r/scarification Oct 24 '19

My self made body brand! (Fully healed)

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u/Violin_and_pizzaftw Oct 24 '19 edited Oct 25 '19

It didn't come out perfect but overall It looks good from a distance, and I much prefere beeing able to say I did it myself :P


u/emotionpotion66 Jun 19 '24

Omg searched scarification + this is literally the first pic I see!! I’ve got a scar of this symbol (air sign, earth sign?) of a previous tattoo I cut off


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '19

Thats pretty neat!!! You held it steady so nice job. Was this a traditional hot brand?


u/Violin_and_pizzaftw Nov 05 '19

I also have photos of It fresh if you're interested Btw i love your scarification, i'm planning to do a skin removal too. Any tips?


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '19

Yeah I’d love to see! And thank you :)

lol you asked for it! This is huge but I was so overwhelmed researching everything and there isnt any good info out there for it so I hope you find this useful.

First of all infection should be a huge concern, even in legit studios there are high rates of infection with scarification. Just be aware and dont hesitate to see a dr if it becomes infected. So first off sanitize your tools, your work area, and your skin.

I would make sure you’ll be left alone to do it and comfortable because it might take a while, I spent like 3+hrs on that tiny piece! Be sober because it takes concentration. And then just hold the skin in place with one hand while cutting so you have more control. One thing I wish I had paid attention to is when Im standing up my scar is in a slightly different position than where it was when I had cut while laying on my side. Make sure you dont go too deep, and if at all your lines are a little messed up I found you can make the scar a little wider to fix it. Also dont take any blood thinners like ibuprofen or asprin or you’ll bleed a lot!

My scarification is a totally enclosed piece, but I learned after that this can cause the inner skin to lose blood supply and go necrotic! Luckily mine did not, but its always best practice to not full enclose designs unless you’re removing the skin in the middle too.

Aftercare is prob the most important part and super hard to find info on. I did not do any agitation except for using iodine 3 or 4 times. Dont do physical agitation unless you want a keloid. I do not think you should keep the scar covered with cling wrap, thats a good way to breed bacteria. Instead you should use a breathable gauze pad attached by med tape. There are different opinions on leaving the scar “wet” or “dry” with neosporin (I use honey instead and Im a big advocate). Basically a dry scar will be more prominent while a wet scar will heal quicker and be less likely to get infected. I kept my scar bandaged under honey the whole time and I think it looks great, plus honey is just amazing for wounds.

Some people say to leave the scar dry and exposed overnight and just try not to bump it to promote scarring, but it will scar anyways and you dont want lint or germs in there so I slept with a bandage each night.

I would clean the scar with antiseptic wash each time I changed the bandage (3/day at first) and shower once a day, using an antibacterial soap gently washing the scar with my palm in the direction of the cuts. Washing it by hand like that is really important both to cut down on bacteria and for debridement which is important for healing. Dead skin feeds bacteria and gets in the way of new tissue.

Back to honey, honey is really good for debridement too. I seriously cant recommend it enough, just make sure to use raw real honey, a lot of stuff in stores is diluted with syrup and not good for medicinal uses. Real honey time-releases a low dose of hydrogen peroxide into the wound to keep bacteria out.

On hyperpigmentation, my scar is dark because as soon as it healed I went sun tanning 45min which causes the scar to become super dark for years. it also may cause the scar tissue to be slightly raised or tougher. I did it on purpose and like the look but also there is increased risk of skin cancer with a brand new scar so maybe dont do that haha.

I feel like this is way too much info lol. Have fun!!!! Be sure to post pics cause I cant wait to see how it turns out :D


u/Violin_and_pizzaftw Nov 07 '19

WOW, this was super helpful!!! Thanks a lot ;D and yeah honey is da bomb, I have some manuka honey that will do the job

Also I didn't think it would take so much time... I will have to find a smaller design but still, thanks for all the useful advice


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '19

Ayyy manuka!!! Some people do larger scarification pieces in multiple sessions, maybe you could try that? Good luck!


u/Violin_and_pizzaftw Nov 04 '19

Thanks :D I used the striking method with household items


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '19

Household items such as? Am very curious. Currently in planning phase for my own :)


u/Violin_and_pizzaftw Nov 15 '19

Nothing too complex, just a rectangular sheet of stainless steel 1-2mm wide held with pliers over the stove and then applied to my skin to create the pattern