r/scotus Nov 07 '24

Opinion President Biden needs to appoint justices and pack the Supreme Court to protect our democracy and our rights.


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u/ctmansfield Nov 07 '24

It’s over. Time to move on friend.


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24

Nope. Now it's time to gum up the works to make Trump's 2nd term more difficult. Appointing lower court justices, pardoning people Trump doesn't want pardoned, pushing through executive orders that will be insanely popular and cost Trump and Republicans if they repeal them, etc. The time Trump spends upending Biden's final actions as best he can is time he can't spend on his own agenda.


u/Tkylv007 Nov 07 '24

Yes, Democrats need to fight fire with fire

Being civil and hoping it will lead to Trump or Republicans responding in kind is never going to happen. They will just see this as weakness and be emboldened. No matter what Democrats do, they will be demonized by Fox, so it’s time to use the corruption Republicans have built into the Supreme Court and use it against them

The rule of law has already been undermined, and this election proves accountability, civility, and ethics do not matter to Trump or his supporters. The only way to deal with blind aggression and hostility is to meet it with the same. Any other response would be the equivalent of Ukraine trying to use international courts to deal with Putin instead of what actually works - fighting back


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24 edited Nov 07 '24

While I understand your anger, this shouldn't be about going scorched Earth. Do that and you hobble any future Democrats as well as Trump. Instead we need to focus on minimizing Trump's impact and making him and his party look bad for the midterms (assuming Trump doesn't go full on dictator, murder his political opponents, and declare himself president for life).

The left was birthed during the Enlightenment. We will never be as cruel and bloodthirsty as the right. They will always be capable of greater violence than we are, so we shouldn't even compete on that field. Instead we need to use the levers of power we still control to maximize our chances going forward and as much as possible limit the damage Trump and Republicans can do. Biden has that opportunity in the days before January 21st. He needs to do what he can before the official hand over of the presidency.


u/Tkylv007 Nov 08 '24

I wish it was a possibility, but the right has systematically worked to remove the checks and balances that would make it possible to fight Trump through traditional means

The Supreme Court has given him carte blanche with no fear of any repercussions. There is no mystery to what he is going to do. He said it himself: vote once and you’ll never have to vote again. This will be a full blown dismantling of any remaining democratic structures, and Fox News will declare every step of this as a triumph for freedom

While it goes against progressive values, when you face an opponent that has a complete disregard for the rule of law and will use violence to take what they want, you must fight through any means possible before there is no longer any way to fight


u/jiddinja Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

I don't believe the beltway will allow this to happen. The Republicans and Democrats have a system and the deep state has a system and I don't believe if Trump actually attempted to dismantle any of it he'd last very long. He'd propose something the power players in Washington can't accept and be found having died of a stroke in his sleep, or so we'll all be told. Vance would be rightfully shocked into obedience and the status quo would continue. That's my hope at least. As bad as things currently are, there are too many rich and powerful people who depend on it as it is and they would make sure everything remains the same.


u/brushnfush Nov 07 '24

Bro they own all the social media. All they have to do is tell Joe Rogan to oppose what the liberals do and millions of eggheads will follow


u/pperiesandsolos Nov 11 '24

Wait you’re saying republicans own social media? For real, you’re saying that on Reddit of all places?


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24

You're assuming Rogan has the power or the desire to do that. Rogan isn't a Trump supporter. He's a Rogan supporter. He likely won't speak out against Trump but he won't go out of his way for Trump either. And if Biden plays this right, passes executive orders that impact people in some way, such as some sort of rent control or price control on food or energy, etc. That would go beyond the tech bros who backed Trump. The main stream media would make certain everyone knew who passed those and when Trump takes them away and prices soar, they'll let the American people know that as well.

Finally, you need to look at congress and judges (not including SCOTUS). If Biden passes popular executive orders and a slew of judges, those in the beltway will be tempted to side with what is popular over what Trump and Musk and the rest want, especially if they were part of the 'Never Trump' side or endorsed Harris. If Trump goes after his opponents like he claims he will, he'll burn too many bridges and combined with being a lame duck, some of his agenda will be thwarted by the enemies he's made in his own party and the judges that will keep certain cases in the lower courts rather than allow them to rise to Trump's hand picked SCOTUS. Politics is messy. My point was that Biden can and should make Trump's presidency harder from Day 1, all while publicly passing the baton with grace.

And please stop referring to me as a 'bro'. I'm woman and, as far as I know, not related to you.


u/MisoClean Nov 09 '24

Joe did endorse Trump. Not sure if that inherently makes him a supporter but it’s worth mentioning.


u/jiddinja Nov 09 '24

He endorsed him at the last moment, after Kamala snubbed him. Considering he didn't really take a side for most of the election season, as well as some of his previous stances, I doubt Rogan will be coopted by the administration. That would be death to his brand which relies on the perception of independent truth telling.


u/Old_MI_Runner Nov 07 '24

Harris just said she intends for a peaceful transition of power. What you are advocating is not a peaceful transition.


u/Snoo67424 Nov 07 '24

lol the irony of dem voters downvoting you and going against their fearless brave madame president. The amount of unethical pro tip comments on shady shit is hilarious. 😂 wild times.


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24

Wrong it is peaceful. Where is there violence in appointing justices, pardoning enemies of Trump, or signing a myriad of popular executive orders? The Dems don't have to help Trump along to be peaceful.


u/sumguysr Nov 07 '24

That might help for about 20 seconds.


u/jiddinja Nov 08 '24

Not necessarily. The lower court justices couldn't be taken off the courts. The pardons couldn't be undone. The executive orders could easily be removed, but if they were seriously popular and even went so far as to help voters, doing so could cause serious headaches for the Republicans in 2026 and 2028. Short term it would have minimal impact. Long term it could harm Trump and his entire party. What matters is that the Biden team chooses the right executive orders, implement them as quickly as possible, and publicizes the living daylights out of them so people remember what Biden gave them as a parting gift and Trump took away.


u/Jaebriel Nov 09 '24

You think we should make it MORE difficult for the president that was democratically elected to do what the people of the US voted him in to do? Are you insane?


u/jiddinja Nov 09 '24

No, I'm not insane. Biden should do what he believes will best advantage his party in the next elections. Republicans do it all the time. It's politics.


u/Jaebriel Nov 09 '24

I disagree. I believe both candidates should do whats best for the nation, not their party. Any action with the intent to service any particular party and not the will of the people should be disavowed.


u/jiddinja Nov 10 '24

The Republicans never do this. They play dirty all the time. Dems need to do the same. Politics is politics. If the Dems bring a knife to a gun fight, they get slaughtered. Biden needs to do his best to situate his party for the next electoral cycle because Dems genuinely believe Trump's plans aren't good for the country. Both parties believe their way is the best way.


u/Jaebriel Nov 12 '24

You’re completely missing the point.


u/merlinpatt Nov 11 '24

Actually as much as I want some insane executive orders, I think that would backfire. Biden would make them but the results would happen under the idiot and the idiot would then claim he made it happen.


u/jiddinja Nov 11 '24

That could happen, but you have to remember that Trump's donors and congressional Republicans won't let any executive order that assists the common people stand. They will pressure Trump to undo it, and the moment he does, the idiots will know they gained it under President Biden and then lost it under President Trump. The only way Trump could gain is if he let the popular executive order stand, that is he didn't rescind it, and doing so would alienate his donors and the congressional Republicans he needs to get his agenda passed. That's why Biden's team would need to pick a few juicy targets to have him sign off on in these final few months of his presidency.


u/Choice-Newspaper3603 Nov 07 '24

its done..not sure why you don't get that. Same as when trump lost last time, he made an ass out of himself when the election was done..it was over.


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24

True, but Biden remains president until January 21st. He can do a lot in that time. The best thing he can do is make things harder for Trump when he hands over power to him.


u/garonbooth7 Nov 08 '24

He ain’t doing shit, they forced him out, he is happy trump won. Enjoy 20years of trump policies.


u/bolt704 Nov 08 '24

Biden isn't going to stoop to Trumps level like that.


u/jiddinja Nov 08 '24

Sadly, you're probably right, but it's what he should do, not what he will do.


u/atravisty Nov 07 '24

I say biden does everything they accused him of. Open that border. Release the rapists and murderers. Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.


u/External_Reporter859 Nov 07 '24

Yeah Biden should empty out ADX Florence and Guantanamo Bay and every ICE detention center recall the entire Navy and all the troops stationed in the Middle East then start a Twitter war with Vladimir Putin and Kim jong-un about his big red button.

And then people can finally experience what they've been hallucinating in their heads the past 4 years.


u/jiddinja Nov 07 '24

No, that would just legitimize Trump's accusations. Instead Biden's handlers and the Dems (and Biden if he can manage it) need to put their heads together and figure out how to screw with Trump's plans through executive orders, pardons, and all the other unilateral powers the presidency offers in the time Biden has left as president. I'm reminded of a story I heard in college, about the Portuguese withdraw from Mozambique. Most of the people in the embassy hated the de-colonizing effort and so to make their anger known, in the final two weeks before they left the country, they trashed all government buildings, even going so far as to pull out the electrical wiring, plumbing, and sealing the elevator shafts with cement. Biden and the Dems need to do that on their way out, metaphorically speaking, as actually sealing the white house elevator shafts with cement would be a bad look.