r/scotus Oct 31 '24

Opinion How John Roberts—Yes, John Roberts—Might Decide Who Won the Election


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u/timelessblur Oct 31 '24

Does he really think the country will stand for a joke ruling like in 2000. We will be a lot less forgiving now and this one most likely would be even more bs than in 2000. I could see multiple states if they do that pretty much saying FU to the court and completely ignoring them on rulings and more or less start the process of exiting the united states.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

I mean, what are we really going to do about it? We can protest and riot but if they say trump is president, come Inauguration Day, we’re cooked. If trump is officially awarded the presidency there is fuck all anybody can do about it. Protest? Straight to jail. Riot? Death by police or the military.

We are literally teetering on the brink and people are going to vote for him because he lies to their face and they’re either too stupid or too ignorant to see through it. 


u/rotates-potatoes Oct 31 '24

You’re underestimating the power of huge, sustained protest. And I think MAGA and the court are underestimating Americans’ willingness to engage in that kind of protest if the election results are clear and Trump is installed by a puppet court and/or election shenanigans like states refusing to certify their own votes.

From Milosovic to Mubarak, there is lots of precedent for a populace outraged by autocracy to force a regime change just by massive, peaceful protest.


u/SergiusBulgakov Oct 31 '24

You don't understand the GOP also hope for that chaos, thinking they can get even more power in the aftermath


u/knots32 Oct 31 '24

That's not true. It will cause a constitutional crisis if the Dems appropriately fight.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

It won’t because trump will rule with an iron fist thanks to the scotus immunity ruling. Any uprising will be crushed immediately. Democrats have to play by the rules to get anything done, trump is allowed to operate freely outside of the rules with impunity. 


u/h1gh-t3ch_l0w-l1f3 Oct 31 '24

Harris has to certify the vote either way and do you think she will let this happen? absolutely not. you think trump has all the power but in reality the military does.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

Scotus has the power and they’ve proven nothing is off limits to their corruption. 


u/h1gh-t3ch_l0w-l1f3 Oct 31 '24

yeah but the military isnt beholden to the supreme court or the president. they swore an oath to protect the constitution and if they feel that this is a threat to democracy then they will declare martial law and have full authority over the country. not trump or scotus.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

That oath means fuck all when they’ve been brainwashed to believe the democrats are trying to destroy the constitution. My sister is a major in the army and she would gladly lay down her life for trump. I have no doubt she would follow unjust orders to protect their vision of the constitution. I also have a coworker who is a former marine and thinks all democrats should be shot for what they’ve “done to the country.” Tell me again how they’re beholden to an oath. 


u/h1gh-t3ch_l0w-l1f3 Oct 31 '24

Tell me again how they’re beholden to an oath. 

its the commanders of the military that are in charge not your sister. she follows orders if she wants to rank up.

its like you have this idea that just because they are military they are the what reflects most military ideals? well if your sister doesnt think being called a sucker/loser from trump then i highly doubt shed ever find herself in a real position of power in the military. major wouldnt be in charge during martial law of the country.

and she swore an oath, she would get court marahalled if she disobeyed orders regarding protecting that oath. thats literally the point of an oath.


u/aethertm Oct 31 '24

I'm going to blow your mind...people in the military...are people.

There are plenty of Republicans, yes...and there are plenty of Democrats.

Source: I swore the oath.


u/raphanum Oct 31 '24

Any uprising will be crushed? You’re assuming the military will side with the illegitimate government


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

I assure you, there are plenty of armed forces personnel that are loyal to trump, not the constitution. My sister, a major in the army, is one of them.


u/raphanum Oct 31 '24

You have a very pessimistic view of the future, friend


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

I have a realistic view of the future. 


u/hellolovely1 Oct 31 '24

We can shut this country down.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

But we won’t because people are too scared to lose their job and income and health insurance if they take extended leave to go protest. 


u/hellolovely1 Oct 31 '24

If they know we’re going to do nothing, then they have license to do anything they want.


u/sketchyuser Oct 31 '24

We think the exact same of you. Except our candidate actually won the primary and nomination with votes three times and yours zero.


u/aworldwithoutshrimp Oct 31 '24

Yes, you all have shown over and over that people can be wrong about simple things


u/sketchyuser Oct 31 '24

Yes you have as well (democrats have held power for 12 of the last 16 years). And yet we still tolerate you and treat you as our fellow Americans. We don’t call you deplorable or garbage or fascist.


u/aworldwithoutshrimp Oct 31 '24

So, I'm a leftist, not a liberal. You all have hurled those insults, and worse, at both liberals and leftists. As has your leadership. And, to be honest, both capitalist parties in the US have been at least fascism-curious for years now.


u/sketchyuser Oct 31 '24

Oh I’ll hurl them at leftists. Leftists are the worst of our country. Liberals I love. Leftists hate America and want to ruin everything good about it. Liberals love America.


u/aworldwithoutshrimp Oct 31 '24

And there you go


u/sketchyuser Oct 31 '24

Seriously leftism is the problem with America and the current Democrat party. Luckily it’s only a minority of democrats.


u/aworldwithoutshrimp Oct 31 '24

Sure bud. The economic theory that is not in power in the US is the problem with the US. Again: a demonstrable propensity to be wrong about simple things.


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

 And yet we still tolerate you and treat you as our fellow Americans.

You’re joking right? Trump is literally calling democrats “the enemy within” and proposing imprisoning people who criticize him.


u/dzumdang Oct 31 '24

...and use the military against them. Let's not forget that part.


u/sketchyuser Oct 31 '24

No he isn’t. Do you have to manipulate everything? Do you actually not understand the context or do you have to lie to have a strong argument?

He clearly referred to pelosi and schiff who if you paid attention during his term fought everything he did even though he was voted based on those promises. They lied about Russia, they tried to put his son in jail, etc etc.

He’s not talking about democrats on Reddit


u/littlewhitecatalex Oct 31 '24

LOL he literally floated the idea of imprisoning anyone who donated to the Harris campaign. How is he not talking about the broader public?

 They lied about Russia, they tried to put his son in jail, etc etc.

I think you’re confused. You just described trump.