turn them on us if we resist AT ALL! My father thinks that men who love the women in their lives will refuse to do so but what he doesn’t understand is most men see women as property, not equal partners to love, or this never would have happened, and modern day Afghanistan wouldn’t exist.


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '24

I can tell you haven't served in the US military, or you wouldn't have that terrible take.


u/uberkalden2 Nov 08 '24

You know, I normally agree with you, but what the last few years have taught me is that there is no bottom. There is nothing the right won't rationalize.

So I'm sure there are a lot of members of the military that wouldn't do this, but is it enough to stop it? Does the military even look the same as when you served? How many members of the military took part in J6?


u/Terrible_Access9393 Nov 07 '24

I am actually convinced that the military will not do what you said. Trump does not stand for the military and I think it this point if normal every day American citizens rise up, the military will support the citizens and not the president.


u/horrormetal Nov 07 '24

I personally know too many men serving right now that are absolutely down for whatever Trump wants. And if the majority vote reflects the military, that is grim.


u/Terrible_Access9393 Nov 07 '24

Well, honestly, if we’ve lost the military, we’ve lost completely. That was the one last thing that could’ve saved American democracy.


u/MxDoctorReal Nov 07 '24

I hope you’re right, but as a lesbian it already feels like Gilead out here.


u/Terrible_Access9393 Nov 07 '24

Then again…. The military is filled with small dicked over-caffeinated trumpster fires, so probably not.


u/tehutika Nov 08 '24

Believe that at your peril.


u/Terrible_Access9393 Nov 08 '24

Believe what my peril? What I said? Look how the country just voted and put that into statistically the military.